False Secret

Dillon and Damon

“Emily, are you okay?” I heard Damon say. He sounded worried. “What did you do to her?” Damon accused whoever was holding me and helping me to my feet.
“I didn’t do anything. Maybe it was you faces you made, made it look like I was gonna kill her!” the velvet voice turned into rage at the end. Just by the voice, I knew that it was Leo. “I heard you yelling and I thought that I should come and back Megs up.”
I smiled to myself at this. He came to back me up. This meant that he wasn’t a bad guy.
“Thanks,” I said “but I think that we are all done here. No?” I asked Dillon and Damon.
“Whatever.” Damon said looking at Dillon in a defeated voice that matched his sad face “Do you want to go now.”
“Ya, I am not the one who wants to hang out with a bunch of traders. All of them.” Dillon said.
This made me think for a minute ‘I am not the one who wants to hang out with a bunch of traders. All of them.’ What was that supposed to mean? Before I could think about what that meant for any longer I felt the cool hand that was holding onto my elbow to keep me from falling, was now moving across my back and settled on my waist. I looked up at him and smiled as he looked down at me.
“Okay! Who wants chips and Vitamin water?” Summer yelled. Clearly, she wasn’t as shy as she was before when we were introducing each other. We walked back to the cars with his arm stretched around my waist. It gave me butterflies. We sat own on the hood of the car. Leo on one side of me and Trace on the other. Aiden, Zach, Hope, Alice, and Summer were leaning up against the car.
“So, what school do you go to?” Trace asked us.
“Diman” we all said at the same time. We laughed.
“What about you?” Alice asked the guys.
“Diman.” they all stated at the same time, and the mesh of perfect voices blended perfectly together like a song.
“Really, I have never seen any of you around before.” Hope said.
“Well, ya, we never saw any of you before either. But it’s the truth right?” asked Zach.
“True.” I said.
I felt the arm pull away and Leo ran his hand through my hair. I looked at him blankly. He saw my face, and his turned confused.
“Sorry, I didn’t know that you didn’t like that.” he said a bit embarrassed.
It took me a second before I realize that I was staring with no emotion in my face.
“Oh. No its fine. I was just daydreaming.” I smiled.
“Oh man. She was dreaming about you!” Aiden dogged on Leo.
My face turned red because I new it was true. But I still smiled and laughed, just as everyone else did.
Leo pushed himself closer to my side so that our legs were touching each other. He was cool.
He mimicked my smile and leaned closer to my ear.
“What were you dreaming about?” he asked in a flirty whisper to my ear.
I looked at him, and it only took one second of looking into his now bright blue eyes through black strands of hair to know that he already knew. He was staring into my eyes, and I could see the smile in them, though his lips were pressed together.
He leaned in my direction, and put his hand on my cheek, brushing it from my cheek all the way down to my chin and back up a few times. When he was done, he held my chin up to see my face clearly in the dim light that the street lights gave off, my stomach was ready to burst. He leaned closer to my face with his hand still holding my chin. He pulled my face closer to his and without a fuss; I moved it closer than he thought I would go, with me being shy and all. I shut my eyes and felt his cool lips pressing up against mine. I felt his snake-bites against my chin. They were cold and smooth. He put his hands on my cheeks and ran them through my hair. I pulled closer to him and rested my hands against his smooth muscular chest, as the kiss got more intimate. But before we went any further, he backed away. I just wanted to keep kissing him. That was different for me, because I always felt awkward when people were around, and I was busy with someone.
But we were still close to each others’ face. We were touching noses for a moment, and I opened my eyes. He was sitting away from me. He was looking in the opposite direction of where I was. Our legs weren’t touching anymore. I didn’t feel him move. I looked down embarrassed. We were at least a whole foot away from each other. I looked at his face and he seemed troubled. I didn’t question him though.
“Sorry.” I mumbled.
Then he looked at me. I saw from the corner of my eye that he was now staring at me. Shocked. My eyes moved up from the ground and looked at him. His face looked confused and troubled. I was also confused about why he moved away so quickly. I felt my face get red and hot again.
“I’m sorry.” I looked at my hands again and started to pick at my neon green nail polish That Alice let me borrow.
Then within a second Leo was back at my side, touching my leg with his cold hand. He was facing me head on.
“Why?” he asked.
Truthfully I thought he moved fast was because he didn’t want that to happen. I thought that there was something wrong with me.
“Well, you moved so quickly I thought that I-”
“It wasn’t you.” He said. He held my face with his hands and touches my forehead with his. “You shouldn’t be sorry. I should be.”
He came closer and closed his eyes. Then I closed mine too. I felt him press his lips against mine one more time then backed away slowly. When I opened my eyes, he was right there smiling and showing off his teeth, but for some reason his smile seemed fake. But it didn‘t bother me. Sure it made me wonder what was wrong but it didn‘t seem like the right time to ask him. Especially in front of everyone. They were so white. I wondered how he got them like that. I just wanted to blurt that out. Show off!
While we looked around at the others who were around us, I caught Aiden’s hand around Alice’s waist.
“Don’t be sorry with me.” he said slowly in a clear whisper.
“Hmm.” I smiled.
I looked away when I felt my face blush. That was the best kiss ever, with the perfect guy ever.
“Have fun?” Trace asked me.
“Uh, sorry.” I said embarrassed again.
“Don’t be, do you know how long it has been since Leo kissed a girl?” Trace smiled teasingly, but I could tell that something was bothering him. “You can say it has been centuries.” His eyes widened on the word ‘centuries’ for dramatic effect, and for the same reason why Leo seemed a little fake, so was Trace, even though he tried to cover by acting like he was happy for Leo.
That’s when I realized that everyone was staring at us. Summer, Alice, and Hope were staring at me. While Aiden and Zach stared at Leo, also troubled.
All of us were silent. I felt Leo’s fingers intertwine in mine. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. But it was a different smile. It was cocked to one side. It made me want to melt into his lap.
Everyone was so quiet it was like an awkward moment of silence. Then Zach broke it.
“So, um, I think that it is time that we drop everyone off at their house, since we have quite more stops then we came here with. No?”
I looked at my watch. It was 3:04. I really didn’t want to go.
“Um ya I guess.” Leo said agreeing with him. He let go of my hand and looked at his watch. His eyed widened.
“Oh ya we do have to go.” His voice was smooth and perfect. It sounded like he was rushing himself though.
We all went with ease into the car with still some room to spare. Alice and Hope sat in the passenger seat, Leo drove, and Trace, Aiden and Zach took up the back seats. Summer and I sat on the floor behind the front seats which was very roomy. Trace and I were on the drivers’ side and Zach was on the hump. Zach was on the other window seat on the passenger side. It seemed like two seconds, we were already at Alice’s house. It must be because the drinks I had. Plus I was tired
“See you tomorrow.” said Alice as she got out of the car quietly.
“Bye.” Hope said to her as she shut the door softly.
Alice looked back and smiled at Aiden, and he smiled back at her.
I looked at Summer, still on the floor of the back seat.
“I think they’re gonna go out soon.” I joked so Aiden could hear but I was really talking to Bri.
“I bet.” she sounded like she was tired. I could hardly see her face when she answered. “I also bet that you and Leo are gonna go out too.”
It was quiet.
I didn’t know what to say to that. I felt Trace’s hand on my back, just resting there. I felt his thumb going back and forth near my neck. His hand felt cold, and yet some how, supporting in some way. My eyes suddenly got heavy now that I wasn’t concentrating on anything. I felt them close very slowly, although I tried to fight to keep myself awake, I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.