Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention

Chapter 13

Two weeks later (July 17, 2004)

"...And this is a mall."

"Sam, I just moved here from another state. I wasn't in a coma. I think I know what a mall is," I replied, grinning.

The past two weeks had consisted of more unpacking for me and the family, which had prompted Sam to announce a shopping trip for this weekend. Now, me, Sam and Yume were at the mall, having left Kayla behind to baby-sit her siblings.

"Well... where shall we go first?"

"Anime Club!"

"Okay, Hot Topic it is," Sam yelled, ignoring Yume's suggestion and running off.

"Why can't we go to Anime Club first?" Yume fumed, stomping after Sam. I was about to follow when she heard my name being called. The voice sounded very familiar, but I didn't want to believe it was...

"Adrienne! My best friend! I haven't seen you in forever. How the hell are you?" I turned to face the person I hated most in the world: Jordan Wilmington.

Jordan was definitely what you would call the blonde stereotype: pretty, popular, rich and evil to all those around her, in other words, a bitch.

I'm in hell, alright, I thought, as memories began flooding back and I recalled the summer before 7th grade. That summer, I had been allowed to bring Sam with me on my yearly visit to Las Vegas to visit Spencer and Kristen (Spencer's older sister). By then it had been obvious to everyone that I had a crush on Ryan, except of course, to Ryan himself.
Jordan and I had known each other from my previous summer visits, and Jordan knew quite well of my feelings. Jordan, being the "best friend" she claimed she was, had convinced me that she would get Ryan to ask me out. I thought back to the day when I found out Jordan and Ryan were dating. I remembered all the crying I'd done in Kristen's room, which was now the guest room of Spencers house, with Sam sitting with me and comforting me by saying we would make bombs out of potatoes and blow up Jordans house.

Sam had then insisted on going and facing Jordan about what she had done. That fight had been in this same mall, where Sam and I had confronted Jordan and her then friend, Michelle. I couldn't forget the look of victory on Jordan's face as she had haughtily bragged about stealing Ryan. Since then, I had never returned to Las Vegas, until now.

"Adrienne, why are you..." Sam's voice trailed off when she saw Jordan. "Samantha, I see you're also well. I was just saying hello to my old friend here." Jordan flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and smirked at me. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could stop to chat, but I should be going now. I have to meet one of my boyfriends for lunch. Ta ta."

She started walking off with her friends, but suddenly turned to face me again. "Oh, and tell Ryan I say hi. He still hasn't gotten over me, huh?" Without waiting for an answer, she and her friends walked off, giggling.

"Oh, I want to choke her!" Sam said, glaring at Jordan's back and mimicking a strangling motion. Yume looked from Jordan's retreating back to Sam and I, confused.

"Who was that?" she asked, looking at us worriedly.

"Its a long story," I replied, wiping away the stray tears that had run down my cheek. I couldn't believe that this situation had come back to haunt me. Sam gave me a hug.

"Aww... don't worry. One day she'll get what she deserves. How about we go to Coldstone and get some ice cream to cheer us up. Ice cream always cheers us up..."

"Ice cream is my love..." Yume mused.

"Sure," I smiled faintly, pushing the memories out of my head.

"Yay!" Yume cheered. "But you guys have to promise to tell me the story behind that Jordan person later."
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short... but might answer some questions...

or breed more. :D