Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention

Chapter 19

July 31, 2004

"I'm bored."

"Me too."

After living in Vegas for about three weeks, the glitz and glamour of the city had disappeared, instead replaced by the realization that this was not a vacation. It was fine with me, although I wished that certain people I had to deal with would disappear. I usually spent my long, boring summer days talking on the phone with someone, online, or running around somewhere with "the gang." I was currently balancing my phone between my shoulder and head, talking to Sam while looking for something interesting to read. Nothing in my bookcase was calling me.

"Want to go to the mall?"

A few books fell. I cursed softly as one of them fell on my foot. "For what?"


I stared at my bookcase. "How about a bookstore? I could use something new to read."

"Okay. Shall we call Yume and invite her?"

"Sure. I'm sure she's bored. Probably shooting boba at Spencer's window."

"Actually, I think she is."

I walked over to my window, hoping to catch a glimpse of Yume doing her daily ritual. Unfortunately, it was too far away and I couldn't tell.

"I'm blind. I can't see."

"Oh well. I'll call her. Get ready and we'll get you in like 30 minutes."

Sure enough, half an hour later, Yume and Sam were in my house, raiding my kitchen. I arrived downstairs to Sam munching on Cheetos and Yume making ramen.

"So, are we going?"

"Wait!" Yume dived towards the stove, bowl in hand, somehow trying to get the water to boil faster, but instead falling onto the floor. Sam and I stared at her. Yume looked at us, grinned, and flashed us the peace sign.

"You guys didn't see anything..."
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Mini filler to tide you over. More later, after I finish my Analysis essay that's due today. :D

Also, tell me if this seems like something you would read. The Life and Times of Roxie Mae
I'm in the process of writing it, and will not post it until it's finished, which at the rate I am, will be in a few weeks. I've been avoiding other things to write this... :D