Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention

Chapter 15

"You're cheating on Ryan."

"What?" I turned to stare at Sam. We were currently out in front of Coldstone, walking back to Yume's car after our delicious ice cold treat.

Sam raised an eyebrow at me. "You heard me. You're cheating on Ryan."

Yume looked at both of us, probably still lost from before. Truthfully, I was just as lost.

"What do you mean, I'm cheating on Ryan?" I asked.

"You were completely flirting with Jake in there and you know it," Sam noted.

"No, I wasn't," I protested. I knew I had, but admitting would be admitting I wassemi interested in Jake.

"Yes, you were. What about Ryan? I thought you were in love with him."

"No, I-"

"You're in love with Ryan?" Yume repeated, looking a bit surprised.

"Yes, she is and she has been practically all her life."

"No, I-"

"Wow. I could tell you liked him, but love? That's so depressing, he probably just thinks of you as a friend."

"Yeah, it is depressing, isn't it? If only our little Adrie had made a move earlier..."

"You guys, come on. I'm no-" This was getting ridiculous.

"Adrie, stop denying it. Yume and I already know. Your secrets safe with us."

"Okay, first of all, I was not flirting with Jake in there. Second, I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH RYAN!"

My voice echoed throughout the parking lot. Sam and Yume looked around casually.

"Hey, I don't think those elderly ladies over there heard you," someone said from behind us. I turned to face Jake.

I have the most perfect timing in the world.

"What brings you out into the world?" Yume asked.

"You left this," Jake looked at me and handed me my cell phone.

"What? But- It was-" I stuck my hand in my pocket, only to confirm that the phone in his hand was mine.

"Thanks," I replied sheepishly, embarrassed.

"No problem," Jake smiled. "See you girls later."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and sweet. I've been away for awhile, I know. Honestly, lots of things have changed lately and I'm still getting used to it all. Also, not having any inspiration isn't helping. I'm trying, but I've never been very reliable on updates because school, marching band and having a life come first. Sorry, guys, but updates most likely will be scattered and random. If that's not cool with you, sorry. I'm sure there are plenty of other authors on here who update when they say they will.

If you're still interested in this, I'm going to continue for you. Just know that sometimes life kicks my ass and it's hard for me to get back up.