It's Hard to Say 'I Miss You.'

This Could Either Be Really Good, Or Really Bad.

We left Jade’s house around four, getting there about an hour later. I stayed to myself, in the back of the bus, pretending I had work to do. Really I just needed the time to think.

“Lizzy. We’re here.”
Jeph lightly shook me, better him then Quinn. I thought to myself, coming back to the real world.
“Okay.” I yawed, stretching as I sat up.
“Hey. Are you okay sweety?” He questioned. Jeph, or as some referred to him, the ’mother’ of the band. Always making sure everyone was okay.

“Yeah. I’m fine, thanks for asking.”
“Your welcome. But we are going to go inside now. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to, but I thought we should at least tell you.”
“Thanks Jeph,” I smiled,
“But I’ll come with you guys.”
“Great!” He said, bouncing out the door. I laughed as I followed him inside.

Just as we got to the back, my phone started ringing. I pulled it out quickly, making sure it didn’t interrupt anything that was going on.
“Hey.” A sweat voice said. I knew at this point he was smiling.
“Nick. I was just about to call you…” Lie. But I didn’t want to sound like I was never going to call the guy. Which he was probably thinking right about now…

I turned a little, like it would help hide my embarrassment. And he was right there. Bert was watching me through a door. Watching my every move, like he was memorizing me. I turned back around, and walked a bit further down, trying to hide myself.

“You know something?” I almost forgot that I was on the phone…
“I never noticed how nice the back of your head looked.”
“My head?” I questioned, turning back around. I was starting to get dizzy from all the turning.

“Nick!” I yelled, jumping into his arms. He picked me up, wrapping his arms tightly around me.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Right after those four words slipped out of my mouth, and I saw Bert starring at the both of us. His eyes full of anger, hurt, and sadness, I realized that this could either be good. Or it could be really bad…
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