It's Hard to Say 'I Miss You.'

I Could Always Ask Jepha.

After visiting every local store, and bar (which were more like ‘cool’ places to hang out when you’re bored) in town, it was around 10.
“Boy. I’m beat!” Jade exclaimed, yawing at the end. Making her squeak,
“I think I’m going to go to bed.” She said, walking up the stairs, Jepha right behind her,
“Night guys.”
“Night.” Yes, Jade and Jeph were still dating, and now living together, which didn’t surprise me at all.

When they left, they also left Quinn and me to sit downstairs in an awkward silence. We haven’t talked for the rest of the day, since Quinn’s little mishap this morning.
“Lizzy,” He whispered. This was the only time that I could remember that Quinn and I were stuck in an awkward silence type of situation.

“I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything, I. I don’t know what I was thinking. I knew you two were, um… apart… but…”
“Quinn,” I interpreted his rambling,
“It’s okay.”
“But I feel bad.”
“Don’t. It’s fine.” He gave me a light smile, and I knew he was felling a bit better.

“So, married huh. When?”
“In about a month.”
“Wow. Can I ask to whom you will be wed to?” I laughed at his ’trying to be proper’ language.
“His name is Nick. I met him in LA. We dated fore three years, before he finally asked me. And we have engaged for almost a year now. Here…” I took out my phone, and roamed around my album, and found my favorite picture of us, at he beach.

“Awe. You two look so happy.” Quinn squeaked. I smiled,
“I am happy Quinn. We both are. That’s one of the reasons why we are getting married.” I added sarcastically.
“Well, I’m happy that you are happy.” He smiled back at me, giving me back my phone.

“Hey. Why don’t you come.”
“Come where?” He questioned.
“To the wedding. All of you. Jade and Jepha, it will make it perfect, to have you there.”
“I don’t know.”
“Please Quinn. You know, I haven’t picked a best man yet…”

“Do girls get to have a best man? I thought that was the groom, not the bride.”
“Well, if you really don’t wasn’t to come, I could always ask Jepha….”
“No! I’ll be there.”
“Good.” I chuckled a little, yawing. Quinn laughed at me, I sounded so funny,
“You should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.” He grinned, smugly,
“Oh. Can’t wait.” I said sarcastically. Quinn and I both walked up to ‘my room’,
“Good night Quinny Poo.” He laughed.
“Good night, Lizzy Poo.” I laid my head on his chest, feeling the laughter coming form his gut, falling asleep laying on Quinn…
♠ ♠ ♠

its nice to know what you guys think!
: ]

more soon.