Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Lord of the Pills

She looked around her slowly wondering why Gerard had no hair. After further inspection she realized that he had no pants as well. Fingers to chin she decided that this was definately a dream and hoped that it wasn't going to wind up as one of those kinky ones where the guy comes and leaves her wholly unsatisfied.

"Ticka ticka," Gerard hummed, pulling out a plate of brownies.

Heaven gave a flirty grin, "Brownies!" she squealed hoping to get a few from the singer and find Tarra.

"Will you share?" Gerard asked suddenly, looking at her.

"But they're yours," she shot back, unsure of why she was arguing with him over them.

"I know, watch what happens." He broke one in half, and ate the left side. His hair grew to his ears.

He began breaking them all in half, eating just the left sides until his hair had reached midway down his back. He smiled and offered the right sides to her.

"What will they do?"

"Eat one and find out," he whispered candidly in her ear. She kinda hoped these were the kind that would make the singer grow pants, because she knew it was a dream, and well, dream Gerard's crotch area was a little...disappointing.

Hesitantly she took a bite of the confection. Blinking when she didn't readily notice a change she laughed and ate another one. There was a strange feeling in her ears and she felt them. They were suddenly long and pointed. She swiped at the silver hair that had fallen in front of her eyes and gasped.

"Another one," Gerard demanded forcefully, and against her will Heaven felt one sliding silky sweet between her lips.

When the plate was empty Heaven stood there, tears running down her face. Sobbing even though she could pinpoint why.

"The time of the elves is coming to an end," Gerard said scathingly, flicking at a strand of her hair, before tugging on it painfully. He pulled a sword from the belt at his non-existant breeches.

"And you will be the first to die."

"But I'm not an elf!" Heaven shouted, "You fucktard, you turned me into one! I'm just a bassist!"

"Yes, and those hobbits are part of your band."

Heaven glowered over at Tarra and Frank staring at the two.

"Do something you idiot-fucking-hobbits," she seethed at them.

They looked to each other before nodding.

The next thing Heaven knew Frank was smacking her legs repeatedly with his guitar. Tarra stood there laughing with Gerard, who kept touching inapproprate places on his body.

"Tarra!" Heaven whined, "Stop watching Gerard molest himself and come help me!"

Tarra approached Heaven slowly, Frank still hitting her legs. She broke her drumstick in half and stabbed Heaven in the side.

Panting Heaven sat up in the seat in the van, noticing that a seat belt had dug into the tender part of her ribs. She pushed away and got comfortable, falling asleep again.
Just as she slipped back into the darkness, thinking to herself that she shouldn't watch Lord of the Rings while on pain pills the van's door slid open and a body was tossed to the floor infront of her. Said body began muffled cussing when the door slid shut once more.
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Originally written as a one shot that tied in to the end of the last chapter and this next one. A little bit of overlap, therefore.