Road Tripper

The Morning After

Aiyana and Kamilah left Stillwater the next day, after Kamilah left the bar right after Tyson went back inside, and the two were denied re-entrance. The "door man" (a very short gentleman who looked like Screech from Saved By The Bell on Steroids) said that he let them through before because Aiyana seemed eager to see the band play, but since they were out, and the band was done playing, there was no need for the two underage girls to be in there.

As Kamilah drove to whatever was their next destination, Aiyana thought about the previous nights events. She couldn't get Tyson out of her mind. His blue eyes, and simpleness made her smile.

"What are you thinking about Aiyana?"

"Nothing... why?" Aiyana replied.

"You have a weird look on your face," Kamilah said and pulled into a truck stop. The car was in desperate need of gas and both girls should probably eat something, though their budget really didn't permit it.

"I was just thinking of how great last night was." Aiyana opened the door and got out.

"Yeah, it was fun. What was that bands name again?" They both headed into the truck stop.

"The All-American Rejects. Weren't they the best band ever?"

"They were alright. Not exactly my kind of music, but good none the less." Kamilah opened the door and Aiyana passed.

"Good? They were amazing!" Aiyana shouted, causing the room full of truckers to look at her. She blushed.


"Bite me"

"Maybe later." Kamilah joked "Now get some cheap munchies. We've hot like 200 bucks to get us back home, and with our car we might not make it on that," she added.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was very short... but it has a lot of meaning. It paints a picture of things to come.