Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Tic Tac Musical Buses

Heaven was banging on the door of The Academy is' bus door. The door flew open and there stood Mike in his cut off shorts and no shoes. He raised his eyebrows when he saw her, pushing his white sunglasses to the top of his head. He looked like he'd just woke up, and she wondered how he'd managed to keep them on his face.

"Hey ya, is Bill around?" she asked with a hopeful grin. Mike grinned back because he just couldn't help it. Silently Mike pointed behind him and Heaven skipped past him.

"William!" she yelled skipping through the bus.

She assumed he was in the back but she heard a thump and a yelp.

"Damn it!" some one hissed angrily and another thump could be heard.

Heaven tossed the door to the bathroom open and was met with an eye full of a very naked William and Sisky. She began laughing hysterically.

"Community shower time?" she asked with a grin while they both covered up with towels, "Hi ya, Sisky!"

Adam began blushing mumbling about no privacy and flounced off to the back room. Bill shot her a crooked grin.

"Did you want something?"

"Well, I was gonna ask to live with you, cause Bert took over the bus but now that I look around I'm not sure I wanna live here. It's kinda messy."

That happened to be an understatement. There were dirty clothes and empty beer bottles every where. Bill blessed her with another smile while pulling on his girl pants. Heaven couldn't help it, she stared as he bent over. He paused with the pants at his thighs.

"What cha staring at?" he asked her, shooting her a knowing grin.

"Your hips," she replied without hesitation.

Bill began laughing again, "What is it with people's obsession with my hips?"

"They're Did you know they have their very own myspace?"

"So does Shaant's hair."

"I know," Heaven said with a laugh, still looking down.
Bill began to blush.

"Stop staring at my hips," he whined, pulling up his pants.

Heaven threw back her head and laughed, patting him on the back. As he pulled her out of the bathroom she whispered in his ear.

"I wasn't staring at your hips anymore."

His face got darker. He pushed her onto the couch and flounced down next to her, wet hair pushed behind his ears.

"Any way," he continued, "It's not that bad in here. It was worse but Butcher broke his new Fall Out Boy cd and cleaned up."

Heaven stared into his eyes and decided that she could deal with the filth if it meant Bill would snuggle her. She opened her mouth to say so but what came out instead was a lot louder and slightly more hysterical.

"Oh my god, it's a fucking used condom!" and she jumped up and ran off the bus.
She could hear Bill yelling for her to come back, that he had thrown it away. She could also
hear the rest of the bus laughing at her reaction.

So there Heaven stood, in front of Fall Out Boy's bus with her bag. She kicked the door repeatedly. Dirty threw it open with a grin.

"You better not be carrying any super glue," Dirty said with a laugh, "Pete is on a war spree."


"Oh please, I may have been drunk, but I'd recognize that green hoodie anywhere. What's up?"

"I'm moving in, Bert is living on my bus," she said seriously.

Dirty began laughing, "Pete is gonna love this!" And the fucker let out a very teenage-girl giggle.

Heaven shook her head pushing past him. Pete stared at her."What are you doing here?"

"I'm moving in. Bert and Quinn moved onto our bus because Bert broke his," she gave him her best "tell me no and I'll kill you face". Tarra referred to it as the "expression Heaven inhereted from her mother". It was pretty scary.

Pete gave a little laugh, "So, are we friends now?"

"Nope, but we can cuddle. I'm a cuddle whore."

And Heaven tossed her stuff into what she thought was Pete's bunk. The rest of the band just stared at her.

"Hi, I'm the bassist for The Dominant E."

"Cool!" Joe shouted, "Hey Pete, isn't that the band..?"

"Yes Joe, now shut up!" Joe didn't shut up though...he started to sing. Pete shoved him out the door of the bus and locked it.

"We'll let him in once he's off his high," Pete said with a grin.

He slipped a disc into the dvd player and soon he and Heaven were quoting The Never Ending Story.Patrick sat in the corner writing in a journal and soon Joe was knocking on the door.

"Seriously Pete, let me in, it's cold!" he whined. Pete finally gave in and opened the door for his friend. Joe sat next to her on the couch and pouted.

