False Secret


“You’re not shy at all are you?” I said smiling and shaking my head.
“Can’t be shy to get what you want, can you?” he asked as if that was obvious too.
“Guess not.” I answered sheepishly.
“Well look at it this way, if you wanted that last vitamin water, and someone who you knew was a pushover but never really talked to, an you knew that if you asked for the drink he or she would give it to you, but you didn’t ask for it cuz you never-”
“I think I understand.” I had to interrupt.
“Do you?” he asked sarcastically.
“Actually, yes I do.”
“Sorry guys but we have to go now. My mom just sent me a text. She was asking me where I was.” Hope said.
“Oh okay.” I turned to Hope, and then turned back to Leo. “I guess I’ll see you around?” I said to him.
“I hope so.” He smiled.
“Bye.” Hope said to Leo.
“Bye.” I repeated to him after Hope.
Hope and I walked out of the store quietly without another word. But that changed as soon as we were a few yards away from the store.
“Oh Emily, he totally likes you. He is so hot!!!” Hope said. She made sure that we were not in hearing distance from the store. Then before she could say anything else we heard the sound of a skateboard coming up from behind us. It sounded like someone was ready to run us over.
“Hey Emily!” it was Leo skating after us. We turned around to see what he wanted. When he reached us, he did an awesome trick that I would never be able o do. Not even for the life of me maybe he wasn’t lying when he said that he was one of the best. Though I would like to see Damon and he go at it in a skateboarding challenge. I saw Damon skate before and he was really good too. But this stunt that Leo did look as if he was really good.

“If you need any help with anything, or if anyone is bothering you, here’s my number. Call any time.” he said, looking at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.
“Okay, I will.” I replied.
We exchanged smiling faces to each other.
“You better.” he said, still smiling.
“I will call you. See you later.’” I laughed.
“See ya.’” he said and skated away.
“So when are you going to call him?”
As we got further away from each other Hope went on with the idea of calling him and asking him to come meet us tonight.
“You like him.” Hope was investigating me. She knows exactly what I am feeling. “Just remember that you have just met him-”
“I don’t get you sometimes. You’re the one who is saying that I should call him and ask him if he wants to go tonight and now you’re saying ‘oh be careful you just met him.’ You make sense to me whatsoever.”
“Hey what can you say, he is like incredibly H. O. T, hot! And all I know is that he was totally hitting on you!” she was so excited.
“I’ll think about inviting him tonight. But don’t you think that it’ll be weird cuz none of them knows him?” I asked her.
“I don’t know, but what I do know is that Leo skates at North Park, and so do Damon and Dillon, so they might know each other.” She replied, curiously. I could tell that she was eager for me to make up my mind on weather to invite Leo or not to the plan.
“Chill, I’ll think about it and then when I make up my mind, I’ll keep you posted. K? You really want this kid to come don’t you? You like him too, don’t you?” I asked.
“Well, all I know is that you better tell me what you think by tonight at 12:00.” We laughed at that, and went our separate ways. Hope brought all the snacks to her house because her bag was bigger than mine was so it could fit everything we bought.
I was thinking what I was going to do about Leo while I was walking all the way down the street to my house. The little piece of paper was stuck into my back pocket. I took it out and unfolded it to look at the writing on it. It said 774-725-5453 looking forward to hearing from you soon, Leo.”
As I read these words I immediately made up my mind that I was going to invite him. Just the flashback of looking into his crystal blue eyes made butterflies go crazy in my stomach. If this is what happens when I just think about his perfect face, and that awesome personality (protective but not obsessively), I knew that I was going to see him soon. It felt like I had to see him again, get to know him. And from the looks of this moment it was readable that he wants to get to know me too. I smiled to myself.
I went to take the phone off of the receiver to call my mom- a routine thing that I have to do everyday when I get home from school. If I don’t call she will raise suspicions that I have been out instead of coming straight home. But since I got off the bus At Hope’s stop everyday, I have been on time for the call I had to make cuz we got off at my stop today.-the phone started to ring. I let it ring until the caller id picked up the information. It was Hope. She probably wanted to ask me of I made up my mind yet.
“Hey Hope, what’s up?” I said as I answered.
“Hey you’ll never believe this.” she said enthusiastically.
“Believe what? Humor me.”
“My mom was all like asking me what was in my bag, cuz it was like so big and bulky, “she explained.
“What, well what did you tell her? You didn’t tell her about what we are going to do tonight, did you? If you-”
“Wow chick, you really do need to chill. It’s a bit obvious that I’m not gonna spill what we our plans are. I’m not stupid. I told her that my class was having a party tomorrow and that I went to the store to get snacks.” she was explaining to me like I was a five-year-old.
“Gees, I’m not a baby, you can tell me without thinking that I won’t understand.” I had to clarify.
We have been talking on the phone for about a half hour.
“Hey I have to do chores before my mom gets home, k?” I had to go and then I realized that I didn’t call my mom. This was the third time this week. She is going to think that something’s up.
“Wait one more thing!” Hope interrupted just when my finger was going to hit the off button.
“What?” I said hesitantly. I new what she was going to ask and I still didn’t make up my mind.
“So, are you going to invite Leo?” she asked excitedly.
“Well I’m not sure yet.” I stated.
“What do you mean your not sure yet?”
“Not sure as in I don’t know it might be weird cuz we are the only ones who know him, but on the other hand I want him to come with us but I don’t know if he even wants to come.” I admitted.
“Ok then. It’s settled you are going to call him and if he’s not there, cuz there is no reason that he wouldn’t want to hang out with you alone with friends, and then I will hurt you. This is an awesome opportunity for the sickest night ever THIS YEAR! Come on you don’t want to remember freshman year with out doing anything exciting, do you? Look we only have less then a week left of school, and that’s not much time to find something and someone more better then this and Leo! Come on!” I could tell that she really wanted him to go.
“That’s fine. I’ll give him a call now. I really have to go now. I’ll see you tonight. Bye.” I hung up before she could say anything else.
I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom was trying to get trough to contact me. So when she got home I would have to have a good excuse.