False Secret


Finally. It’s midnight.
I listened very carefully to hear if everyone was sleeping, and they were. I sat out on my balcony. The night was so chilly. The balcony was on the side of the house that had no windows on it. I talked my landlord to build it for me so I could see the sunset and work on my photography. I had an antique chair that I sat on surrounded by vines that grew over the railing. It had stairs to down, sort of like a fire escape. That is what it was, and I was so happy to get Joe Sr. to make the addition for me. I could see a navy blue Chevy with it’s headlights on coming down the street. Its window was rolled down all the way. Hope was waving her hand out the window. I stuffed pillows under the blankets just incase Alyssa got up to get a drink during the night. I crept down the stairs and opened the door very slowly, so it wouldn’t squeak. I saw a glow of light from my neighbors’ porch light. Then I looked at my friends and they drove down the street. Then I heard the door being unlocked and jumped under one of the side of the house where the shrubs were. I had complete coverage. I watched the screen door open from over shrub. I ducked when Joe came out.
“Who there?” I heard a man say.
It was a low whisper, but I already knew who it was. It was the only person who was up this early in the morning. Joe.
He walked across the porch a few times and then mumbled something that sounded like ‘Must’ve been a cat. Freaking cat, hate you.’ As he went inside and I heard the lock on the door turn, I was silent. My breathing was steady and slow.
When the lights went off, I still waited a few seconds to make sure that the coast was clear. The truck came back up the street. I got up, and tip toed my way to the Chevy. The heavy door on the passenger side felt like to was going to fall off and crush me at any second. I closed it as quietly as I could but it managed to squeak. Dillon drove up the street, and everyone was silent. That was one of the things that were required, for Dillon wouldn’t be able to concentrate. It didn’t take that long to get to Laser Gate. I lived a few blocks away form it. As we pulled into the parking lot, I could see a deep green station wagon with its lights on. Beside it was a black Lexis. The station wagon was Damon’s car in it was Summer and Alice. Dillon parked near the Lexis. I thought that he was going to crush the car on the side of us, but he didn’t. Dillon got out of the truck and took his skateboard and skated toward Damon’s car. Damon met up with him half way and they walked toward Damon’s car. I got out of the truck, and saw a faces looking up at me, the person in the driver seat was smiling from the dark tinted windows of the Lexis. Hope came out behind me and shut the door. The face in the car was still staring and smiling. Hope saw the face and had to comment.
“Oh man, how creepy is that. Back away slowly and on the count of three run for Damon’s car.” she was ready to freak out. Just the way the person was staring, was petrifying. It looked like the person was a stocker. As we backed away from the car slowly the door to the Lexis opened. We screamed. Everyone turned to see what was wrong, and came running. Than we saw the face of this creepy person. It turns out that this person wasn’t as creepy as we thought he was. Not creepy at all. It was Leo.
“Sorry, did I scare you?” he asked, laughing and fixing his black t-shirt. He had navy blue skinny jeans that faded to white in the middle of the legs where the knees were. The wind blew his shiny black hair out of his blue eyes, and he shook his head to put his hair back where he likes it.
Then the back doors of the Lexis opened along with the passenger door. Hope’s and my head turned to see who was in the car. I already knew who it they would be. I gave Leo an open invite. They were his friends.
The three of them who just got out of the car, walked up behind Leo. Two on one side and one on the other.
Before we could answer, Damon and Dillon came toward Leo with clenched fists, and fighting faces.
“Hey, dude, what’s your problem.” Damon said in an aggressive voice.
“Ya, man back off-Leo?” Dillon was shocked. “Who are they?”
Taking a good look at Leo’s face-half of his face was covered with his straight black hair. You could see flashes of Leo’s bright blue eyes when the wind blew, his face got angry and he clenched his teeth together so you could see his jaw tighten and when the wind blew stronger, you could see his darkening eyes. They went from blue to a dark; almost black grey color-He clearly didn’t expect him to be there. I felt my face flush red. I stepped forward to get next to Leo.
“I invited him.” I said with little confidence.
“You know him?” Damon asked skeptically.
“Ya.” I said.
“Oh well, then, how’s it going, Leo, Leo’s friends?” Dillon asked as if he didn’t care about what the answer was.
“Whatever.” one of Leo’s friends said walking in front of Leo and turning around to go to the side of me. His voice was clear and made you want to listen to what he had to say next.
