It's Hard to Say 'I Miss You.'

It's All In The Past.

After the show Quinn was the first over to us.
“So Nick, what did you think?” I knew he would of course want to know first.
“I like it. You guys were great.” He smiled, being true in his words.
“Sweet! Thanks. Wow. I like him even more now.” Quinn whispered to me, but Nick heard. Which was probably part of his plan. What a kiss ass…
“No problem.” Nick chuckled. He defiantly heard what Quinn said.

I laughed too, turning my head as I did so to find none other than Bert watching me again. He looked at me as if he was angry, sad, and every other emotion but happy at the same time. It scared me a bit to be honest.
“Hey. Can we talk?” Nick questioned, pulling me away from Bert’s stare.
“Of course.” Great. Because I have no idea what he wants to talk about…

“So. Bert.” I knew it.
“Yeah?” I had to swallow hard before I could even say that.
“I take it he doesn’t like me?” Nick questioned. Well that’s not exactly what I was expecting…
“No. He’s just Bert. He doesn’t know you.”
“Oh. Okay. But, I also wanted to talk to you about a song they played.” That’s what I was expecting.

“Which one?”
“Hard to Say.” Of course it is…
“Yeah. That one gets me thinking too…” I really didn’t have anything to say about that.
“Well, Bert was really watching you through almost the entire song…” He said. That’s when I decided it was time I told Nick about me and Bert.

“Okay Nick. Please remember that everything I am about to tell you happened a while ago. It’s all from the past. Okay?”
“Okay. I will Lizzy. I just want to know what’s going on.” That’s what I was afraid of…
♠ ♠ ♠
comment please.
