False Secret


When I was 12 years old I moved to Fall River, MA. The move was one of the life changing experiences that I have ever gone through with. Mostly because I had no choice in the matter of moving or not. I lived in Australia to Massachusetts. The only good thing that I had was this boy who was my neighbor. He was about three years older than me and he was very nice. He was the only one who I could talk to, the only one who seemed to care about me. We had a lot of fun together and we made sure that when we grew up, we would stay in touch, in any possible way we could. That is until, about a year later his parents disappeared. He was searching for them all the time.
“I have to do this. They are my parents, Emma. My brother isn’t going to help, he is long gone too.”
“I know. I would do the same if my parents disappeared too.”
“Thank you. Look, you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone about me looking for them. Okay?”
“I promise.”
Ever since he left to go looking for them, weird things happed to me when I went to the places where we used to hang out.
He ran away from the cops, and watched out for everyone who came looking for him. When the cops finally caught him, they sent him to a foster home. He ran away from there. No one saw him after that. The house on the side of mine was abandoned for the most part. There were rumors that the house was haunted by the boys’ ghost parents. But I knew that wasn’t true. Although it sure looked as if that house were haunted by something.
One day when I came home from school, I decided that I would go exploring. I was only thirteen, but I decided not to listen to the rumors, and I went inside the house that was supposedly “haunted.” I went in through the front French doors that. The hinges looked almost new, so it wasn’t hard to open.
I looked inside the house. All the furniture was still there. So elegant . . . So clean. I was surprised to see that the house was in the condition it was, well just by looking at the rooms anyway. I took the flashlight that I brought with me and put it in my bag. I clearly didn’t need it, the lights worked. I went from room to room looking at everything that was there. In the living room was a grand piano. It had a picture of the boys’ parents, and him. I can’t remember his name.
The couches were so perfect. They looked like they were made in Queen Elizabeth’s reign. They were so Victorian. There was no television, but there was a fire place. It was huge, hand crafted from the looks of it. The couch matched the rest of the house. I couldn’t understand how everything was so clean, as if somebody were living in it. I never saw anyone go in that house. Or come out of it. I looked at the desk that was made out of cherry wood. It was so dark and beautiful. There was a feather pen placed neatly on a stack of paper that had the most wonderful handwriting. I took a paper and folded it and put it in my pocket. I looked inside the drawer and saw neat stacks of pictures I looked at all of them and saw one picture that had me in it. The boy was in it too, the background was a bunch of blurs. We were sitting on his porch. I also took that and put it in my bag. Then I heard a door creaking and felt a gust of wind on my face and a tickling feeling on my hand which was dangling at my side. Then there was nothing. I listened to hear footsteps, but the only thing that I could hear was my heart beating out of my chest. Then I heard the piano playing a type of lullaby and that was the last thing that I need to get me motivated to leave that house. But before I left I saw one of the papers with the writing on fly off the desk. I slammed the door shut behind me so it would definitely shut. I ran down the stairs to the porch and ran to my house. I decided that I wouldn’t tell anyone about this.
I put the paper out of my pocket and unfolded it.
She was always misunderstood. It is so appalling that she lived her life the way she did. Hiding inside herself. Not being able to open up to anyone but me. Being alone all the time. She is a beautiful butterfly that has not come out of her cocoon. I am the only friend she has. She is so unique and I will never let her fall. It may sound corny but since she came into my life I never wanted to let her go. I still don’t. I am not normal. I long for her to be with me. I watch her and make sure that nothing and no one will harm her. She is my special swan. I will never leave her alone. I promised myself that. But even if I didn’t make that promise, I wouldn’t be able to leave her anyway. I love that girl. I will not speak her name until we again.
When I turned 14, I made new friends. Friends that I actually be myself around. But again that all changed when we graduated Jr. High.
I am 15 and in Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School. As I was going to meet up with one of my friends so we could walk to our bus stop together I was thinking of how boring my life was. How I wished that something out of the ordinary would happen.