It's Hard to Say 'I Miss You.'

The Reunion

“This is stupid. This is so stupid.” I kept chanting to myself.
“No it’s not.”
“Nobody’s even going to know who the hell I am.”
“All the more reason to go!” Quinn smiled at me. I knew he was right. Instead of arguing anymore I followed them inside.

I remembered the school so well. Nothing had changed, except for some of the people. Some people recognized me, some didn’t. But it meant nothing to me, the ones that didn’t I didn’t care for anyway. The whole thing was like a high school dance, but everyone was all grown up and mature. Well, not everyone.

“You two are gay. Together.” Josh questioned, eyeing Quinn and Jepha, who were now holding hands, acting like they were in total love with each other.
“Yes. And happily in love.” Jepha, batted his eyelashes up at Quinn. Jade and I stood back a bit, laughing at their little show. Josh looked at his friend, he smirked a bit,

“I told you those two would end up together.” Josh’s friend just stood there, in shock. His face was priceless. I wish I had a camera.
“Come one dude.” Josh had to pull his friend away, he was frozen. I burst out laughing, not being able to hold it in anymore.

Jade and I walked over to them ,
“I don’t think that guy will be able to sleep for the rest of his life!” Jade laughed, standing next to Jepha.
“Okay. I. Need. Water.” I gasped, before going to the drink table.

After I grabbed a bottle, I went to turn around, and not paying attention, I bumped right into someone. Hard enough to almost knock me over, they grabbed my hand to help me re gain my balance,
“I’m so sorry.” He said, still holding onto my hand,
“It’s fine. I wasn’t paying attention. I’m sorry.” I finally looked up, meeting his intense stare. I recognized him right away, and quickly pulled my hand out of his. I looked down, not wanting him to know who I was, but it didn’t work, he bent his head, making me look into his eyes once again.

“Lizzy?” He questioned, making me stand straight up. I sighed, and said his name out loud for the first time in years, “Bert…”
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more soon.