A twisted soul's confessions


His name was Zack. He wasn’t one of those romantic, witty kinda guys. He was sorta scary, on edge. He was mysterious. I guess that’s what attracted me to him. The moment I saw him, I felt my life begin to change. Yes I know I sound really corny, but hey, I thought I was in love. He wasn’t like those other scumbags I dated… (Drifts off)… (Bitterly) Too bad I was wrong.

He cheated on me…with my mother. (Clenches fists and grits teeth, and then takes a deep breath.) You know once you find out that your boyfriend cheats on you with your mum, you go ballistic right? Well I did that; well in my head I did. Once I found out, I began to laugh. Not the funny “ha ha” laugh, but a bitter laugh to hide my pain. You weren’t expecting that were you? I wouldn’t let him win. Oh no. It would take a hell of a lot for that to happen. I cried for days. Even weeks. I couldn’t look at my own mother, the woman who I admired for all my life. How could I after that?

After that, I started to eat less and less and then I stopped. Anything made by THAT woman I refused to eat. Now, you’re thinking “Jeez it’s only a guy. Get over it! You’re not going to cut your wrists are you?” Well, I considered it for a while, but then I thought what’s the point? So I locked my self in my room, crying, wondering why, why he did it and why my mother? But I already knew the answer. Mum was bored of her marriage. I couldn’t blame her. Dad buried himself in his work and never showed mum any attention, plus he was arrogant and controlling. But still… (Begins to sob)… she had no right to steal my boyfriend. I know what you’re thinking, “Whoa! Sick!” Yeah that’s what I thought. But hey, its life, we have to move on.

Eventually I was forced to eat. Mum began to get worried. “You’re going to harm yourself if you don’t.” she said. Well duh, that was the idea. Anyway, I figured if they could force food into me, they couldn’t force it to stay there. Every night after dinner, I would do five hours of non-stop exercise. At first it was a way of getting my mind off everything, but soon it became an addiction.