It's Hard to Say 'I Miss You.'

It's Been Too Long.

The next day I got up early. We didn’t have to be at the venue until six or so, but I was on a mission. After taking a quick shower, getting dressed, and throwing my hair up I quietly walked downstairs. Dan and Quinn were both asleep in the living room. Quinn on the couch, and Dan was on the floor. I laughed lightly, and rolled my eyes, seeing Quinn’s sponge bob boxers, and Dan’s family guy boxers.

I left a quick note, letting everyone know that I would be back later. I quickly and quietly grabbed my purse and keys to the car I had rented, and went to open the door. I had the door almost open enough so that I could get out, when it squeaked.

I quickly turned around, Quinn stirred, but didn’t wake up. And after waiting a minute, making sure I didn’t wake him up, I got the door open ,and made my way to the car. I got it, not slamming the door, just in case, and sped off to reach my destination. It had been so long since I had gone, or even thought about going back, but I knew the way like the back of my hand.
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sorry its short.
more soon.
comment :]
