It's Hard to Say 'I Miss You.'

Meeting Dan.

“Okay. You can take it off now.” Jade chuckled, after I whined for a full ten minutes. They all found it amusing.
“What the-” I looked around, seeing what I am pretty sure was back stage at where ever we were, I panicked.
“Concert!” Quinn and Jepha both yelled.

“Oh. No. No. No.” I turned to run away, but Quinn grabbed my arm,
“Hold on miss. Not so fast.”
“We knew that if we told you, you wouldn’t come. And we wanted you to see us play. You have been sheltered from good music for far too long.” He lightly smiled.
“Ugh. Fine. But if he-”
“I’ll drive you to the air port myself.” Quinn’s smile widened, knowing he had won another argument between us.

He pulled me further back stage, introducing me to people he didn’t even know. I laughed at Quinn. He seemed so happy for me to be there. It was cute.
“Hey Dan!” He shouted.
“Dan?” I whispered.
“Our drummer, silly.” He grinned running over (to who I assumed) was Dan.

“Dan. This is my best friend Lizzy. Lizzy, this is Dan.”
“Best friend? Quinn. I’m hurt. I can’t believe I have been replaced.” Dan stated, pretending to cry, until he finally looked at me.
“Oh. Well I can understand why you replaced me.”
“Cool it dude. She’s getting married.” Quinn whispered.

“Damn! It’s true. All the hot ones are either married, or gay.”
“Well, she’s not technically married.” Jepha said, joining our conversation.
“Well. She will be. Nice to meet you Lizzy.” He smiled, putting his hand out.
“You too.” I took Dans hand in mine, and he lightly kissed it.
“Alright. Enough. We have to go get ready.” Quinn said, pulling Dan away, as my phone rang.

“Um. I have to get this.” I called over my shoulder, walking away.
“But the shows going to be starting, like soon.”
“I’ll be back!” I walked over to the bar, where there wasn’t too many people yet, and answered my phone.

“Hey.” I smiled, at the sound of his voice.
“Nick. Hey.”
“How are you doing?”
“Good. I’m actually at a concert right now. Some friends of mine from high school.”
“Really? That sounds fun. I just wanted to call to tell you I love you, and that I miss you.”
“Same here.” I sighed, just at the music started.
“Okay. I hear music, I’ll let you go. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.” I hung up and headed to the stage, making my way to the front.

It was hard, but I made it. A couple of guys nice enough to give me a shove. I took out the set list that Quinn had given me, so I would know the names of songs. The first one was called Take it Away, and it was amazing. Quinn found me and started jumping around, probably showing off. Which didn’t surprise me at all. I laughed a little, and jumped with the crowd.

After a good forty five minutes of playing, Bert said the last song was going to be a slower one, called Hard to Say. He didn’t say anything else except that he wrote it about four years ago, and it meant a lot to him. And I soon found out why…
♠ ♠ ♠
more soon.
