Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

I Kidnap Better Than You

After the Van had parked in its place at the venue, Tarra Climbed out claiming that it was Keri and Cristis turn to set up the merch tent and that Brandon and Heaven just needed to rest; Heaven because of her crash and Brandon because of the fact that he was worried. Tarra made her way toward the other bus and began searching for the MCR bus, hell any bus beside Panic! At The Disco; the last thing that she needed was Heaven finding her trying to communicate with them.

She sighed as she yet again passed The Used's bus, but this time, Jeph was standing outside with Quinn, whom was smoking a cancer stick.

Wha"t the hell is up with everyone on this damn tour and smoking?" She asked standing next to Jeph, causing him to jump.

"It happens that some of us, oh hell why am I even going to try to explain this to you. Quinn, Tarra. Tarra, Quinn." Jeph stated introducing the two of you.

"Why it's great to finally meet you Mr. Allman. I effing love you guys. Tell Bert I stopped by, and no hes not getting his clothes back. Im going to wash them and wear them at the next show!"

"Why do you have his clothes?"

"Want to play me at a game of poker?" Jeph was standing behind Tarra giving the cut at the neck sign towards Quinn, as in to tell him to decline.

"What's the bid in?"

"Five dolla, then it's raising with the ten, Bert gave up and started to bid his clothes!"

"So that's why he was complaining about losing the shirt!"

"More than likely," She smiled at him. "So can either of you point me in the direction of the My Chemical Romance bus. Or," she paused shifting her eyes back and forth. "Do you know the where abouts of one Frank Iero. I have a plan of attack!"

"A plan of attack?" Quinn asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yep a plan of attack. He's my acclaimed new best friend. That means. He gets to join me in the act of evil for the day."

"Oh," Jephs eyes got big and he smiled. "Can I too be a best friend?"

"Depends, whats your motive?"

"Why question the motive?" Tarra shrugged and walked off. She had spotted Gerard walking toward a near by bus and ran toward him. She skidded to a halt, but bumped into him anyway.

"Whoa, where you going so fast?" He asked looking down at her.

"Where's Frank?" She squealed out.

"Sleeping ..."

"Mwahahah, not for long. This your bus?" She asked pointing to the bus behind him.

"Yeah ..."

"Good!" She climbed into the bus without asking, and began to search for Frank. She opened up each curtain on the bunks only to see a half naked Mikey curled up with a stuffed frog.

"Hey Mmmmmiiiiiikkkkkkeeeeeeyyyyyy!" She whispered in his ear softly.

"Five more minutes Gerard, then I'll be ready to get out of bed." He mumbled in his sleep.

"Oh please, not another Keri Leigh." Tarra mutter thinking of several a time that her cousin had mumbled almost the same exact thing. "MIKEY!" She shouted in his ear making his eyes snap open and stare at her.

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?" He asked looking at her like she was crazy.

"Name's Tarra, and I'm looking for Frank!" Mikey pointed to the bunk above his and rolled over, muttering something about the stupidity of llamas. Tarra grinned as she pulled open the curtians to Franks bunk. He smiled at her and waved.
" 'ello Frank!"

"Hallo, what are you doing here this early?"

"I'm here to claim you before the sets begin. Heaven has declared a prank war and I want your help."

"Why my help?"

"Because, youre my new best friend, Heavens asleep, and well Keri and Cristi won't work!"

"Well then. Whats the plan?"

"Come with me to the Food tent, I'll buy you breakfast and tell you all about my evil plans to get Cute is What We Aim For!" Frank rolled out of the bunk and threw on a shirt and his shoes. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at her. "You're beautiful, lets go." She stated dragging him through the bus and back outside after waving at Gerard and Ray. They made their way to the food tent and took a seat; nothing looked appetizing at that moment.

"So what's the plan, and why do you need my help?"

"I need your help, because I heart you and know that you would actually be the only one that would get it!" After several minutes after discussing the plan to Frank, he readily agreed and they set to work.

"Well, we will have to get a third party for this to really work out." Tarra said looking at everyone sitting around them. Hoping that there would be a familiar face. She only spotted two. Brendon Urie and the entirety of another unsigned band Media Blackout. Surely Kyle would help her in this plan. She smiled at Frank and made her way towards the three man band.

"Hallo Kyle," She said waving at him. He smiled and waved back. "I have a demise that I would like you to join me in." Kyle smiled and hurriedly agreed. For this is a first time that she had asked him to join in on one of her plans. "Frankie, I have our third party. Lets set to work!"

The three of them made their way towards The Dominate E's van to gab the necessary items before going to the stage and waiting for the Band to make their way, for their set.

"I hate playing the eight o'clock set!" Tarra heard someone say behind her. She turned around and sure enough it was Shaant Hacikyan. She looked at Frank and smiled, she then stopped walking and turned to face Shaant.

"Hallo," she waved. Shaant just looked at her and shook his head to move his hair out of his face. Unknowing to him Kyle and Frank were moving behind him slowly. Tarra smirked as she held out her hand for Shaant to shake. "My name's Tarra."

"Shaant," He stated taking her hand. She nodded her head and smiled at him. "You've got a glint in your eye, are you a fan?"

"Yep, but that's not why I have the glint. "Frank tackled Shaant to the ground and Kyle hog tied him. Tarra placed a strip of duct tape on his mouth quickly then Frank and Kyle picked him up to take him to the van. Tarra ran toward the stage to take Shaant's place.
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Tarra HAD to write about kidnapping someone. Here it is.