False Secret

A Baby?

When I got inside my house I saw that the time was close to 4:00. I went right into the shower and did the dishes. This became the routine for this week apparently. But thank god that today was Friday.
My mother finally let that go-I guess that my not calling her settled in with her too. I caught up on my homework and I lay on my bed, staring at my ceiling, thinking and concentrating on everything that was going on in my life right now. Vampires, Werewolves, and all of that was actually real. I had no friends when I was smaller because they all thought that I was weird, and stupid for believing in the supernatural. If only I could tell them now, or show them that all this time I was right. But I have to keep this secret. My mind strayed to Trace. Why was he the one in my head when I was so scared? Why do I feel comfort when he is around me? To these thoughts I slowly drifted to sleep.
My mom came up to my room and woke me up from my sleep. She sat by my bed and she looked like she was going to give me a speech.
“Emma, I have to tell you something.” she said.
I was right about wanting to tell me something, otherwise she wouldn’t disturb me when I was in my room. I sat up.
“What is it?” I asked.
“We are moving.”
“Wait, what? What. . .What do you mean we’re moving?”
“Emma, I am going to have a baby. We don’t have enough space here.”
“A baby? What. . .you are having a baby? When did this happen? Where are we moving to?”
“You are still going to go to the same school. Btu we are moving to Swansea.”
“I am? For sure? Why Swansea though? Why can’t we still live in Fall River?”
“Emma, please, I am not in the mood to argue about this.”
“Fine, but we will talk about it later.”
“Yes, later.”
As she walked to the door I stopped her to ask her when we were moving, she said in a month.
I lay in my bed for a while thinking of what I was going to tell my friends, and Leo. The thought of Leo put my head into thinking about Trace again. I fell asleep a little while later.