Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Complex Personalities

"How long have you had a bus?" Gerard asked reclining on the couch. Tarra started counting on her fingers.

She smiled at him and said, "A while now."

He laughed. He and Frank had grown bored with Dirty Dancing and had offered to walk Tarra to the van. When they got the van however they were surprised to see a lilac bus that read The Dominant E on it. They had been exploring the bus for an hour now. This of course included going through all the compartments, rifling through Keri's underwear and reading Heaven's diary. Which was mainly filled with morbid poetry Gerard was now trying to steal.

"But she's so quiet," he had said, waving the journal in the air, "But she's like...demented."

Tarra had laughed. "Heaven has multiple personalities...except she doesn't."

"She's complex," Heaven voiced from the doorway with a grin. She pulled the diary from Gerard's hands.

"This is private, beeshe."
And then she laughed, smacking him over the head.
"Marry me?"
"Will there be sex?"
"Yes?" he said trying to encourage her.
"Well in that case...hell no!" and laughing she tossed it to the table. Frank cleared his throat.

"Why didn't you just start the tour with the bus at the beginning?"

"It was in the shop. Heaven broke it."
"How the hell do you break a tour bus?"
"She fired a gun into the toilet."

Three pairs of eyes turned to her.

Heaven laughed, shrugging, "It was mocking me!"
"What?" Frank yelped.
"Heaven ate a tainted brownie."
"You mean you fed me a tainted brownie."
"I thought it would be funny."
"Yeah yeah," Heaven replied with a grin, "Bill had to leave so I got lonely. Anyone wanna cuddle me?"

"Hell no!" Gerard mocked.
"I'll write you a poem."
"Okay! A really morbid one!"
Gerard shoved Frank at the girl. "Go cuddle Heaven Frank."
"I'm married."
"Yeah yeah," Heaven said with a laugh, pulling him into the bunks. Sighing in defeat Frank followed her.

"She just stole my new best friend," Tarra pouted, "And I wanted to go prank someone!"

"Prank?" Heaven laughed, reappearing, "That beats cuddling. I have an idea!"

Heaven started to explain her plan to the other three. Gerard shook his head.
"That is so mean, let's do it!"
Heaven and Tarra grabbed the supplies and each took one boy with them. They spent the next twenty minutes setting it up.

Tarra and Frank covered half of the buses and Heaven and Gerard covered the other half. They met back up at The Dominant E's bus.

"Now we wait," Heaven said with a grin, "I hope it's Urie!"
Tarra's mouth dropped open, "Uhmm." And she ran off.
"She can't go save him!" Heaven sighed, "Maybe I'll get Ross then."

"Hey Brendon!" Tarra called as the singer reached out to open the door of the bus. He paused and looked over at her. She flagged him over and he walked over suspiciously.

"How are you?"
"Do like the color orange?"
"Do you like pizza?"
"If it's vegan?"
"Oh, me too! Do you like cookies?"
"Looney Toons?"
"Haven't seen that in a while. But yeah."

"What the hell?!" Ryan Ross shouted from the door of the bus.
He was pulling at his hand, which was attached to the door of the bus. He was yanking at it pretty hard before he stopped.

"Gotta go!" Tarra said, blushing.
Brendon watched her run away.
"Help me," Ryan snapped, "I'm stuck!" Brendon leaned over and looked at the door handle.
"Super glue," he muttered, "Hold on, I'll get nail polish remover."

He searched the entire bus but the remover was gone. He walked back out giving Ryan a queer look.
"It's not there."
"Go borrow some." Brendon walked over to Fall Out Boy's bus to borrow some. Pete always had that kind of stuff.

Pete was holding the door open shouting inside the bus.
"Did you check my bunk? Maybe it's in my bunk!"
"I checked, it's not."
"The bathroom?"
"Your bunk?"

Patrick's head shot out the door and shot Pete a look.
"Well damn it!" Pete went to slam the door in anger and his hand went with it.
"Hey Pete, do you have any...oh shit, they got you too."

"Who got me? What do you know? Do you have any nail polish remover, or paint thinner?"
"No, I came over to borrow some from you. Ryan is stuck to our door."
Pete tried to cross his arms but had to settle with glaring at the door.
"I'll see if anyone else has any," Brendon said, patting his shoulder before walking off. He stopped at The Used's bus but Bert was attached to the door so he kept going. It was the same at Cute is What We Aim For, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and The Academy is.
Shaking his head he headed toward My Chemical Romance and The Dominant E. There wasn't anyone at My Chem's bus so he headed toward the crowd in front of The Dominant E's bus.

There Heaven stood, hand attached to the bus. He sighed.
"I suppose none of you have any nail polish remover?"
"Nope," they chorused together.
After he walked off Heaven let go of the door laughing.
"I wanna go see who is stuck."
Just then Bert walked up, being drug by Jeph and Quinn.
"This is your fault," Bert accused, pointing a finger at the group, "And we're moving in."

"Huh?" Cristi said, eyeing him.
"We broke our bus cause of you," Bert said, then began laughing.
He held up his hand.
"Is that...?"
"The door handle? Why yes it is," Quinn said, grinning, "Bert tore it right off."
"And now I'm moving in," Bert said, "Cause Jeph won't let me live on the party bus."
Jeph shrugged while the group agreed that Bert should definitely not live on the party bus.
"Me too," Quinn said, eyeing Keri, who blushed.
Heaven laughed, "Our home is your home. I'm gonna go for a walk."

She headed straight for The Academy is bus. William was standing outside the bus, hand on the door.
"Hey ya, Bill, what's up?"
"Some one glued me to the bus," he said sadly.
Heaven laughed, "Yeah, sorry. We were aiming for Mike."
She pulled out a bottle of nail polish remover and poured it over his hand. His hand slipped free and he shot her his crooked grin.

"That wasn't very nice, you know."
"I know. Such a bad girl I am."
"Well, as long as you know it," he said, stepping closer to her.
"Night Bill," she said sweetly, stepping away from him.
"What, that's it?"
"Yep," and she walked away before he could say anything else.
♠ ♠ ♠
Um...we were quite possibly on crack.
Or no sleep.