False Secret


The next thing I knew I was waking up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing. The light coming from the two windows in my bedroom was dim and gray. I slowly got out of my bed, half asleep. I looked outside; the ground was wet with rain, which was still pounding down on the roof like it was when it was putting me to sleep. Then I was awake with confusion and shock. Did that night really happen or was it all a dream? If it were reality, how did I get in my bed?
I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I looked in the mirror and saw that I was still in my clothes that I changed into last night. I turned on the shower. By the time I got my clothes off the shower curtain was foggy with steam. The hot water felt like it was making me sweaty rather then wet, so I tuned the temp down until it was nice and cool.
When I was done I wrapped myself up into a towel and went into the bedroom where my sister was still in a deep sleep. I got the clothes that I was going to where and went back into the bathroom. When I was done getting dressed, I dried my hair and turned on the flat iron on. While I was waiting for it to heat up, I took my eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss and put in front of me. I put my yellow on black high top converses on, and put the bottom of my white skinny jeans over the folded tops of them. I went back to my dresser and started to straighten my hair. After my hair was perfectly straight, I teased and hair sprayed it. I took gel and started putting it through my top layers so that it had a little spike to go with the volume that I got when I teased a layer under my top one. To finish off my hair, I put a large hot pink bow on the opposite side of where my bangs were parted. The bow matched my black t-shirt that had a neon pink superman sign on the front of it.
I put my makeup on, I didn’t need any cover up, because I had clear tan skin and I always got complements on it, same with my friends, Hope, Summer, and Alice. The guys from last night also had remarkably clear perfect skin with no sign of any blemishes. I had the image of Leo stuck in my head. I could feel his lips on mine and I got butterflies. I was anxious to see him today at school, just as he and his friends told us. It was 6:37 a.m. All I had to left before I left for the bus was brush my teeth, wake up Alyssa and grab a pop tart for Hope to eat on the bus. I wasn’t a big fan of breakfast. But I had to make it look like I ate something so I always took something to go.
“Alyssa, wake up. It’s time to get up.” I said in a routine voice that always startled her so she would get up for sure.
“Mmm” she moaned into her pillow.
“Get up, mom is gonna wake you up in a second anyway.” I said in reply to her moaning.
She didn’t say anything after that. I went back to the bathroom t brush my teeth. When I was done, I grabbed my bag and went down the stairs while bumping into my mom.
“Morning.” she said practically sleep walking.
“Good morning, I’m leaving.” I answered.
“K, have a good day.” she mumbled as she turned the light on in the bathroom, and squinting her eyes.
I was surprised that she was talking to me. Or maybe she was only talking to me because she didn’t have her coffee yet and didn’t realize that it was me that she was talking to.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart wrapped in shiny silver wrapping and put it into my random designed bag. I shut the door behind me and took my I-pod out of my bag. I waited at my bus stop and waited for Hope to come around the corner. When she did, she looked totally hyper. She had a Jolt energy drink in her hand. I had one in my bag. We both stalked up on that. It was like an addiction. We were silent, just listening to our music until the bus came.
We took our seats in the back of the bus and Hope broke the silence.
“Last night was really something.” she smiled.
I took one of the headphones out of my ear, not expecting any conversation today.
“Last night. I’m so glad that we met Leo yesterday. It was really interesting.” she said.
“Except Dillon ad Damon ditching us, and giving me major attitude.” I stated frustrated at the thought of them.
“Besides that it was awesome. I can’t believe that you kissed Leo though. Is he a good kisser?” she asked. I loved how nosy she was. I amused me.
“Well ya, he is. They’re all so cute.” I smiled.
“Hey back off the rest of them. You already have Leo hovering over you.” she joked.
I had to think about what I should say next.
“No I don’t!” I said defensively.
“Ya, okay. You know he does.” she said.
“Does he really? Oh I guess so huh? Wow that’s not good.” I said to her, but towards the end I was mostly thinking out loud to myself.
“No, that’s a good thing! That means he likes you plus he kissed you, remember?
“Well ya but-” my eyes strayed to Dillon coming on the bus and glairing at me.
I didn’t understand why he took the bus even though he had a car already. He walked closer to the back of the bus and took a seat on the side of us as he usually did. He didn’t stop giving me that look. He took one of his head phones out of his ear.
“What, I’m not gonna drive to school when I can get there without wasting any gas.” he said angrily.
He put his head phone back in his ear and Hope turned to me and rolled her eyes at Dillon.
“Don’t care what he thinks about Leo and his friends. We don’t need them. We have way better guy friend’s now.” she tried to get me to forget about Dillon and Damon’s attitude toward me.
“But, I don’t want to stop being friends with them just for making new friends that they just happen to not like. You know?” I said not feeling any better from what she said.
“Ya I know. But would you rather have four super hot and nice friends who don’t get pissed at you for being friends with someone they don’t like? Or with two mean, judging, stupid ones that do get pissed when you make friends with people that they don’t like?” she said.
She knew how to put the words so that it would be easier for me to decide. At times like this, I was happy to have a best friend like her. She always helped me whenever I had problems.
“True.” I smiled that I wasn’t as frustrated.
“Hey they said that they went to Diman, right?”
“Ya.” I answered, choking on that one word.
I realized that Leo said that he will see us today.
“We are gonna see them all today! Eeepp!” she was really excited.
