It's Hard to Say 'I Miss You.'

Wishing I Had Stayed Home

“I don’t know why I’m doing this.” I stated aloud, zipping up my suitcase.
“Because you want to.” My fiancé Nick wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned in his arms,
“You’ll be fine.” He whispered, gently kissing me.

“But. Going back now, after so long? Ugh.”
“Come on. You’re going to miss your flight.” He ignored me and grabbed my suitcase. We got them into the car, and too short of a drive later, we had arrived at the airport.

I was soon getting ready to board the plane.
“You’ll be fine. It won’t be that bad.” Nick reassured me.
“Yeah. Emphasis on the ‘that’.” I replied sarcastically. Nick gave me one more kiss before I had to go.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” I turned one more time before I got onto the terminal. I smiled, and waved good bye to him, and walked on.

After ten minutes, the plane took off. Now would be a good time to inform you of where I was going. I was headed back to my home town. Orem, Utah. So, why go back now? Because of a high school reunion. I still had no idea why I was going, but hey. Why not?

I woke up the flight attendant telling us we would be landing soon. It felt like not even five minutes had went by, and we were unloading. That’s when I was really wishing I had stayed home.
♠ ♠ ♠
well its a short first one.
but its gunna get better!

comments are welcome children.
