False Secret

Scared so Run

“Oh, sorry, what were you going to say? Sorry” I said one more time before he went on with his story.
“Okay, well, I think that it is only fair tot ell you ahead of time that Dillon and Damon . . . Well . . . They know more about me and my brother’s than they should.”
“Wait. Brothers? What brothers?” I asked.
I was lost now. Were Zach, Aiden, and Trace brothers? I mean they don’t even look alike.
“Ya, they are my brothers. All three of them. You can say that we are all adopted. Unfortunately, my parents passed away when I was young.” he looked down.
“Oh . . . I’m . . . I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” I felt like I just couldn’t apologize enough.
“Em, it’s fine. They died a very long time ago. I have recovered.” he said.
I looked at his hands. They were squeezing the steering wheel tight. His knuckles turned white.
“Look, I can go. . . You know if you want me too. You don’t have to talk about this to me.” I said trying to comfort him. That didn’t work out the way I hoped it would.
“NO! I have to tell you this.” he growled.
As soon as those words came out of my mouth I immediately put my hands over my mouth. I remember that he said that shouldn’t be sorry, but he should be. I just felt bad that I was the cause of his anger at this moment. I think.
He looked at me as if he were trying to talk to a young child who didn’t know when to shut up. He rolled his eyes, and then smiled that crooked smile that I could dream of all day, without getting sick of it. I would never be able to gets sick of it. Never.
“Well, as said, Dillon and his cousin know more than they should. Now, I really don’t want to be the one to tell you this secret so I am going to have to tell you to become friends with them again.” he shook his head like he couldn’t believe that those words actually came out of his own mouth
I shook my head too. Astonished that he was technically saying that he didn’t want to be friends with me.
“What . . . What? Why? You don’t want to see me again? I thought-” he cut me off and I looked at the floor to the car. I felt my eyes well up with tears.
“Emily, I do care about you, a lot. More than I’ll ever be able to say to you. But, trust me. It is only going to be until you find out the information that you need to know. Trust me.” he said.
His voice sounded strong and didn’t have any sadness in it. That only made me want to cry some more. I couldn’t listen to him any more. I didn’t want to know what he had to tell me next.
I felt my hand clinging to my bag. I just felt so hurt. Why couldn’t he tell me this last night? Before we kissed? He went somewhere that I knew I was to weak to follow.
“You are so cruel! I’m not going to pump them for information that you can’t tell me yourself!” I screamed.
A thought came into my head that he was the one who was too weak. Not me. I mean I was only human and so was he. Except for the eyes changing color, the deep scary growling, and the excruciatingly painful beauty of him and his “brothers.”
“Look, Emma, I am not made of steal! I care about you so much. I just want you to know that.” he was staring out the windshield staring at the rain when I glanced up at him. I looked back down when he started to talk again. “You have to understand that, last night when I kissed you and moved away quickly, well if you ask Dillon or Damon, you will get the answer that I am sure that you were trying to figure out before. Am I right? Trust me. When you find out, everything will be better. I promise. But that all depends.”
I looked at the rain roll down the window. Then I looked at the handle. I put my fingers around it ready to open it and start to walk home after I said one more thing to him. Even though I had no idea what direction my home was.
“Ya? Well if you cared about me as much as you say you do, why don’t you just tell me yourself? Maybe you are made of steal.” I waited just a moment to see what he had to say.
When he didn’t say anything to me I opened the door and got out. The rain was taking it’s toll on me as I slammed the door shut. I head yelling coming from the inside of the car. It sounded as if Leo was ready to explode. I started to walk down the road. I put my hood on even though it made no difference. I started to run into the woods when I heard the car door slam one more time and heard Leo calling me in a sorry tone that was still sweet and perfect. Even when he was angry, his voice was still perfect. I looked back to see what he was doing. I saw nothing but an array of all sizes of rain drops falling diagonally to the ground because the wind.
When I saw that he wasn’t there I felt an immediate instinct that it was time to get myself out of there. I started to run again.