False Secret


“Hey Emma, so am I still giving you a ride home?” he asked with the crooked smile that I was in love with.
“If you still want to. I have been waiting all day for you to tell me what you wanted to this morning.” I smiled back at him.
“Always. And about what I wanted to tell you, well let’s just say that hat you will have to wait just a little longer. Okay?” he said as we walked toward the door.
Alice was on the side of us.
“Well, I have to go. My mom is probably here now. I don’t want to keep her waiting.” Alice said.
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said.
“Bye.” Leo said from the other side of me.
As she walked away, I felt the gaze that Leo had on me. I looked at him and smiled. I was dying to find out what he had to tell me. Then all of a sudden a bunch of thoughts started to whip through my mind. What if he is going to tell me that Dillon and Damon are cereal killers? Or that he and his friends are in a gang? The thoughts wouldn’t leave me alone until he started to talk.
“So, you are quiet today. Why?” he asked. His voice sounded like he had a problem and couldn’t figure out the solution.
“Oh, I don’t know. I guess I am just tired.” I said.
“I see. Well I guess you hardly stay up late huh?” he asked. This time his voice was completely relaxed.
“I suppose you could say that.” I chuckled.
As we came to the door, we met up with the guys. It was like they were waiting. I think they were because Leo is most likely their ride home. I looked out the glass doors and saw that it looked as if we were going to have a thunder storm.
“Hey Emma. Long time no talk, no?” Trace asked me.
“Ya, I know. It has only been, what two hours? That is a long time.” I joked.
“Wow, you got jokes now. I see. That’s cool.” Aiden said.
Zach looked as if he were ready to pounce on the next person who came within one foot in contact with him. His face seemed angry, and almost hesitant. I could tell that this was going to be an interesting ride home. I just have to make sure I don’t get Zach upset. When we reached Leo’s car it started to rain.
“Shot gun!” I called out to Trace, Aiden and Zach.
“Whatever.” Aiden laughed.
“Wow, okay it is all yours.” Trace laughed after Aiden.
The car was nice and cool within a minute. Even though it was raining out it was still muggy and hot. It took a little while for us to get out of the parking lot. On the way out we saw Alice. She was drenched. Aiden opened the widow.
“Hey!” he said loudly to get her attention over the sound of the industrial sized raindrops splashing against cars, grass, and cement. She jumped and tuned toward the car.
“Hey.” she said back. Loudly.
“Do you need a ride? Do you think your mom will mind if-”
He was cut off by a loud beep coming form a silver mini van. We all turned to see who it was beeping at.
“Oh, um that’s my mom now. So I’ll talk to you later.” Alice said while she backed away from the car.
Aiden rolled up his window. Leo waited for her to cross the street to get into the van. It looked as if she just dot out of a pool with her clothes on. When they drive off we went right behind them.
“So, Emma, what do you like to do for fun?” Aiden asked.
“Um, I like to hang out with friends and do crazy stuff with them. Duh, what else?” I laughed.
“That is the same cast with us too.” Leo said with his eyes not concentrating on the road.
“Dude! What are you doing look at the road!” I screamed in terror that we were going to get run over when a huge 16 wheeler truck came close to the car.
“Chill out. Emma, I know what I am doing. I know this street like the back of my hand.” he laughed.
“That is not funny.” I said.
“Ya it is. Hearing you scream in terror, what’s not funny about that?” Zach said.
I guess I amuse him because he didn’t have that pissed off look on his face anymore.
After that I was in my own world, sort of. I was dazing off into the dark outside. The tinted windows from the car made everything look darker than it really was. I heard the guys talking all around me.
“Well I’ll see you later.” Zach said.
I snapped out of it. I noticed that we were at a huge white house in the middle of the woods. There were no houses around anywhere. Then I glanced at the time. It was 2:58.
“Hello?” Trace said. “Anyone there?”
“Huh?” I blinked “Oh, ya I’ll see you later.”
“Hey, are you okay?” Leo asked.
“Ya, I’m fine. I was just spacing out.” I said.
“Do you do that a lot?” Trace asked.
“I don’t know. I don’t think so.” I said as if I were a zombie.
They walked away with a face that seemed as if they were scared of my spacing out. I glance in the direction in which they were walking in. Then I was paying full attention, as I looked at the huge house that they were walking toward. It had a large porch with beautiful furniture spread out on it. It had Large columns that stretched from the balcony on the third floor. It was so beautiful. There was a magnificent garden with trees, flowers and a bunch of bushes. On the end of the house there were two garages. The front French-doors were a light mahogany wood color. Huge windows on each floor were covered with rich dark purple, almost black drapes.
When the guys went inside, I looked at Leo who was sitting in the driver’s seat. He turned to me and saw me staring at him.
“What, do I have something in my teeth?” he asked, wondering why I was staring at him.
“Oh, no. Your teeth are perfect. I mean, there is nothing in your teeth, they are fine.” O can’t believe that I was tripping over almost every word I said. What was wrong with me?
“Okay, thanks. So, are you ready to know what I wanted to tell you?” he asked as if he what he had to say was the most important thing in the world. But that was followed by a small laugh.
“Ya, I’ve been waiting to know for what feels like for ever!” I said with excitement.
“Okay but you have to promise that you will not tell another living soul. Ever.” he said.
“Not a soul. I promise.” I was true and honest.
I knew that I would, so badly, want to tell my friends about what he was about to tell, me, he made me promise him that I wouldn’t repeat this to another living soul.
“Okay, here it goes.” he started. “I think that it is only fair that I tell you this ahead of time.”
I had to interrupt him before he went on because I kept having flashbacks of Aiden‘s, and his eyes becoming a dark grey when they were supposed to be blue, and about Trace’s eyes being red. The only one in the group, who’s eyes were normal was Zach’s.
“I’m sorry but, I have to ask you something that I have been wondering about.” I said.
“That’s fine. What is it?” he asked.
His eyebrows pulled together to show that he was wondering what I was about to ask him.
“Um, I was just wondering why you and Aiden’s eyes turn from blue to grey . . . It’s just an observation . . . But it seems like when you get angry or mad, your eyes turn colors. You know a normal person’s eyes don’t do that, right?” I asked. “I don’t mean to be offensive, but I am sorry if I am coming to you that way.” I added.
“Oh. Well no offence taken. I don’t know why they do that. But if you come up with a theory, let me know.” he smiled.
I smiled back at him.