The Freedom of a Killer Is Gone

Chapter Twenty-One

[[Penguins Hideout]]

Jen's eyes slowly fluttered open before taking in a sharp intake of air as the left side of her was suddenly engulfed in pain. She bolted up right letting out a hiss. "What the fuck?" She groaned going to touch her side not looking at it. "FUCK!" Jen cried out looking at her arm. Her eyes widened as she scanned the burned flesh that started just above her left breast, down her side, and stopping at her left hip. She took several breaths just looking at it, almost mesmerized.

A rattling noise came from her side, making Jen snap her head towards the noise. Two-Face stood holding an orange colored bottle with pills inside. "You'll need these. Take two." He ordered tossing them to her.

Catching them with her good arm, Jen stared at the orange bottle. Pain killers. She stared at it for a moment then at Two-Face before grabbing two pills and popping them in her mouth. "God those taste like shit!" She grunted spitting onto the ground trying to rid the awful taste from her mouth. Rubbing her eyes, she slowly glanced down at herself, feeling very cold. "WHERE IS MY SHIRT!?" She screamed slapping her arms over her chest and jumping off the table she was laying on.

"Here." A small voice interrupted Jen's freak out.

Whipping around, she saw Gordon's daughter standing with a new t-shirt. Jen's original had been turned to ashes. She quickly grabbed from the teenagers hands and slipped it over her head, wincing slightly.

"Where's Ebby?" She asked impatiently turning to Two-Face.

He looked her over, his burnt face scrunching up. "She's out killing people to save your ass." He explained bluntly.

Jen bit the inside of her mouth lowering her gaze to the ground. Ebby was out there, killing people even though she didn't want to, all for her. She felt guilty, especially since this was her pregnant doing all of this.

"Jesus thanks for putting it that way, your just oh-so nice!" Jen giggled, her tone fake and sarcastic.

Two-Face narrowed his eyes at the young woman, very agitated. "I tried to fucking help you so don't be pissed at me." He snapped.

"Sounds like you’re the one who's pissed." Jen grumbled, beginning to cross her arms but immediately regretting it.

"Shut up!" Two-Face growled clenching his fists. "I don't need your shit!"

Jen's eyes flared up as she stomped towards him. "Don't. You. Fucking. Blow. Steam. At. ME!" She hissed poking his chest in between words. "Just because half of your face is burnt off and your screwed up in the head doesn't mean you get to get angry with me!" She shouted her voice rapidly getting louder.

Two-Face grabbed her hand, bending it backwards. "At least I'm not trying to kill your friend." He growled.

Eyes wide, Jen stood dumb-struck. She furrowed her brow then stared at the ground. "W-What do you mean?" She asked calmly looking up through her lashes.

A twisted grin crossed his face as he bent his head forwards. "That's what they've been planning since the start. To kill your friend and the Joker. The Penguin wants to show how tough he is, so that's what he's going to do." He grunted leaning back, his face cold.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Jen hissed looking around frantically. "They're in deep shit! They could be dead by now and it's all your fault!" She cried ripping at her hair.

"Then shoot me."

They both looked at each other for a moment, one confused and the other completely and utterly serious.

Two-Face dug his hand into his coat then pulled out a gun. He grabbed Jen's hand, put it on the trigger, and placed the barrel right over his heart. "Do it." He growled pressing the gun to his chest.

It was obviously, that he no longer wanted this life. His reason for living had long left him, he didn't even try to believe there was a reason any longer. Rachel Dawes: his life, his love, his everything, had been dead for four years now. So many times, he thought he could live on the fleeting glimpses of her in other women. But they had gotten fewer and farther apart. When he saw Ebby, he thought there was some hope, just to look at Rachel. To look at the only thing that was keeping him alive.

It might have been the desperation to live or to see Rachel that kept him hoping, but it was gone. He brought death to people, why should he himself be afraid of death?

"Do it." He whispered again, breathless.


Harvey "Two-Face" Dent, fell to the ground, a smile pulling at the un-burnt side of his face. Jen stood over him, stepping back as blood started to pour from the wound. She bit her lip, frightened, because she had no idea what to do, and even more so when Bane came storming in with two knocked out bodies.
♠ ♠ ♠

R.I.P Harvey Dent!

Well, the end is coming VERY soon. Probably in the next two chapters. BUT the real end to the series isn't until the epilouge, just remember that. Hoped you liked this chapter.

-The Writer.