Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Give Me Your Attention

Chapter 5

The next morning, I was awakened up bright and early: 5:30 am.

"It's too early!" I complained, rolling over to check my cell phone for the time.

"Oh please. I used to get up at this time everyday when I was young..."

I responded to my mother's words by grabbing my pillow and hugging it tight, trying to fall back to sleep.

"Get up and start unpacking. If you finish your room today, I'll let you go run over to Spencer's house," my mother yanked the pillow away, and ran off with it.

"Fine, but I won't like it"

"No one said you had to!"

I got up, stretched and began unpacking my things. Time passed by slowly. After about half an hour, I began contemplating giving up.

"Hey! Adrie! Sam's here!" Danny yelled, interrupting my thoughts.

"Okay," I replied, already hearing the footsteps running towards my room. I turned to see Sam burst into my room.

"Hey, come to help?" I asked, motioning to the boxes I hadn't yet touched.

Sam took a quick look around.

"Yep. Anything to get you out of this house."


When we were done organizing everything, Sam and I ran out of the house, laughing insanely. We didn't even know why.

"Yes, finally! Freedom!" I cried as we ran towards Sam's house. Sam laughed at my outburst.

"It was fun throwing all your junk around. We should do it more often."

"Hey, it's not junk. But putting all my stuff, not junk, away took forever," I corrected, as we walked up to Sam's front door. Sam opened the door and led the way up the stairs to her room in the back of the house.

"No little secluded room in the front of the house for you?" I teased. I knew that she hated the fact that I had 'the awesome room.'

"No," Sam sighed, plopping onto her bed. "We can't all be as lucky as you. My parents gave that to Mr. All-Star Jock."

"How is Sammy doing nowadays? I haven't seen him yet," I asked, sitting down at Sam's computer desk, and looking around. Her room was decorated in an Asian theme. The walls were painted jade green, with red cherry blossoms and brown Chinese characters alternating and acting as a border. The lighting looked as if it were paper lanterns, the colors matching perfectly with the rest of the room. Sams huge bed had green sheets, with Chinese writing in brown. On the walls were various Chinese fans and paintings.

"Well, first of all, he prefers to be called Samuel. Sam interrupted my surveying of the room. "'It's more professional,' he says. Whatever. Be glad you haven't seen him. He's a freaking idiot. Probably out with one of his many cheerleader girlfriends right now," Sam rolled her eyes.

"I love your room," I replied, changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, me too. It's painted to match my tea set. I bought in an antique store and loved the instant I saw it!"

Sam motioned to the tea set in the corner of the room. The tea set was a beautiful jade green with dark brown to accent it.

"We should have a tea party, just like when we were little. That way I can finally break this thing in," Sam carefully picked up the teapot.

"I'm surprised you haven't already had a tea party with Brendon," I stared at Sam, who was now bouncing at the mention of Brendon.

"Well, he can't drink tea. He's Mormon. But, I think that if he weren't, we would have had a lot of tea parties," Sam plopped onto the floor and stared off into space as I burst out laughing.

"What? What's so funny?"

"That can be taken so many different ways," I choked out, rolling on the floor.

"Thats dirty! Ewww!"

Sam threw a pillow at me. This didn't stop my laughter.

"Pillow Fight!"

"You asked for it!"

I grabbed a pillow and we began chucking them at each other. One flew out the door and hit Samuel, Sam's brother, who was coming into the room. His red hair was messy and he was wearing only sweatpants, looking as if hed just woken up. I have to admit he is pretty attractive (I'm not going to admit he's hot... He's Sam's brother...)and the fact that he had developed muscles since the last time I'd seen him made him look (okay, fine...)hot.

"What the hell are you doing?" the man formerly known as Sammy glared at Sam and I. We noticed, but didn't care, at least not too much. We were too busy rolling on the floor laughing.

"What does it look like were doing?" Sam asked, when she was finally able to speak. She got up and began gathering the pillows.

"Destroying the house."

"No, we were having fun until someone came... cough*you*cough..."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You know perfectly what it means, Sammy."

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"You don't seem to mind when your so-called friends call you Sammy. Maybe you should give them the memo before you start correcting me," Sam replied coldly. I gulped awkwardly and looked at both of them. I didn't want to become involved.

"Uh, I shouldn't be here. I'll be downstairs."

I started towards the door, but Sammy blocked it. Damn it, I was almost out of here.

"Sorry Adrienne, but I need you to help me prove my point," Sammy smiled at me.

"Which is?"

"That Samantha here is wrong in dating that never going anywhere, wannabe rocker she calls a boyfriend."

"You're kidding, right?" I responded, desperately wanting to leave. "Do you even know him?"

"No, but do you? I think she should find someone else, someone with a future."

"Like you're going anywhere in life..." Sam mumbled.

I was confused. Sammy made it sound like Sam and Brendon were running off together.

"When you're poor on the street with that guy, don't come to me!" Sammy yelled, stomping off and making a grand exit by slamming Sam's door shut.

"Wow. He makes it sound you like you and Brendon are already walking down the aisle."

"Drama Queen..."

"Hey, I'm going to get some water. Want some?" I hoped that changing the subject would distract Sam.

"No. I'm not going out there with him."


I walked out the door and jogged down the stairs to the kitchen, where I met up with Sammy. We ignored each other as we each went along our business, me getting water and some Cheetos for Sam, him getting some cereal. As I was leaving, he grabbed my wrist.

"Umm, yeah, I think this belongs to me."

I tried wrenching my wrist out of Sammy's grip, but failed miserably. Guess all those sports really do pay off in some ways. He looked at me sadly and sighed, turning away.

"Adrie, I know you just barely moved here, but you know Samantha best. I want you to know that I don't really hate Brendon, but I hate that Samantha's happier than me."

"So you compromise by making her miserable?"


I can't believe he actually has to think about it. Why didn't I just leave?

"Do you know how immature that is?

Sammy turned around to look at me. "Yeah..."

I sighed. His frown was making me feel depressed.

"I'll talk to her, okay?"


I smiled at him and left. I was kind of surprised. What reason did he have to be miserable? He had everything most people would kill for. A bunch of girlfriends, jock/popular status, respect/fear from everyone, etc. Sam was a normal person like me, as everyone else, as far as I knew. What did she have that was so much better?

With this and Ryan being so hot (damn, when did I start saying that?), everything is so weird.

I think instead of moving to Vegas, I got tossed in the Twilight Zone.
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