False Secret


“Hey.” Hope said.
Hope is one of my best friends that go to school with me. She has long dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. Her skin is light. But although it was not that pale she was trying top get more of a tan.
“Hi.” I said gloomily.
“Ew, what’s wrong with you?” she asked half concerned. She was listening to her I-Pod.
“Nothing is wrong.” I said grouchily.
“Yeah right.” she asked.
“No, that’s exactly it, it’s nothing. It’s depressing you know?” I asked her.
“Hmm.” she stated.
As the bus came around the corner to pick us up, we put up our hoods and got off of the stoop that we waited on and out into the rain for a few seconds.
“Can you believe that there is a week till summer vacation and it’s still raining?” Hope said disappointedly.
The bus ride was a long one that day. In fact, the whole day seemed like it would drag on forever.
It was lunch time; I was in shop, so we had 4th lunch which was at 12:09 p.m.
“I’m so tired.” I sighed.
“Are you really? Or are you just saying that?” Alice smiled. It was an inside joke between the both of us.
I returned a smile.
“Both,” I said the smile faded “sort of.”
Alice was in my shop, so we had the same lunch. None of our other closer friends had the same lunch as we did when the shop cycle was going on for the A-week students.
I picked at my food. I felt like I was in a daze. It was rainy and, most of the times, my mood went with the weather. If it were sunny, I’d moist likely be cheery, but even the sun wouldn’t be able to knock me out of this trance.
“Hey, guys, do you mind if I sit with you?” Krista asked me and Alice
“Emma, can you get me some tomato paste?” my mom asked me as I walked into the kitchen to get a drink of soda.
My reply was cold and unemotional, “Kay.”
“Are you okay?” my mom asked.
“Ya.” I said as I handed her the tomato paste.
As I go up the stairs to go to my bed room my sister, Alyssa as usual, starts to go on and on about her day at Osborn Elementary School. She knows that I’m not really interested in how her day went but she continued to talk. We share the some room so there is no possible ay that I can get her away. Unless I yell at her, but then she would yell back and then I would get yell at because my mom would hear the entire ruckus. She finally gets to the end of her story, and I put on my headphones, and start to cram for the test the next day. I had nothing better to do since I am grounded. That is a big conflict in my life, being stuck with nowhere to go. Although my friends want me to sneak out of the house to hang out at places I we know our parents wouldn‘t even think of to come looking for us. I probably would go with them if I weren’t so cautious of getting caught and skittish of what the consequences would be. But that was very soon going to change. I had made up my mind that I hadn’t had any excitement or adrenaline rushes for the longest time.
The next day when I met up with my friend, I told her that we should go somewhere that night, and for her and some other of my friends to pick me up at 12:00 a.m. on the dot. So we told some of our other sneaky friends who were up for anything risky. On the way home on the bus, after school we gave each other a plan that we had each thought of and decided on which one was the best, and had the least risk of getting caught. There were only six of going. The six are; Hope, Damon, Dillon, summer, and Alice and me. Damon had a car now so he was the one picking all of us up. That way it would be easier than throwing a bunch of little pebbles to the window and praying that you didn’t throw it hard enough to crack the window, or wake someone up.
Before Hope and I got off the bus, we told Dillon that we would get the food and drinks. So when we got off, we went to the corner store to get chips, soda, and Vitamin Water.
As we were walking, Hope was talking to me about how awesome this was going to be.
“I can’t believe that you are actually going to go through with this. Tonight is going to so solo awesome!!!” she went on and on.
As we entered the store, two random kids came up to us and started to hit to us. They looked like they were in 6th grade.
“Hey sexy ma’s was up?” one of them said.
“Sorry guys but we got somewhere to be.” I said.
“Ya, plus we don’t flirt with, Emily what grade do you think they’re in?” Hope added
“I would say by the looks of it that they are in 7th grade.” I answered.
“Yo can’t you just give us brothas’ a chance, y’all aint know us, so why you hatin’?” the other argued.
Before he could say anything else, Hope cut him off.
“First of all we don’t have to give you guys a chance because we are sophomores in high school and you are boys, not homies, or ‘brothas’. We dated guys that are more gangster than you. So you should watch some more Snoop Dog music videos to take notes.” she said.
One of the employees that I was eying to see if I knew him was smiling at me too. I was in a daze. His face was like an angels’. He had blue eyes, straight black skater hair, with tan muscular arms, which meant that he probably had a six pack! Eeepp!
“Hey Hope I’ll be right back Imma go get the stuff and we can finish this conversation. Okay, do you mind?”
The guy walked gracefully up to me when I walked in through the door.
“Hey, I’m Leo how’s it goin'?” he asked me. His voice matched his look perfectly. He was walking with me to the chips.
I was still in a daze. He is so beautiful.
Then all of a sudden I heard yelling coming from right outside the store. I snapped out of the hold that he put me in. I looked back and the kids were getting in Hope’s face.
I turned back to see those eyes waiting for an answer.
“I’m okay, but I have to do something real quick. Um, can you hold on a sec.?” I said, although I really didn’t want to go.
“You know them?” he asked.
“The two guys, no.” I said. “Hold on, okay?”
“Ya.” he said
I put the chips down and ran outside, before I could say anything I heard the bells that were attached to the store doors ringing followed by- “Is there a problem here?”
I turned around and saw Leo. He was so masculine and I couldn’t help but stare at him.
“You guys, I am going to ask you to leave the premises, you know, unless you would like me to call the police and tell them that I have a case of harassment. “You can decide. It is all up to you.”
“Yo man we were just playin’ around. No harm done in that right?” One of them made an excuse so they wouldn’t be involved with the police, even though they looks as if they was already in a quarrel with the police once or twice.
They ran down the street as fast as they could, which was slow because there pants kept falling down and tangled up with there legs. That was one of the most amusing things I ever saw.
We all were staring, in silence and as soon as they turned the corner we looked around at each other and started laughing.
I turned to Leo and said smiling “I’m Emily, thanks.”
He smiled back. “No prob.”
We went back into the store, grabbed the chips and vitamin water and brought them to the counter to pay for them.
“Are you having a party?” Leo asked as he was bagging the snacks and then looked up with those beautiful eyes. “You have a lot of chips and drinks.”
“Sort of, was having a get-together of friends tonight.” Hope answered. “You work here? I never saw you before.”
“Ya, but it’s slow. I don’t work when they tell me that business is slow, but today my boss had surgery so I had to fill in. After this I‘m goin to North Park.” he said politely.
“You skate?” I asked.
Of course he skates, stupid. Just look at him. If he didn’t then he would be a poser, and that doesn’t seem like he is the type of person who likes posers that much. I am so dumb, that was one of the most embarrassingly obvious answered questions ever! Hope rolled her eyes. Even she knew that it was pretty obvious.
“Hey Imma gonna go look at the energy drinks. Be right back.” Hope said not wanting to be a third wheel in this conversation.
“Why, yes I do. Do you like skaters?” he asked in a flirty voice. He looked up at me again, with a giant smile that reached his eyes. When I look at his eyes, my knees just want to give out.
“That depends.” I said
“On what?” he asked.
“On how good he skates.” I answered.
“Oh okay, then I don’t have to worry about that. I’m one of the best.” he smiled confidently, flashing his perfect, white teeth.