Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention

Chapter 1

July 2, 2004

"Adrienne, get up!"

I groggily opened my eyes when I heard my mother yell at me. Not yet wanting to get up, I rolled over and covered my head.

"Just a few more minutes..."

"Adrienne, get up this instant! We'll miss our flight!"

I groaned and rolled over again to ignore my mother's voice. Instead of peace and quiet, I got the joy of my brother Danny yelling in my ear.


I instantly shot out of bed, glaring at him. My blonde-haired, blue-eyed brother smiled at me.

"Danny, I'm going to kill you."

"Mom told me to wake you up."

He smiled innocently at me, and walked out of my line of sight. I rubbed my ear, hoping I hadnt lost my hearing. If he damaged my hearing in any way, shape or form, I'm going to kill him.

"Daniel, pick up your stuff, we're leaving in a while."


I looked up to see our mother in the doorway, frowning at the complete mess that was our hotel room. Her brown eyes gave us a silent warning as she scanned the rest of the room. You don't want to mess with my mother. She goes to the extremes of the emotion spectrum.

"Adrienne, please get ready. Our flight leaves in 5 hours. We want to get there early, right?"

"Of course."

I rolled my eyes. With the mess in this room, we were never getting out of here. I got a few things and went to the bathroom, Danny smirking at me as I went.

I quickly took a shower, the whole time listening as my mother commanded Danny around. Once I had changed, I peered at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. My natural combination of brown and black hair, my tired-looking hazel eyes and tan complexion did not seem to go together. It made me feel like a monster of some sort. I made a face in the mirror and sighed.



I had barely finished brushing my hair when my mother dragged me out of the bathroom. We all grabbed our stuff, checked out of the hotel and squeezed into a taxi. Upon arriving at the airport, I looked up at the building in front of me. Knowing I would probably never see this again, I turned to face the city we were leaving.

"Good Bye Sacramento, Hello Las Vegas."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the first story I ever wrote by myself. Ever. It's not entirely done, but I will finish it and it will be updated regularly.