We were at school. I looked out the window and looked for Leo’s car in the student parking lot. I found it easily because it was the only one that a group of four guys were around that resembled Leo, Trace, Aiden, and Zach. I also noticed that it stopped raining.
“I see them, Hope, look. I see them!” I felt a rush of excitement and butterflies go through me.
“Cool.” she smiled.
I stared at them and I saw one of them hold up one of their arms, as if he were checking to see the time. They started walking to the main entrance. Our bus was stuck in a line of cars and other busses for five minutes. By the time we were to the front of the line the four guys were already there. Everyone who was listening to music put their I-pods or MP3 players away.
Hope got up and walked a little way down the isle and I followed her. Dillon got up and walked silently behind me. He kept poking me with his books. Every time that he would I would turn around and he would just poke me again even though I was glaring at him.
“Oh my god, will you stop!” I reached the point where I was just about ready to smack him for being so immature.
“I don’t think so.” he said happily that he knew that he was getting on my nerves.
I went down the stairs quickly so I can get away from him. He still caught up to me. He was behind me as I said hi to Leo.
“Hey guys.” I said with a smile.
“Hey, how are you this morning girls?” Trace said.
Before any of us could answer I felt something wrap around my ankle. I stumbled forward, closed my eyes and putt my arms out in front of myself as the ground came closer. I didn’t reach the ground though. I felt the same hands that saved me from hitting the ground last night, around me. His smell was sweet and like no cologne I have ever smelt before. I grabbed his arms to extra support.
“Sorry Emily,” Dillon laughed.
He was now with Damon. Damon laughed with Dillon and I got furious. Apparently so did the four guys that we made friends with yesterday.
“Leave me alone! What the hell is your problem? I can’t make new friends?” everyone stared at me.
“You don’t want to hang out with those guys. They are nothing but bad news.” Damon said seriously.
“The only bad ones here are you two.” Leo said defensively.
“No, we are the ones who know the right people to hang out with, and you are not the people that anyone should get involved with in any way.” Dillon argued back.
“It’s a little late for that. Leo kissed Emily last night.” Zach said with a slight smile. His eyes were angry at how immature Dillon was. But they have a spark in them when he said that Leo kissed me. He seemed happy about that.
They glared at me with nothing but pure hate. I flinched and moved closer to Leo and Aiden who were standing with their fists clenched along with their jaws. From the side I saw flashes of Leo’s dark grey eyes. I wondered why they changed when he got mad and defensive or something. I looked into Aiden’s eyes to see if they were different too. They were the same color as Leo’s at this moment. This was really awkward. We just met and they are so protective of me.
“Leave us alone. If they want to hang with us, let them. Its not your problem.” Trace said in a raged voice. For the first time I saw his eyes. They looked like he wore contacts. They were a deep green.
“If you were Emily’s friend why did you trip her and why are you trying to make her feel guilty about last night?” Zach asked angrily.
I looked at Hope with fear in my eyes. I didn’t mean to start anything.
“Umm, can we walk around?” I asked Leo.
They all looked at me and Leo smiled showing off his teeth. I saw his eyes change quickly back to blue.
“Sure.” Leo answered.
As we walked by Dillon and Damon me and Hope rolled our eyes at them. We turned our heads they could see. When we turned back to the group in which we were walking in I felt someone poke me in my ticklish spot and I let out a squeak. Everyone was laughing at me for the noise that I made. I turned to see who poked me. It was Alice with Summer.
“Hey guys what’s up?” Summer said happy to see the guys actually here.
“Nothing just walking. You?” asked Zach.
“We are dong nothing. Can we walk with you?” Summer asked as if she didn’t know what the answer was going to be.
“Obviously.” Hope said.
“Hey,” I said to get everyone’s attention. “How did I get in my house last night?”
“You snuck in.” Leo laughed.
“Really? Why don’t I remember? I’m so confused.” my eyebrows pulled together.
Everyone was laughing at my confusion.
“Hope went home before you did and told us where you lived. You had the key and quietly went in.” Leo said. “I can’t believe you don’t remember.”
“I can remember the whole night up to when I fell asleep in your car.” I said.
“Well, I don’t know. We woke you up at your house and you seemed wide awake when you went in.” he explained.
“Oh, whatever.” I laughed through my nose. “I must have been sleepwalking.”
“I’ll say.” Trace said in agreement.
The bell rang. It was the 7:40 bell.
“I think I’m going to go to shop, what about you Alice?” I asked.
“Ya, I’m going to go too. See you later.” she said to everyone.
“Hey what lunch do you have?” Zach asked us.
“Fourth. What about you?” Alice asked.
“Me and Trace have forth too, Leo and Aiden has second lunch.” Zach said.
“Hey me and Summer have second lunch. We have never seen you before.” Hope stated.
“Ya I know, we don’t eat lunch we just go outside and sit near the fence.” Aiden said. “We have to hang out today at lunch though.”
“Okay, sounds like a plan.” Summer said happily.
“See you later.” Alice said.
“Bye.” Aiden said to her.
“I think we better go too.” Hope said.
“Bye guys” Summer said.
Summer and Hope are in the same shop, graphic arts, and me and Alice are in office technology together. So Hope and Summer walked together to shop so they wouldn’t be late.
“Bye” everyone had a chance to say all at the same time.
“Later.” I said with a smile.
“Later.” Leo said smiling back at me. “I have to talk to you later. Okay?”
“Okay.” I replied.
“Can I give you a ride after school?” he asked politely.
“Sure.” I replied.