Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention

Chapter 12


I groaned as a bright flash and giggling interrupted the wonderful slumber I'd previously been in. Yawning, I turned over, covering my face to ward off any more distractions.

"Adrie... oh, Adrie... wake up..." Sam's voice came softly.

"Just a few more minutes," I mumbled, taking in a deep breath. Something near me smelled really good. It was a scent I couldn't quite determine since my mind only demended sleep, but I sure didn't remember my sheets smelling like this yesterday.

"Adrie, get up right now and smile."

Why is Sam in my room? I don't remember her sleeping over...

"Why?" I opened my eyes, half-expecting to see Sam armed with a camera, ready to blind me. Instead, I saw Ryan, still fast asleep next to me.

"Aww... how cute!" Sam cooed, emerging from behind Ryan and snapping another picture. I sat up and wiped my eyes, wondering if I was dreaming.

"No, you're not dreaming," Sam said, as if she had read my mind. "This is really happening. You and Ryan shared a bed last night and now I have tons of cute pictures to take. Say cheese!"

In an attempt to block my face, I turned away from the camera... and fell off the bed,


"Aww... you ruined it," Sam said, turning off her camera.

"He woke up, didn't he?" I asked, sitting on the floor, rubbing my elbow, which had attempted to break my fall.

"Nope. Anyway, come on. There's breakfast waiting downstairs for us, courtesy of your relatives. Wake up your bed buddy and let's go!"

I rolled my eyes and started pulling on my shoes. I thought Sam was starting to sound like one of the guys. She always wanted food.

Sam tapped her foot impatiently. "Lets go!" she said as soon as I was done, taking off down the hall. I trudged after her, still groggy from sleep.

"You didn't wake up Ryan."


"Okay, never mind," Sam skipped into the dining room, where Yume, Kayla, Danny, Tyler and Joseph were already eating.

"Good Morning Everyone!" Sam greeted. A cloud of mumbling greeted her in return. Suddenly, my mother popped out of nowhere, shoving plates of food into mine and Sam's hands.

"Here you go. Enjoy!" she said, running back into the kitchen. There was only one seat left at the table, so Sam and I headed into the living room, where Brent, Brendon and Spencer were still fast asleep. Brendon and Spencer were on the couch, Brendon sitting upright, a pillow wedged between his head and the couch. Spencer was draped over the couch arm, a pillow under his head and the controller still in his hand. Brent was sitting in the recliner, his head back, and mouth wide open. Sam went and sat on Brendon's lap, waking him up.

"What? Huh?" he asked, wiping his eyes and smiling at Sam.

"Good morning," Sam replied, as Brendon stretched his arms and enveloped her in a hug. I sighed as I sat down on the loveseat, watching the two of them. There was silence (minus Sam and Brendon whispering to each other) until Brent woke up suddenly. He got up, eyes wide, kicking and waking up Spencer in the process.

"What the hell was that for?" Spencer demanded, rubbing his leg where Brent had kicked him. Everyone's attention was on Brent, who looked around bewildered.

"Sorry, it's just..."

"It's just what?"

"I dreamt Yume was trying to kill me," Brent finished.

"I've had that dream tons of times. It's fine. Don't worry about it," Spencer said. "Besides what harm can she really do?"

At that exact moment, Yume popped into the room.

"Hi everyone!" she yelled, obviously refreshed. Brent jumped at her outburst and fell onto the floor. The rest of us laughed as Yume looked around, confused at the fact that Brent was looking at her suspiciously.
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This chapter ended badly, I know.