"So," Pete began, "You should let me sign you."

"Huh? Left field much?"

"No, seriously. You should sign to Decaydance."

Heaven scoffed. "Why the hell would I wanna do that?" she said with a laugh.

"Because we are the coolest label ever?"

"I'll think about it," Heaven said with a grin.

As a selling point Pete gave Heaven a ton of stuff from his clothes company Clandestine. She wrapped herself in a hoodie and crawled into his bunk.

Of course she hardly slept as the bus moved on to the next venue because Joe smoked another blunt and kept asking her if she had food with her.

"Heaven, do you have any cookies?"

"Heaven, have you seen my Doritos?"

"Heaven, did you steal my peanut butter?"

She eventually gave him a left hook that knocked him over. He didn't get back up, instead rolling over and sleeping on the floor. By then it was six am and Heaven sat on the couch pouting.

"Now I won't be able to sleep; stupid Trohman!"

They would be on the road for another day but when they stopped at a truck stop Heaven climbed off the bus and attacked Panic at the Disco's bus. Ryan answered rubbing at his eyes.

"Huh?" she pushed past him.

"I'm moving in," she said seriously and went to the back of the bus.

Brendon was curled up with a teddy bear. Heaven stared at him for a second before grinning. She climbed into his bunk and shoved him out. He landed on the floor with a thump. He looked around confused.

"What the hell?"

"She's moving in," Ryan said, petrified of the idea.

Heaven wasn't exactly the friendliest person to the boys. She laughed and nestled down into Brendon's bunk.

"Bert broke his bus and moved into mine. How's your hand, Ross?"

"It's...hey, you-you bitch!"

"Nuh-uh, I didn't even cover your bus," Heaven said with a grin, "That was all Frank."

Heaven kept shooting glances at the boys. It was extremely boring riding with them. They just sat there. Ryan was glaring at her, Brendon was looking puzzled, every once in a while he would stare at his phone and start to dial a number. Then he would shake his head and hang up. Spencer refused to come out of his bunk, saying that he was tired and Jon was glued to the laptop. Heaven shook her head. At the next stop she was escaping.
She had yet to sleep and she was crabby.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have anything to eat on here would you?"

"Just Brendon's vegan shit," Jon piped up.

Heaven shook her head in disgust.

"It's bad enough Tarra's a damn vegetarian," she pulled out her cell and pushed four on autodial.

"Bill, save me!" she cried dramatically into her phone.

"Where are you?"

"On the bus behind yours."

"That's Panic at the Disco."

"I know...they're really boring."

Brendon made a noise and Heaven shrugged, "No offense meant of course."
She rolled her eyes.

Both of the buses pulled over and Heaven ran up to The Academy is' bus and jumped on Bill.

"Thank god!" she said, pulling him onto his bus. She looked around suspiciously, "No more condoms?"

"Nope, we cleaned a little."

She looked around and it really was cleaned up. She clutched her chest.

"Great! Do you have anything to eat?" she asked with a smile.

"I have..." he pulled open the fridge and glanced in, "Six beers, a moldy sandwich, an orange and an apple."

"Orange please."

"Good. Apples are my favorite."

He pulled both out. He rinsed the apple and then peeled the orange for her. He popped a section in his mouth and sucked on it.


"Yeah yeah. You're a vegetarian too, right?"


"You vegetable people."

She poked him in the nose before skipping off to the back of the bus. It was only nine in the morning and there were body parts hanging out of bunks every where.

"They partied last night," William said with a laugh.

Heaven yawned, finishing off the last of the orange.

"This one?" and she pointed to the empty bunk next to her.

He nodded and she climbed in. He climbed in after her and pulled the covers over them both. He put an arm around her waist hesitantly and she slid back into him.

"You snuggle better than Tarra," she said with a laugh, "Tarra won't spoon me proper."

She pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

"Mmm, you taste like apple."

He laughed a little flustered, "Yeah, well you taste like strawberries."

"Bill...I ate an orange."

"Go to bed kid," he said with a laugh. She huffed, he was only three years older than her!
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I edited this one a bit, hope you enjoy the cracktastic chapter.