‹ Prequel: A day at Camp

Forever Young


Josia's pov

Okay my paycheck comes in next week, I wonder if I would have enough to get a nice ring for Bailey. Just thinking about proposing makes my stomach tie in knots, debating whether he'd say yes or no. I'm home at the moment with my precious as we coudle on the small couch. He asked, "What are you thinking about?" I shrugged, "Not much, just stuff I gotta do," I know he's gonna ask me, 'What stuff?' and soon he says, "What stuff?" I lied, "Stuff from work." He nodded, buying it as I sighed inwardly in relief.

The last thing I wanted him to know was my plan to propose to him, cuz of course it's supposed to be a surprise. Soon I get a phonecall from Chris, I open my cell and answer, "Hey what's up?" He replied, "Dude, I'm gonna need you to work a late shift tomorrow," I answer, "Okay, but tomorrow's Thursday, I'm gonna have to pick up Bailey from school." He stated, "Oh, well I guess I'll extend it to Saturday then, is that okay?" I replied, "Yeah, that would be fine." He said happily, "Okay, well see you later," I replied, "Okay, bye." Well, lets just say my manager picks random days for me to work the night shift when he has no excuse as to why, is if he feels like it. I know you're not suposed to do that, but at least we're making profit.

It was getting late and Bailey and I were gonna hit the hay, the week's going by so slow. At least I'll have more money for the ring and to prepare the scenery. I'm going to propose next Friday since I get paid on a Tuesday. We get paid every two weeks so next week is when our check comes in. As we both get in bed, I turn off the light, and we drift off to sleep.

Next morning....

The alarm sounds off and I wake up Bailey for another crappy day of school, and me my job. I like my job, trust me, but just thinking I have to face the new guy that has a crush on me, makes things hard, since he's really hot. Bailey heads off to the restroom while I follow him to brush my teeth and use the restroom while he takes a shower. Then, we switch when he's done, this saves alot of time. When we were fully done, we head back to our room to get dressed and of course Bailey looks super hot, while he tells me I look super super hot, and we head to the kitchen to get some toast and coffee and set out to the car. This is what we do every morning except on weekends when we sleep in, on those days when I don't have to work. The fun thing is, when I work on weekends, I have the tendency to bring my boyfriend with me so he won't feel lonely at home. While I work he hangs around the store or goes to walk around the mall, and we eat together on my lunch breaks.

It's really fun, but now I wonder how Trace must feel since he looked pretty bummed the minute I mentioned my boyfriend of two years. I drive down the semi crowded street to Bailey's school and drop him off as he gives me a long good bye kiss. I feel like we are like those married couples in classic movies who have those perfect days when they do the same thing every morning and got to their destinations like nothing happened. I said my last good bye to Bailey and I headed to work down the free way.

Bailey's pov

Everything seems to be so perfect and I wonder if Jo has something under his sleeve cuz he seemed happy about working that night shift when he hates night shifts. What if he's gonna propose or something? I hope he does, it would be the best day of my life, I'll tell you that, but it would suck cuz I wouldn't be able to wear the ring to school. I also can't jump to conclusions cuz there are crazy chances of it not happening once you either mention it or think about it. I sit in class without friends and jocks annoying the crap out of me, I wish I could be with Josia right now. I continue to do my work, completely ignoring them, and before I know it the bell rings.

I get up and get my stuff and one of the jocks makes me trip over his foot. I try my best not to yell at them, scared they might hurt me badly. That's the thing, I can't be a whimp anymore, I have to do something.

Josia's pov

I finally get to work after all that stupid traffic and head into the mall, passing the small crowd of people, soon to meet a large crowd. I thought noone goes to the mall on weekdays, but I was wrong and there's alot of skippers. I finally head into hot topic, taking my place behind the cash register. I see Trace stacking shirts like he'd been stacking shirts all his life and Chris here and there counting the stuff, inventory I guess. It's so boring today, I could feel it, there's no energy in here, and it's Hot Topic for pete's sake! Trace passes by me and says, "Hey, um, you still up for the coffee thing on Saturday, I figured it would be a comfortable day." I said sadly, "I have to work the late shift, I could make it up to you if you join me." He smiled and said, "Okay I guess I'll tell Chris, and I could do with the extra money for the bills." I giggled and said, "Me too, they seem to get high, and the landlords have to be satisfied too." He agreed, "Yeah tell me about it, one time I for got to pay rent, cuz I didn't have enough money and I had a gig that day. When I came in, the guy was chasing me with a baseball bat, and threatened that if I missed paying rent again I won't have any eyeballs cuz he'll knock them out." I laughed into a fit, as he joined me and now the day wasn't so boring anymore.