A twisted soul's confessions

Women are evil and beautiful just to make men mise

[Reads from a book]. Some interpret the tale of Pandora’s Box as the Greeks’ way of saying that the gods created women to be beautiful on the outside and evil on the inside, so as to make man miserable.

Pfft! Just what a typical guy would say. Blame all his foolishness on the woman. Reminds me of one of my exes. He would blame all the stupid things HE did on my beauty. ‘You’re so irresistible, you make me crazy.’ Stupid right? He claimed he was in “love” with me. He said that, without me, he was miserable and depressed and I was like, “Dude! Get a life!” or words to that effect. I bet you’re thinking, “aw it’s love and the mean girl’s rejecting him!” but the truth was it made me sick.

Love. It’s the strangest emotion of them all. You can’t buy it, yet you can pay very heavily for it. (Sigh) I know I did.