Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

The Curse of Body Snatching

Tarra smiled at Jeff and Jack as she made her way onto the stage. She looked out at the roaring crowd. Placing the microphone to her lips she began to laugh.

"Hallo all you beautiful people," Tarra began. "I bet all of you know who I am!" The crowd began to scream! "Woo hoo I have fans in your crowd here!" She stated turning to Jeff.

"Okay For those of you weirdos who don't know who the hell I am, I'm the drummer for The Dominate E, and Shaant has disappeared on his way here, so I'm going to sing for him. Now I don't have his gorgeous voice, but my own crappy one, so feel free to boo me off stage, then I'll just get Iero to sing!"

Tarra then turned to Jeff and asked him what song was first. He looked at her like she had two heads the shrugged it off and told her to sing Sweet Talk 101.

"You have a jump in your step
But a rip in your
A rip in your rep
And everybody knows it
So be sure to be proud
And dont forget that you aren't allowed to brag

Everyone in the crowd began to laugh as it wasn't Shaant singing, but a female. Frank came back standing at the edge of the stage with Kyle on the lookout incase Shaant somehow got free. Tarra began to jump around on the stage while she finished the song.
She sang a total of four songs when Jeff screamed out that the next one was Curse of Curves, and then William Beckett was going to sing There's A Class For This with her. She began to laugh.

"Okay everyone, the next one's Curse of Curves and considering I have curves," she paused while she laughed. "I'm dragging Frank out here, but I'm still singin'!"

She went to the side of the stage and grabbed Frank by the arm. Frank waved bashfully.

"You're ruining my rep, yo," he whispered mockingly at her. She laughed as the band started playing Curse of Curves.

"He's got the gift of one liners,
And I've got the curse of curves,
And with this gift,
He composes words,
And the question that comes forward,
Am I perspiring from the irony,
Or sweatin to these lyrics,
And this just in,
I'm a dead fit"

The crowd roared with laughter as Jeff pulled himself close to her.

"You do know the lyrics, right?" Tarra stroked his cheek.
"Of course I do, darling!"

When the song was finished William Beckett ran on stage, mic in hand.

We keep ourselves
A mystery
But we provide the clues

Tarra was dancing with William. He grinned at her crookedly and swiveled his hips into her. They were laughing and having a good time. Frank, who had disappeared off the side of the stage, came tearing across the front of it.

"Code Red!" he shouted at Tarra, throwing her over his shoulder and running away.

She tossed the mic down with a 'thank you, goodnight!' and a shouted invitation to William.

"Come visit me at the van!" she shouted. He nodded, still singing.

She could see a very confused Shaant climb onstage after them. Her head was bobbing up and down, catching glances of Frank's ass as he ran.

"We aren't being chased!" she laughed, grabbing hold of his pants pocket. He stopped abruptly and nearly dropped her.

"What the hell was that?"

"A friendly grope between friends?" she said with a laugh, and when he frowned she laughed again, "I wanted you to stop jamming your shoulder into my stomach dumb ass!"
He breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn't hitting on him.

"Oh, don't worry," she said, "I know you're married. And the sacrament of marriage is legal and binding and ... holy."

She snickered at the last word. He stuck his tongue out at her.


They headed back toward the van, stopping to grab food for Heaven. When they got there the van was empty.

"Hmm, where the hell did Heaven go?" Tarra said to herself as she wandered around the venue with Frank.

As they headed back toward My Chemical Romances bus she called her. Heaven didn't answer the phone and Tarra stared down at her phone as they burst into the bus. And there Heaven was, smoking a cigarette.

"Holy shit, two shows and you already contaminated her!" Tarra shouted, slapping at the cancer stick. Heaven pouted, whining about how she wasnt actually smoking.

After the show that Heaven disappeared, Tarra decided to that she would help Brandon pack the instruments into the trailer of the van.

Girls had been hanging all over him since the show. Fluttering their lashes and groping at him in suggestive ways. Tarra sniffed disdainfully, but figured that Brandon was a big boy and could take care of himself. Heaven, though, was bound to be upset.