Night Shade

Chapter 1: Begin

Welcome to a world called Night Shade! It’s a lot like earth. Air, water, land, and such, but some thing are different too. Most people who live in this world have magical powers or abilities. Some use there powers for good… others for evil… and some unknown. However some don’t have powers at all.
Two of the powerless people are sisters Kira and Lea Rockbell.
“Lea wake up!” Kira says shaking her sister.
“I don wanna.” Lea mumbles pulling the covers of her bed over her head. “Lea want sleep! Five more minutes!” Lea whines pushing her hand into Kira’s face.
“But we have to go to Coco village!” Kira yells fighting back Lea’s hand.
“What about Chocolate?”
“ Come on! We have to get mom’s package! Plus Coco village is fun and has good food! And if we get there early we can go watch people with powers fight down at the arena.”
“Food?” Lea pops up. She basically flies though the room grabbing her clothes and brushing her hair.
“That got her up.” Kira sighs. “Mom we're leaving soon!”
“What Lea is finally up?” Rena (Kira and Lea’s mom) calls from the kitchen
“Finally?” Lea asks.
Kira walks into the Kitchen. Her mom stands dazed in her pj’s with a box of cereal in her hand.
“Man I’m never up this early.” She sighs to herself.
Kira and Lea’s dad Brian sits at the table with a cup of coffee and the morning paper. Not even paying attention to his surroundings.
“Here’s some money. If it gets dark stay over night.” Rena tells Kira.
“Come here honey I’ll miss you.” Rena says pulling kira into a tight hug. Tears start filling her eyes.
“Mom!” Kira complains blushing. “I’ll be back tonight or early tomorrow.”
“Lea♥ ” Rena yells running full force at her daughter.
“Oh no…”
“Dad, moms killing Lea!”
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't the whle first chapter! Comment if you want more!