False Secret

Dream and Reality

“Emily, are you ready?” Leo asked.
We were at his front porch. The sky was a bright pink. The sun was about to set soon. I looked at Leo expecting for him to look different as Edward Cullen did in Twilight. But he looked exactly the same as he looked when it was cloudy.
“Surprised?” he asked me as if he read my mind.
“Ya, a little bit.”
“No worries. My family has self control. They aren’t like wild animals ready to pounce on the closest food source there is.” he ensured me.
Before I could say anything back to him, a blond haired, blue eyed, pale girl opened the door and made her way into Leo’s arms.
“They’re here.” she said turning her head to the door as she backed up from Leo. “You must be Molly, right?” she asked turning to me.
“Emily.” I corrected her.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Wrong person.” she shrugged her shoulders and walked away. The looked as of she was nineteen. It seemed to me that she had a little attitude problem.
“That is Daisy.” Leo said to me.
I nodded. When I looked to the direction in which Daisy walked I saw Aiden, Trace, Zach. I also noticed that there was another girl who looked as if she was the same age as I was. And then there was what I pictured Leo’s foster parents.
“This is Susan, Clinton, Lorelei, Daisy, and you know the rest.”
When he said the names, the person to whom they belonged to nodded their head.
“So you must be the infamous Emily.” said a voice. No one that I could see in the room said anything. I looked to a darker corner of the cream colored room and saw a girl who looked like she was five or six. Her straight black hair covered one of her eyes, which were a light gray blue. Her hair almost reached the center of her stomach.
She stepped into the light and her white cotton dress made her look like she was glowing. I saw Leo turn to me and I looked at him in a cautious way.
“That is Camryn.” he said as if he were trying to whisper in my ear.
“Yes, I am.” she smiled slyly showing off her pear-like teeth. Her light eyes glimmered in the light. When her face turned to the light she looked as of she could star as those little girls in horror movies. It was frightening and took my breath away from my lungs.
“Welcome.” Lorelei said softly.
I smiled at her and looked around the room that we were standing in. It looked so familiar. As of from a dream of a dream. The furniture was old Victorian. There was a desk with a large book with a feather pen placed in an ink jar. The walls were light cream and there were candles lit everywhere. The scarlet drapes were pulled t the side with a wide braided rope. You could see the same mills from where I lived.
I slowly walked to the window and felt everyone’s stare on me. I looked out the window and saw the same street that I woke up to every morning. I was onmy street.
“You live here?” I asked as turned to face Leo. “On, my street? In this abandoned house?’\
I looked around one more time and it hit me. When I ventured to this house, it wasn;t a ghost that scared me away . . . It was on of these vampires!
“Yes, we do. Is that a bad thing?” Susan asked as anyone would if they were offended.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that I know this place. I have been here before.” I looked at her skeptical face. “It is a wonderful place, but I have a question. Why here in Fall River? On this street?”
“I see that Leo hasn’t broke the news to you yet, huh?” said Daisy, raising one eyebrow.
“Tell me what?”
“About our move.”
My head snapped to him, and he looked down at his feet. I looked up to Trace.
“Oh, I see. Well, where are you moving to?” I asked him.
Daisy cut Trace off right before he even had a chance to speak.
“Well, Leo and I were going to France. Mom, and Clinton and Camryn are going to the Amazon, I don’t know why. . . But the rest are going to stay here and then in a few years or so, we are going to all move together in London.” she said with a major ’matter of fact’ tone.
“Oh.” I looked at my watch for an excuse, but it was only 7:24. Not time to leave yet.
Leo, Trace and Lorelei gave me a tour of the house. It still didn’t hit me that they were my neighbors. I never saw them anywhere around here before, well except for Leo at the corner store.
“So, what do you think of vampires?” Lorelei asked me.
“I think it is so cool. I mean I always thought that I was crazy for . . . You know, believing in these things.”
“Cool?” she shrugged “Sometimes.”
There was nothing for me to say about their house exept that it was so antique-like and so beautiful. All the walls matched with the cream, greens, and Canberry or ruby of the other walls. It looked just as I remember when I came here and one of the vampires scared me off.