False Secret


Then Alice and myself walked together to shop. I wondered what he wanted to tell me. Alice and myself walked away from the group after saying ‘bye’ once more to everyone. In the background I heard their voices get softer and softer. Before I couldn’t hear what they were saying for sure, I did hear. . .
“What are we going to do about Dillon and Damon being around them? They are no good to be around.” Aiden asked.
“It is too risky for anyone to hang with them who know us, but not our-” Zach said, before he got cut off.
“Ya, we all know that. But I cant do that to any of them. We cant make them choose between us and those things.” Trace said while being optimistic.
“It is better to not push our luck at all. Besides, the way things are going right now at this moment, I think I already know what is going to happen, to the girls and to those disgusting, clots.” said Leo.
Maybe what Leo wants to tell me is about this. Why didn’t they want us to hang around Dillon and Damon? As if we would want to anyway. Especially after what happened earlier. At that moment I knew automatically that I would do what I was asked to do by Leo. I also knew that I most definitely would not have anything further to do with those ‘disgusting clots,’ as Leo called them.
“Hey do you like Aiden?” I asked. I already knew the answer to that but I wanted to make sure.
“You like Leo?” she asked mimicking my flat question that sounded more like a statement than a question.
“Isn’t that obvious? You know, we only kissed last night.” the words coming out aloud seemed to be unbelievable. Like why would someone as perfect as Leo kiss me? Compared to him, I’m just like a spider and he is flawless.
“Okay then, you found your answer.” she said with a smile.
“You couldn’t just say yes or no? Why do you have to make things seem so complex?” I asked jokingly.
“I do not make it seem complex, stop being a snobby mc. snob-snob” she laughed.
I laughed with her. “Snobby Mc. Snob-snob” was one of our inside jokes.
“Hey, I’m not a snob, okay? We know a few and they are snobs, not me. But I guess if I am a snob, I’m going to drag you down too. You snob!” we laughed.
A few seconds later the bell rang and the morning announcements went on.
“Good morning, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.” said the principle on the intercom.
Even though the school was supposed to do the pledge, not a lot of students said it. Neither did a lot of the teachers that I was assigned to.
“I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, into visible with Liberty and Justice for all. Now stand for a moment of silence.” The voice said enthusiastically.
“You may take your seats.” he said.
Nobody listened to the morning announcements that follow the pledge. Everyone started to talk in a low whisper, which was good enough for the teachers to ignore us, just as long as they could hear the announcements.
“Hey, when do you think we think we can sneak out again? That was so much fun. Hopefully some time soon.” Alice said.
“Well, I want to and I don’t want to do that again. Dillon and Damon are all pissed off at me and I really don’t want to push them off the edge.” I said ashamed of myself.
“Oh, well think about it okay. Maybe you can come to an understanding with them.” Alice said.
I shook my head in disagreement.
It seemed like forever till lunch came. I guess even though I was mad at myself about the situation, I still wanted to hang out with my new friends. Alice was right when she said that she wished that we had lunch with Leo and Aiden. But Trace and Zach were really cool to hang with too. Either way I couldn’t wait to see them.
“Hey girls.” Zach said.
“Hey guys.” Alice laughed.
“So how’s shop going so far?” Trace asked us as if he cared.
“Do you care?” I joked.
“No.” he joked back with a crooked smile that looked very familiar to Leo’s. But there was something that I just couldn’t put my finger on about Trace’s. I liked it though.
“So anyway, what are you guys up to later?” Alice asked and threw me a glance.
“Nothing just the usual.” Zach said.
“Oh really. What’s the usual?” I asked. I felt my eyebrows pull together in a confused way.
“You know. Just the usual rolling around town all night.” he said so matter of fact. “Duh.” then he laughed.
“Oh ya! As if I do that all the time.” Trace said looking at Zach then looked at Alice and I. “Well I am normal, I have no plans. You?”
I spoke first while Alice had to think if she had any plans during the afternoon.
“Nope, no plans for me either.” I frowned.
“Wait didn’t you have plans with Leo after school?” Zach asked.
Oops. I spaced that out. That was racking my brain earlier too. Just thinking of things that Leo had to talk to me about after school was occupying me through out the morning.
“Oh. Ya, I can’t believe I forgot. Wow that is bad.” I mumbled. I was talking to myself.
“How could you forget about that?” Trace asked sarcastically.
“Well, I don’t know. Don’t blame me. You can ask Alice, it was stuck in my head all morning. Right Alice?” I turned to face her.
“Ya. I mean I can’t’ believe that you forgot about it that quick.” she said surprised.
“So!” Trace said loudly.
Zach shoved Trace with his shoulder, and glared at him all within five seconds. It was so fast, it was like a blur. Alice and I glanced at each other.
“Guy stop it. Seriously man quit it.” Zach said as if Trace was doing something to screw another something up.
“Okay, that’s not strange at all.” I mumbled just loud enough for the guys to hear.
“Sorry, it’s just that Trace is odd, I guess you can say.” Zach said with one eyebrow raised.
“Ah guy you are ruining my chances with everything. Why do you have to do that almost all the time?”
Before Zach had thought of an answer for that, the Mr. Polanski came to the center of the cafeteria and yelled “That’s lunch!” at the top of his lungs. Everyone got up in a hurry. About one forth of the cafeteria’s students still had to bring up their trays. The rest were pushing and shoving to get by the traffic that the tray line made. Within a minute or two Alice and I were in the middle of the jam and couldn’t see Trace or Zach anywhere.
“That was fun.” Alice said sarcastically.
“Ya, I know. There is nothing like a good after lunch rush.” I said back to her.
The rest of the day was just like a blur. I don’t know why. It just was. When the bell rang at 2:28 p.m. Alice and I walked out of shop together as we usually do. Half way down the hall was my locker. Since I didn’t have to take the bus that day, I went to my locker and got some of the things that I had to take home by the end of the year. When I shut the door to the locker I jumped when I saw the face that I have been wondering about almost all day.