A twisted soul's confessions


(Thinks for a little while) My best friend had an addiction. An addiction so strong, so powerful, it caused him to lose his mind in the process. The addiction? A girl. I had to admit; she was beautiful. Not innocent or model-like or even ordinary beautiful. She was extraordinarily beautiful. She was the kind of girl I wanted to be. My best friend fell for her straight away. She had her fun with him, and then she ripped his heart out. She ripped it like it like it was a piece of useless paper. My poor friend was so in love with her, he did anything to get her back. She rejected him every time. So he tried another approach. He began to stalk her. Day and night. (Sighs) Eventually she found out and then she called the police. Once he got caught, he began to lose his mind. He screamed and cursed like there was no tomorrow. It was as if he was possessed. It was a horrible sight. One I never wanted to see again… (Drifts off) I went to visit him once. He sat there in his cell, rocking swiftly back and forth, muttering her name, no, not muttering, chanting, yes he chanted it like a song. Larissa, Larissa…It still haunts me now.