False Secret

Story of his life

“Emily, I’m sorry!” I heard his voice coming from every direction.
I screamed then I stopped and looked around but I couldn’t see him anywhere in sight. My face was wet with a combination of tears still spilling over my eyes and the rain that was still pounding on me even through the cove that the tall trees gave me. I heard a tree branch snap and I looked to see Leo standing on a branch above where the one that snapped used to be.
My eyes widened in fear. I had so many things running trough my head that I couldn’t comprehend what they were. But one stuck with me the whole time. I wished that Trace was here to stop him. Not Zach or Aiden. Trace. I remembered when he had his cold hand on my back last night on the way home. So comforting. I snapped. The legs that were limp to begin with had finally given out under me. I fell to the forest floor with no hands to catch me this time. I put my head in my hands and my hand in my knees. Then I felt the strength of the icy hands which I knew belonged to Leo.
As he pulled me up with ease, I was screaming and trying to push him away from me. That didn’t work. His hands felt like hard stone when they touched me. Maybe he was made of steal! He stood me up straight. His hair was sticking to his face and I could see his eyes with no problem.
“What the hell was that?” I asked angrily, but scared, very scared. After I managed to calm down I asked him, “What are you?”
I saw his eyes, they were that dark grey color for a moment and as he looked at me back in the eyes they slowly turned back to blue. I was to petrified that he might kill me that I couldn’t manage to say anything, except a bunch of gibberish. I was still staring at him. He was standing so close to me, holding my arms down so I couldn’t attempt to push him away anymore. I looked away from him to let him know that I didn’t want to talk to him. But he insisted to talk to me anyway.
“Emma, I am so sorry.” his voice gave me a hint that he was . . . Was . . . Crying. Or something close to it.
That got my attention. I looked at him and saw that he had a lot of water trapped in his eyes. They were all a blur now.
“Look, I . . . I . . . I love you! Dammit! I love you Emily. That’s why I couldn’t explain t you to your face. If I tell you . . . You would think I’m a monster and I can’t see your face full of hatred toward me. I don’t know how to explain it to you that I am to weak to see you hate me, when you find out what a monster I am.”
“I’m not going to hate you, and I know that whatever your secret may be, I will not think of you as a monster. I would appreciate it more if you told me. Please, I don’t want to spend any time away from you.”
“Fine . . . Just let me do one more thing.” he said.
I looked up at him and felt his hands moving down to my hands, and held them. I held his hands back too. He leaned in to kiss me. I followed his lead and closed my eyes. I felt his cold lips separating against mine. He let go of my hands and they went to my face, and then ran through my hair. I felt the rain running down my face and in-between his fingers, into my hair. I put my hands to his body and hugged him tight. When I noticed that he wasn’t like stone I backed away, and he let me.
“Emma, I’m not what you call normal. Everyone knows of my kind, but most of them don’t believe that we exist.” he explained when he saw my puzzled face.
“I’m . . . a . . . a . . . vampire,” he squeezed his eyes shut when he said the word.
“A vampire?”
“Ya,” he studied me for a moment. “You don’t seem surprised. You aren’t freaking out like I thought you would.”
“Well, I’m sort of into that sort of stuff. But I have a question.” I said.
“What is it?”
“How are Damon and Dillon involved with this?”
“Well, they aren’t human either.” he stated with hated filled to the brim in each word.
“Werewolves.” I stated.
“Yup. I’m sure you know that we are enemies to them.”
Then I had another flashback of last night but I still had so many questions for him.
“It’s time that I drop you off at home. Huh?” he asked.
“Ya I guess.”
He took my hand and walked me to the car. It was still raining. He opened the door for me and told me that he would be right back. He sped into the house in a blur. That seemed so familiar. I couldn’t pin point when I saw that before though.
He came back with in a few seconds and came back with a towel, and he changed into dry clothes that weren’t wet when he got to the car.
He handed the towel to me and I wrapped it around myself.
“Thanks.” I smiled at him.
“Your welcome.”
“I have so many questions, you know, because . . . Now I know for sure that vampires are real and all.”
“How about we save the questions for tomorrow?”
“Fine. Wow, I can’t believe that you exist. Oh my god.”
“Not really . . . I have to tell you something. About last night.”
“Well I kissed you the first time to see how strong I was. You were the only human I fell for in my life. Or afterlife. I succeeded! But it was hard. Very hard. After I kissed you it was like I had no control over myself for a little. I had to calm down so nothing bad would happen to you.”
“And that’s why you backed away in a flash?”
“Yes. I am a monster. You have no idea what the vampire part of me wanted to do to you. If I gave into that part of me, you wouldn’t be here right now . . . You . . . Would be lifeless.” He said closing his eyes tight.
“But you didn’t do anything. I am here, Leo.”
“Ya, I know but what of you weren’t, I wouldn’t be here either. I’d take myself to the stake for you.”
I looked my hands.
“I know it has been a day, but there is something so special about you. I can’t put my finger on it but, I feel that something is there, in you.”
“Thanks.” I looked up at him.
“Okay, that’s enough of this mushy, feely, stuff.” he laughed.
“Ya, good idea.”
He started his car and went speeding down the street.
“So, everyone in your family are vampires?”
“No, the only family I have is Trace. He is my step brother. My father was turned into a vampire in the early 1800’s. He married my mom and had me on December 15, 1879. My mom was a vampire too. My dad turned her. She got killed by vampire and witch hunters. My father was a wretch, but he decided to pull himself together and got himself a hobby, that eventually became his job. A photographer. Then he met Susan Crew while he was in Paris. He married her almost 17 years ago before Trace. But before Trace was turned, they dissapeared and so did the rest of us. He was left alone and came looking. Susan had a vampire daughter who was in love with me. Her name was Daisy. About a few years ago, she turned Trace by accident while looking for us. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is still adjusting to it, but he doesn’t give up, on anything which can sometimes be a bad thing.”
“Wow, only a few years ago? Isn’t being around him dangerous?”
“No, the first time he tried human blood, from the blood bank, he couldn’t stand it, so he goes for animal blood.”
“That’s weird. A vampire that doesn’t like human blood?”
“I know, he’s odd.”
“So you like human blood, right?”
“Yes, but I am on a diet from it. I am with Trace, on that whole animal blood, I like a challenge.” he smiled and winked at me.
“Oh, that’s cool. So does Daisy live with you?”
“Yes, so does one other girl vampire.”
“Oh. Am I going to be able to meat any of your vampire family?”
“Perhaps.” I smiled. “That would be nice.”
I looked at him and he was smiling while watching the road.
“Thank you.” I said happily.
“For what?” he asked.
“Looking at the wheel.” I said.
All he did was laugh at the fact that I said thanks just for looking at the road.
It didn’t take long to get to my house. I was concentrating on the way home. What direction to go in. When he parked in my driveway I got my bag ready to go inside. Luckily I had no homework or books in it ore they would have gotten ruined by the rain and I would have to pay for them. I only had clothes from my locker. I was in shop so we didn’t have anything to take home.
“So, I guess I’ll see you Monday?” I asked him as I was ready to get out of the car.
“What? Why?” I sounded like I was complaining.
“Well, I was hoping that I would see you sooner than that.” he said and smiled that crooked smile that I loved. I just wanted to kiss him.
It was like he read my mind. He had that face on that he had before we kisses. I leaned over the emergency break and he leaned closer to me. I felt his cold lips on mine. We were kissing for almost a minute, but it felt like forever. When it came to an end, I wished that moment could just last forever.