Love is Such an Old Fashioned Word

Saying 'I Love You' Isn't so Hard Anymore

I quickly walked towards the little café, not wanting to be late. I didn’t know why I was going to the café so late in the first place, but I was told to be there by ten, so I was just obeying orders. But when I got inside, Bam was no where in sight.

“Hey Dunn.”
“Hello Casey.” He said, not looking up from his paper.
“Okay. So the note said, ‘meet me where we first met at ten. Bam. So where is he?”
“The roof.”
“Excuse me?” I store at Ryan for a minute, in disbelief.

“No. I’m serious. He’s up there, waiting for you actually.”
“Ryan. If this is a joke, I am going to kill you.” I pointed at him,
“It’s not. He’s waiting for you. Go.” He shouted, well more like shrieked, in fear of me keeping my word.
“Okay.” I walked quickly through the small kitchen, and over to the door, that would lead me up to the roof.

I reached the top of the stairs, and pushed the door open, “Bam?” I called, climbing up the last few stairs so I was completely on the roof.
“Bam? Where are y-” I stopped mid sentence,
“Bam. What is this?” I slowly got each word out. There were candles every where, and a small table in the middle of the roof, surrounded by more candles and two chairs.

Instead of answering me, he walked over, and linked my arm with his, pulling me over to one of the chairs. Bam pulled out the chair, and patted it. I sat down, and he smiled down at me, pushing the chair in. He sat down in the other chair, and yelled over his shoulder,
“Okay guys.”

I looked over to the door, watching Raab, Brandon, Ryan, and Rake come onto the roof, looking like waiters. I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Raab carried a bottle of champagne, while Dunn, Rake, and Brandon carried silver platters. Rake and Brandon each sat a tray in front of Bam and me, while Dunn stood back a little with his tray. That got me concerned.

Raab opened the champagne, and carefully poured some into each of our glasses. Then all three backed away at once. Bam smiled at me,
“Eat.” He said, pulling the lid off the tray.
“Okay.” I wasn’t quit sure of what to say, so I did as I was told.

After a couple minutes of silence, I had to say something,
“Bam. What is all of this?” I questioned, starting to get more curious.
“Well, that’s chicken, and that-”
“No. Bam. All of this,” I pointed around the roof.
“The candles, the ‘fancy food’, the roof. What is all of that?” I questioned, waiting for an answer.

“You love being up here.” Bam stated, in a questioning tone.
“Yes. That’s the thing. I love everything. The candles. The food, it’s all of my favorites, seeing you guys dressed up-”
“And you love me.”
“And I love you. And I love. Oh.” I watched the smile on Bams face grow, he knew that I didn’t like saying I loved someone. I thought that love was such an old fashioned word. But even though I didn’t say I did, he knew that I did love him.

“Well, can’t a guy just enjoy a nice dinner with his girlfriend?” Ban questioned. It’s not what I was expecting him to say, but I nodded anyway.
“Alright then.” He smiled. We continued to eat, and after we were both done, Bam jerked his head up,
“Okay. It’s time.” He said to the guys.
My voice cracked,
“Time for what?” I really was hoping that they weren’t planning on doing anything stupid, not during this perfect night.
“Dunn!” Bam yelled, he walked quickly to his side, and lifted the lid off of his tray.

In the center of the tray, there was a little red velvet box.
“Bam. What is that?” I questioned, trying to control my breathing. He took the box off the tray, and bent down in front of me, taking my left hand in his. Bam store straight into my eyes,
“Casey. I love you, more than anything. And even thought you wont say it out loud, I know that you love me too. Casey, will you marry me?”

I couldn’t make my mouth work at the moment, so I simply nodded.
“Really? Uh, cool.” Bam smiled, sliding the ring onto my hand. I didn’t miss how shaky his hands were, as he picked me up,
“I love you Casey.” He whispered, putting me back down, after spinning around.
“I love you too Bam. I love you.” I kept repeating it’s a loud, as Bam kissed me. Now, saying ‘I love you’ wasn't so hard.
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hope you liked it.

comments are always welcome kiddies.
: ]
