Road Tripper

The Transition

Three months later Kamilah walked into Aiyana's bedroom and her mouth dropped. She was face to face with about 100 pictures of boys posted all over Aiyana's walls. Aiyanna was standing on her bed, attempting to hang up another but was having some difficulty since she wasn't nearly tall enough to reach the top part of the poster.

"Whoa, what is this all about?" Kamilah asked and ran to the side of the bed right as Aiyana started to topple over. Catching the 110 pound blond in her arms right before she fell off the bed.

"Aww your my guardian angel Kamilah. You really are. Now help me put these up," Aiyana said and once again got up on the bed to work on applying that poster to the wall right above her pillow. That's when Kamilah noticed who the poster was of. All the posters for that matter.

"Dude! Its those boys we saw in Oklahoma! Where did you get all of these pictures of them?" Kamilah asked and picked up a picture of Tyson that was sitting on the ground next to her left shoe.

"The internet. There aren't really that many. A lot of these are reprints. I just needed enough to wallpaper my room," Aiyana replied just as she got the poster in place. She sighed. "That one was a work out. Want to go get something cold to drink? Sonic maybe?" she added and jumped down off the bed.

Kamilah just looked at Aiyana wide eyed.

"What?" she asked. Kamilah shook her head.

"You've lost your damn mind woman, but whatever. Yeah lets go get Sonic,".Aiyana smiled.

"I did not loose my mind. I just..." she tried to think of a way to say what she was thinking. "I'm just dedicated."

"You know. Dedication and Obsession nearly have the same amount of letters."

"So do FUCK and YOU," Aiyana replied and grabbed her purse. "Am I driving or you?"

"Ill drive. Your car is most likely out of gas."

"Aint that the damn truth? Okay lets go."

The drive to Sonic was... lets say eventful. At least to Aiyana it was. Kamilah got about 10 blocks before wanting to throw Aiyana out of the car.

"Did you know that Tyson Ritter's birthday is April 24th 1984? We are only a month apart," Aiyana said excitedly.

"Thats cool," Kamilah replied with mock interest.

"Yeah. Hes a Taurus. We are compatible in every way. Oh and did you know that they have this one song called The Cigarette Song, and when they play it the drummer takes a break and goes to smoke a cigarette?"

"Ya don't say.... "

"OH! and I found out...." Kamilah cut her off.

"Where did all this information come from and why is it all you can talk about?"

"The internet, and its all very important information. Every fan needs to know this stuff."

"Well I'm not a fan so I don't really care."

Aiyana looked at Kamilah and for some reason her heart broke a little bit. She couldn't understand why Kamilah was being so rude to her. Maybe she just didn't understand. Kamilah had every right to react the way she did though. Its been weeks of hearing about this stuff. She swears that she has heard the Taurus thing a few times already.

"Listen Aiyana. I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. Its just. There has to be something else to talk about don't you think? What have you been up to lately? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." Kamilah tried to get the conversation on the right track again. She didn't realize that would just force it back to the Rejects express.

"Ive been pretty busy. There is this place online called the Poast Boards. Its an obvious typo but its so funny. The people there are called Toasties because someone mentioned that the word poast looked like Toast. But anyway Ive been spending most of my time on there talking to other fans. Ive made some friends."

"You mean you just sit on your computer all day and talk to people online?" Kamilah asked.

"Pretty much. That and read up on the band. Reviews, Interviews. That kind of stuff. There has been so much news going on with them lately. Their video for Swing Swing is all over the music channels."

Kamilah didn't really know how to reply to all of that.

Soon they pulled into Sonic. Kamilah was excited because if Aiyana had food in her mouth she could not talk. Kamilah rolled down the window to order, but when she went to talk Aiyana talked first.

"Can I get a Bacon Egg and Cheese biscuit toasted?" she asked.

"Sure you can, is that all?"

Aiyana looked at Kamilah. I guess it was her turn.

"Um yeah, Can I get the same?"

"Sure thing. Is that all?"

"Yes, but please don't spit on it," Aiyana said. There was an awkward silence then the lady spoke.

"Excuse me?"

"Please don't spit on MY bacon egg and cheese biscuit," Aiyana repeated and laughed.

"Um.." Kamilah interrupted.

"I'm sorry. Ignore her. Thank you," she said into the mic and then quickly closed the window. Aiyana was laughing really hard at this point.

"What the hell was that about Aiyana?"

"Its from Too Bad For Hell!" she exclaimed still laughing.

"What the hell is that?"

"The rejects DVD!"

Oh lord. Here we go again. Thanks to that display of immaturity our food will most likely actually get spit on.