Blood Stained Hands

Straight To County

I pulled a large, black suitcase out of the back of my closet, unzipped it, and sat it down on the floor.

Since tonight was my last night before I purposely got caught, I wanted to pack some things away and hide them away safely with Crane. Since after The Joker and I break out of county I won't be able to come back home and get all my little knickknacks that were important to me.

I started packing the suitcase full of guns, knives, wads of cash, more guns, more knives, my favorite pair of stilettos, which had six inch heals and were plain black, my platform boots, my pleather halter dress, a few pairs of shorts, a few tank tops, two boxes of contacts, and even more knives.

I zipped up the suitcase and started leaving my room, but as I was doing so I saw a picture frame on my dresser. Inside the frame was a family portrait of my mother, father, sister, brother, and me. My mother's, brother's, and father's faces had been burnt out. I started at the picture and without even thinking I picked it up, went back over to the suitcase, and put it inside.

I hated everyone in my family except for my sister with a passion. My mother had always hated me, my brother had tormented me as a child, and my father loved me, but wasn't strong enough to stand up against my mother. My sister on the other hand did love and care about me and on occasion she would stand up against our mother.

Suddenly I heard a loud rapping on my front door. Before I even opened the door I knew it was Crane, here to pick up my suitcase and to finalize the plan.

"Candy!" He beamed at me.

"Crane," I mumbled as I stepped aside so he could make his way into my humble, little home.

I handed him a slip of paper, "That's the address of where I'll be tomorrow at noon. I'm going to kill him with a gun, so you can tell the police that you heard gunshots. You can figure out how you're going to get into their neighbors house to call the pigs."

He smiled, "I already know how I'm going to do that."

"Good for you."

"Don't you want to know?"

I laughed, "No."

He sat down on my couch and pouted like a baby.

I rolled my eyes and went into my room, grabbed the suitcase, and brought it out into the living room.

"Here," I said as I dropped it onto his lap.

He grunted, "This is all you want me to hide away?"
I nodded.

"Well, I was expecting a lot more considering you're a girl."

"Oh, Crane, you know I'm not like the other girls."

He smiled and was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"If I find anything missing from that suitcase when I get out.. I. Will. Cut. Off. Your. Dick."

His eyes grew wide.

I smiled sweetly, "And then I'll shove it up your ass."

"Nothing will go missing, Candy, I assure you of that."

"Good and now you can leave."

"Don't you want some company on your last free night?"

I chuckled, "No, I've already got the demons in my closet."

That next day at exactly 11:59 in the morning I was sitting on a couch next to aboyman who I had never wanted to see again. The man I was sitting next to was Julian Williams, my older brother. Right now he didn't recognize me, which would make sense since I was wearing contacts and he had never seen me with my scar. He'd recognize me soon enough though.

"Thanks for having this meeting with me on such short notice," I said.

I was here on a 'meeting' with him about becoming a exotic dancer at one of his strip clubs in town.

"Don't mention it."

"I have a question."


"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, one," he replied. "Why?"

"Just because you look a lot like someone I know."

"This girl named Evelyn."

His eyes grew wide, "I don't have a sister named Evelyn."


"Oh," I whispered.

I reached my hand inside of the small purse I had on my lap and pulled out a small, silver gun. I then stood up and in front of him, pointing the gun at his chest.

"Julian, I know it's been ages since you've seen me, but jeez! You didn't have to forget about me."

He looked uncomfortable, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"For fuck sakes! Look at me, at my features," I reached up and took both the contacts out of my eyes and flung them on the floor, "at my eyes!"

A look of understanding overcame his face, "Evelyn."

I smiled sweetly, just like I used to when I was a little girl and I didn't want him to get mad at me.

"Yeah, it's me," I replied and then I shot him once, twice, three times in the head.

I dropped the gun and then sat back down next to my brother's corpse and waited for the cops to come find us. I dipped my hands in my brother's blood and then I stared down at my blood stained hands. I took my left hand and ran it down my cheek and then I made a bloody hand print on his perfect, white walls.

Less then five minutes later the front door was kicked open and in strode Commissioner Gordon and three other officers.

"Put your weapon down!" An officer yelled.

I pointed to the gun on the floor and smiled, "It's already down."

He glared at me, "Hands in the air!"

I did as he told me to do like a good, little girl.

"We've finally got you, Candy," Gordon said.

I shrugged my shoulders and giggled, "Yeah, after what? Five years?"

He glared at me now too, "You're going straight to county, Candy and I doubt you'll ever get out."

"Oh I'm shivering and shaking with fear!"

Another officer walked a little too close to me and I snapped at him like a dog would. He backed away again and looked somewhat frightened.

"Stand up and put your hands behind your back," Gordon said.

I did and a few seconds later I felt the handcuffs close around my wrists.

I sat in the back of the police car, giggling like mad as we zoomed down the streets with our flashing lights, heading straight to county.
♠ ♠ ♠
-shifty eyes-
Yeah, The Joker wasn't in this one either, but!
He will be in the next one. =D
Oh yes, he will..

Comments and subscriptions are loved.
Especially comments, those make me super happy in the pants. :O