He was tall and wore a black wife-beater that was tucked into his pants in the front to show his silver belt buckle. It also showed off his muscles. His jeans were rich with a dark blue color and had little ripples in it, which was the style, and fit him perfectly. They crunched up a bit at the ankles, and were tucked into bright, clean, white Nike high top sneakers. He looked like he got up at 5 in the morning to have a workout, he had serious muscles, the showed through his shirt, and they were big. He looked like the type of guy that nobody would dare pick a fight with. He had a turquoise eyes and dark hair that came down in the front and covered one of his eyes. The hair that covered his eye had blonde thick streaks in it. He was also tan.
Dillon and Damon walked away and Summer and Alice walked toward me, Hope and Leo.
“Who are they?” Alice whispered to me.
“Well, this is Leo. And those are his friends. I never met them before, but I have a feeling that we are gonna meet them in bout two seconds.” I explained.
Leo leaned closer to my side.
“You are right. This is Aiden.” he looked at him.
“Hey.” Aiden said identifying himself. He was the one with the short spiky hair and the black wife-beater.
“Yo.” he smiled. He was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with black on white high top converses. He wore a blue shirt that had the little emo people on it. His shirt was tight and reviled his smooth muscles. His hair was a really dark brown color with red streaks in it, and hid his eyes. His lips were thin and were perfect for his face. His skin less tan than Leo and Aiden’s. He had his ears pierced, they had small black gages.
“And Zach.”
“Sup?” and nodded his head once. He looked like he was the youngest of the four. He had long skater hair and it was tussled. His hair was lighter then the rest. He had hazel eyes. He was wearing skinny jeans also; they were a plain blue with black skater sneakers. His shirt was a plain gray t-shirt. It was tight around his torso. He had muscles, but they weren’t bulging through his shirt.
“Hey.” I said, once again shyly.
“Guy, look at her face. She’s like, super shy, no?” Trace said.
Everyone looked at me. I felt my face getting hot.
“Hey, come on, remember, you can‘t be shy.” Leo stated.
He placed his hand on my shoulder. It was cold in comparison to the chilly night.
“This is Hope.” I introduced.
“Um, Alice.” I had to think for a minute. His hand on me was so distracting.
“Hi.” her voice was soft and from where I was standing a little shaky.
“And this is Summer.”
She didn’t say anything. She just waved and looked down.
“Oh look, another shy one. That’s two too many of them here.” laughed Zach. “We’re not going to bite. Well maybe Trace but it doesn’t hurt much.”
Trace shoved Zach out of the way from behind, as a rude gesture.
“No, now don’t ever listen to Zach. He never knows what the hell he’s talking about. I certainly do not bite. You can sure of that.” he laughed.
“Shut up, all you are doing is making yourself look like a -” Aiden was joking with Trace.
“Better person than you. All I’m doing is informing them that I don’t bite and telling them that I know what I’m talking about.” Trace cut him off, and joking back.
All of their voices were perfect.
We laughed.
“I’ll be right back.” I said. I was going to talk with Damon and Dillon who walked away to the sidewalk several yards away from the cars.
“What’s up with you? Do you not like Leo and his friends or what? You can’t make it seem any ruder, no?” I asked both of them.
“You invited them?” Dillon asked.
“Well ya, it was an open invite.” I stated.
“Well, you couldn’t ask us first?” Damon asked me.
“Sorry, I didn’t know that I needed permission to invite some new people. What’s the big deal? It’s not like their criminals or anything. If they were Leo’s dad would take control, and I’m sure that they wouldn’t be here or anywhere other than behind bars. Right?” I was getting angry.
“When did you even meet Leo?” Damon asked with an attitude.
“Today at the store I always go to. Hope and I met him there.” I said as if it were a matter of fact.
“TODAY!? Are you kidding me? You met him today, never met his friends, and invited him here? You’re so stupid, you know that right?” Dillon said mimicking my matter of fact tone.
“Well you know what?” I threatened.
“What?” Dillon asked.
“What are you going to do? Just so you know you are the last person I could think of to fight, or take revenge, because, I mean just look at yourself.” Damon said defending Dillon.
Their eyes went off me and look as if something was ready to kill them. That scared me, and out of instinct I flinched and put my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my back. And that was all I needed to fall to the ground. But before I reached the ground, the hands caught me.