Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Never Prank a McCracken

Heaven had left the bus, as had Cristi, one claiming to stay with The Academy Is and the other voted for My Chemical Romance.

Considering that Tarra did in fact love these three, but loved the bus more, she was staying on. Keri was either star struck with Quinn, or she wanted to get close to him, but either way she was staying too.

"So, how exactly did you break the bus?" Keri asked out to them as Bert sat next to Tarra flinging his arm around her.

"Well, I was going back to the bus, grabbed the door handle and was stuck."
"He was screaming 'Stupid fucking people and their fucking pranks' he began to jump around and pulling on the door with all his might." Quinn picked up.
Bert stood up and proceeded to tell the story with more actions then words. When he was finished, they found that Bert had ripped the handle from the door and they couldn't get into the bus. Tarra couldn't stop laughing. Gods that was a good prank.

"Who started the pranks? I heard that Hacikyan got kidnapped" Jeph stated smiling over at Tarra.
"I have no idea what the hell you're talking about."

She stood up with a smile on her face and moved to go to the back of the bus. She reached into her bunk to grab her notebook that held everything from stupid little doodles, Short stories, fan fiction, poems, and lyrics. She smiled to herself as she had seen her white and blue teddy bear on the floor near the door.
Wondering how exactly Blue had made it from her bunk to the door, she picked him up to take back to the front of the bus.

"Whatcha go get?" Bert asked looking at her with a smile.
"Her handy dandy notebook!" Keri said with a giggle.
Tarra began to smile then it froze when she saw Quinn go to the small kitchen area.
"Do you have any food on this bus?"
"It's all Heaven's."
"Why is it all Heaven's?"
"Because she did the shopping and told us to stay out of her food!"
Quinn just gave an evil smile and reached for the cabinet door. After rummaging in it he pulled out Heaven's snickerdoodles.
"I wouldn't eat those if I was you!" Keri said shaking her head at him.
"Why not?"
"Heaven would kill me, that's why."
"Why would she kill you?" Jeph asked looking at Tarra like she was stupid.
"That's simple," Keri began as she stood up to take the cookies away from Quinn. "Tarra and Heaven made a deal. If Tarra doesn't eat her cookies, Heaven will leave her brownies alone."
"You have brownies!" Bert asked his eyes going wide.
"Nope, all gone."

With that said she began to run to the back of the bus to save her stashed brownies. Bryon was a life saver and brought along several bags of cookies and boxes of brownies when he brought the bus back to them.
Bert and Jeph both chased after her to find said brownies and Quinn and Keri opened back up the cabinet to put the cookies back in their place. Keri's eyes got wide as she began to scream.

Quinn screamed like a little girl as he too spotted what Keri had found stolen away in the very back of that cabinet.
Tarra turned a frightened face to Bert whom had tackled her to her bunk as she had reached it.
"Oh Shit!"
She shoved Bert off of her and cautiously began to make her way back toward Keri and Quinn, Jeph and Bert fallowing.

"What?" She asked looking at her pale faced cousin and new found friend. Quinn didn't say anything just pointed and moved back as far as the bus would let him, Keri had already done this. Tarra looked into the cabinet and began to laugh.

"That's where Bryon put you!" She said as she pulled out a tank with a coiled up snake inside.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Bert screeched out looking into the tank.
"A snake. A very big snake!" Keri mumbled moving to the couch.
"Oh she's not that big!" Tarra said opening the lid of the tank.
Keri began to scream and jumped on of the couch as if that would help. Quinn's eyes got wide.

"Come here baby, mommy's sorry that they're screaming, and that Bryon didn't tell me he stored you in there."
"You knew he was bringing her?"
Keri asked glaring at Tarra.
"Well of course I knew he was bringing her. I asked him to!"
"Tarra the rule was NOT to bring Nyjah along on the tour!"
"Oh just because of you and Cristi, but she needs to be looked after and fed!"
"How big is she?" Jeph asked as he reached out for the big snake slithering up Tarra's arm to get around to the other side.
"She's four feet and five inches long. She's my baby."
"Big baby," Bert mumbled stroking her silky scales on her underside.
"Uh-huh, but my baby none the less. I wonder what he did with the large mouse I told him to bring."
Just then Bryon came onto the bus.
"Opps!" was all he said as he eyed the snake in Jeph's arms and Keri's angry glare.
"Who found her?"
"Keri and Quinn," Bert stated smiling.
"What happened to the mouse I told you to bring?" Tarra asked smiling at him.
"She ate it; I fed it to her before the show the other day."
"Ahh you missed the feeding!"
Jeph just shrugged.
"I'll catch it the next time."
With that said he handed Nyjah to Bert who cooed and then sat her back into the small traveling tank.
"You should have let me know where she was; we could have rigged her heat lamp in there too!" Tarra said giving Bryon an evil smile. Bert smiled and claimed it to be movie night.
"Fine with me, just no Dirty Dancing," Tarra said smirking as she went to grab the DVD controller. Jeph and Bert both made their way to look at the movie collection that they had on the bus.

"I say we watch an action packed vampire movie!" Tarra reached in-between Bert and Jeph and grabbed Wes Craven's Vampires and smirked over at Keri.
"Quinn you're going to have to hold her hand she get's scared easily!"
"Shut up Tarra or its The Grudge for you!"
Tarra's eyes got wide and she was about to grab and toss the offending movie out the bus window when someone grabbed her wrist.
"No tossing the movies out the window, remember what happened last time?" Bryon asked her.
"Keri threw my hair straighter out the window." She mumbled placing the DVD back in its place and went to sit next to Jeph on the couch.

Everyone got comfortable and Tarra pushed the play button.
Everything was running as smooth as it could be, considering Keri would let out a squeal of fright every now and then, with Bert mocking her afterwards.
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I keep wanting to rewrite and rewrite these, but since some of these chapters aren't mine I won't do that. Lala