Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention

Chapter 10

"Good bye! Thank you for coming!" Mine and Spencer's parents chorused, as most of the guests were leaving. Everyone shuffled by, waving good bye and commenting on how much fun they had.

"Well, I'm going to go now," Jake waved goodbye to his friends. "Bye!" everyone yelled, waving goodbye also.

"I"ll see you around, Adrie," he added, before he walked off.

"Bye," I muttered, still depressed from earlier. Sam poked me and began winking.

"What now?"

"I think he likes you."

"I'm too depressed to care."

"Listen to me. I know these things," Sam mused, pulling me into the dining room with her.

"And where did you learn these things, oh wise one?" I asked, slightly amused.



"From eating Cheetos. Don't you know? Eating Cheetos gives the eater wisdom. The more you eat, the wiser you become."

I shook my head in disbelief. Sam has come up with some crazy things, but this...

"Sure, whatever you say."

"Okay, we're leaving! See you tomorrow!"

"What?" Sam and I ran to the living room, where the adults were practically running out the door.

"Where are they going?" I asked Spencer.

"They're taking off to the Strip. 'It's a holiday. We want to celebrate too,' is what they said. So we all have to stay here and be 'good,'" Spencer answered, closing and locking the door.

I turned to Danny, "Please tell me Mom and Dad left the house keys." Danny shook his head no. I turned to Sam.

"Guess you can't sleep over in my awesome, new room." Sam pouted and glared at the back of Danny's head.

"I'm in charge!!!" Yume suddenly declared, interrupting everything by standing on the sofa. "I shall prepare sleeping arrangements!"

She looked at her 'followers,' which consisted of me, Spencer, Brent, Sam, Brendon, Kayla, Ryan, Danny, Joseph and Tyler.

"Okay. I have decided!" Yume yelled. "Sam and Kayla get the guest room, I get Spencer's room-"

"Hey, why the hell do you get my room?" Spencer protested.

"Because I said so. Now quiet, minion!" Yume commanded, surveying us again. "Danny and Co., you are banished to the basement. Brent, Brendon, and Spencer, you can sleep on the couches here in the living room."

Yume looked us over once again, "And Ryan and Adrienne can share Spencer's parent's bedroom."

I felt the pit of my stomach fall as Yume finished her sentence. My plan had been to avoid him for the rest of my life, not share a room and bed with him. I opened my mouth to protest, but Yume had already run off to Spencer's room, with Sam and Kayla following her. I followed, hoping Yume had been kidding about the sleeping arrangements, and at the same time wondering why we all listened to her in the first place.

"My word is final!" Yume decreed (again) before I had even entered the room. Yume, Kayla and Sam were 'beautifying' Spencers room. In other words, cleaning it. Yume stopped to look at me.

"Do not dare challenge me, minion. I have spoken," Yume echoed her words.

"Why did you have to stick me and Ryan together?" I complained, moving a pile of Spencer's clothes so that I could sit down.

"Because you were the last two left. It's not my fault," Yume answered, surveying the room.

"You did notice that you stuck a guy and a girl in the same room sharing the same bed, right?"

Yume seemed like one of those traditional types. Hopefully, I'd be right for once.

"Oh, I trust you guys. If you don't feel comfortable, one of you can sleep on the floor. Besides, Ryan's in love with his girlfriend. He wouldn't do anything," Yume informed me.

I sighed. No one was going to let me forget that fact.

When it was cleaned to her taste, Yume commanded everyone to go to sleep. This time, no one listened. Quite amazing, considering we had all been her minions earlier.

"Go to sleep now!" Yume yelled, shutting off the lights in the living room, where the guys were playing video games. The darkened room didn't deter the guys, who kept playing and yelling at each other. Sam giggled, while Kayla stared at them with a blank expression. I simply stood there, dreading sleep, instead of welcoming it, like I usually do.

"Did you hea-"

"I'm hungry," Danny's friend, Tyler complained, his eyes glued to the TV.

"Yeah, me too," Danny and Joseph chimed in.

"Now that you mention it, I am too."

"Yeah, me too."

The guys all murmured amongst themselves, none of them bothering to take their eyes off the screen. Yume scowled at them.

"Fine, I'll make lasagna," she replied, stomping to the kitchen. No one listened.

"How about Taco Bell?" Brent suggested, while wrestling with Ryan for the controller.

"YOU'RE GETTING LASAGNA AND THATS FINAL!!!!" Yume's voice boomed from the kitchen. Everyone turned to see Yume fuming in the kitchen doorway.

"Okay," was everyone's reply, as no one wanted to see the full extent of Yume's fury.

"Well, I'm going to get some Cheetos," Sam stated randomly, grabbing my arm and Kayla's and skipping off to the kitchen. Upon arriving in the kitchen, Sam, Kayla and I found Yume busy cooking, humming to herself and practically bouncing off the walls. Upon noticing us enter, Yume smiled.

"Come to help?" she asked, already holding out various things for us to do.