Blood Stained Hands

Safe Sleeping

I sat down on my beat up, piece of shit couch and started flipping through the channels until I came upon GCN. Some balding, blond haired man was talking, but I couldn't hear what he was saying because for some odd reason the television was on mute.

As soon as I pushed the mute button his voice filled my room, "In other news late last night The Joker," a picture of The Joker then appeared behind the man, "was caught for the second time. This time the police are taking no chances with him. He's got a one-way ticket to the county jail and I doubt he'll ever see sunlight again. Gotham citizens, you can feel safe sleeping at night now knowing that he's behind bars."

I paused the television again and started cackling like mad.

"Gotham citizens, safe? HA!"

They'll never be safe. The Joker might be locked up, but he won't stay that way for long. For fuck sakes, he's The Joker! He's the most infamous criminal this town has seen in a long time. He'll find a way out and when he does, they're all going to pay.

Plus there are still other criminals in town, like me. Yeah, we may not be big, but we still make our mark. Take me for example, I am a rich persons worst nightmare right now. I have a small motive and sometimes I strike without reason, but it still makes it hard for them to sleep at night.

I glanced over at the cat clock on my wall and saw it was almost noon. I had meeting with a friend, if you could even call him that, in another hour.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a plain black, pleather halter dress and a pair of five inch, silver stilettos off of my closet floor. I then made my way over to the vanity in the corner of my room and sat down to do my make up.

Before I even picked up my eyeliner I just stared at my reflection. Well, mostly just at my eyes, my beautiful, imperfect eyes. You see, my right eye is a perfect shade of green and my left eye.. is a foggy, off shade of purple. I'm also blind in that eye and there's a rigid scar that starts a centimeter under my eye goes down to where my lips start.

A long time ago my beautiful, perfect mother had told me that she hated me because of my birth defect. She told me I wasn't good enough for her or our family, that she would never loved me, and that I should run away and never come back. That night I had hid away and my room and took a razorblade to my face.

I sat in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection as the tears ran down my cheeks. I still didn't understand why my mommy hated me so much or why my eye being purple and blind mattered so much. I was still an adorable little girl, but I guess to my shallow mother and family, my left eye was enough to ruin everything.

I picked up the razor and stared at it contently.

If wasn’t good enough for my mother now, then I would never be.

I placed the razorblade softly under my left eye and then I pushed and pulled down. The pain hit me instantly, but I didn't stop until the razorblade came parallel with my lips. I then dropped the razorblade onto the white carpet and watched as the blood from it tainted the carpet. A few drops of blood from my face then fell onto the carpet. I looked down at my fingertips, saw the blood on them, and smiled weakly. I then looked back at my reflection and shivered, the cut was somewhat deep, but I somehow managed not to cut open my eyelid.

I heard the door creak open and I looked over and saw my older sister, Victoria walk in.

She gasped, "Evelyn, what happened?"

"Leave me alone."

"We need to get you to the hospital, that looks deep."

"GO AWAY!" I screamed at her.

She looked hurt, but stepped more into my room anyway.

I jumped up, pushed past her, and ran out of my room, out of my house, and out of that perfect world.

I hadn't even noticed that I had started crying until I had started to apply the eyeliner.

A half hour later I was sitting in a limousine with my ex boyfriend, Jonathan Crane, also known as The Scarecrow to most of Gotham.

"Candy, Candy, Candy," he cooed, "you look stunning as usual."

"Shut it, Crane," I hissed. "What do you want?"

He sighed, "You always have loved getting straight to the point."

"I've got other, more important things to do today besides taking a joy ride with you."

"Like what? Slaughtering another high class whore?"

I smiled sweetly, "Of course."

"You have some psychological problems, darling."

"Like you don't."

He glared angrily at me, but stopped yapping about random shit and got right to the point.

"I need your help."

"With what?"

"Getting The Joker out of county."

I rolled my eyes, "Like he'll need help."

"You might be right, but either way I still want you to help get him out."

"Why do you want him out so badly?" I questioned.

"Because, sweetheart, the citizens of Gotham are acting arrogant, like nothing can hurt them now that The Joker is locked away. I want to remind them that they aren't safe and that Batman can't protect them all."

"We don't need The Joker to remind them that they aren't safe. There are still other criminals in town, like us for instant."

"I know that, but he's such a strong image."

I sighed deeply, "Fine, I'll do this for you, Crane, but only because you were such a good fuck while we lasted."

"We didn't have to end," he replied, getting off subject yet again.

"Uh, yeah, we did."


"Because dumb ass, you kept trying to put your crazy pills into my food."

He smiled weakly, "Yeah.."

"So, back on subject. Do you have a plan or do I have to think of one?" I asked him.

"No, no, I have a plan."

"And that is?"

"You'll go to county too and help him break out."

I gave him a blank stare, "Don't they separate the sexes?"

He shook his head, "Not anymore, not enough girls were getting sent to county and more and more men are being sent there. So they just started mixing the genders."

"Ah, so how do you propose I get there?"

"Well, the next time you," he did a crazy hand gesture, "go do that thing you do, I'll call the police and tell them I'm hearing a disturbance from my neighbor's house. The police will come and you'll go right off to county since they've been trying to get you for some time."

I sighed yet again. I really didn't want to get caught and sent off to county, but I did feel like I owed Crane in some weird way. Not just because the sex was great, but because he also taught me loads about the human anatomy. Plus I also wanted The Joker back on the streets; I wanted Gotham to live in fear again.


He smiled widely, "I knew you wouldn't let me down, Candy."
♠ ♠ ♠
BTW, in this story The Scarecrow isn’t helping Bat Man out or whatever the fuck he was doing in The Dark Night. Okay.

Also, I know this chapter was kind of blah, but before long the story will really start picking up. Just trust me.

Thanks to everyone who commented and subcribed! =D
ILY, guys.

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