Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Your Lips Are Not Welcome

"Bert stop bugging Keri and put in the next effing movie." Tarra groaned as she cuddled more into Jeph.
"What do you want to watch?"
"Anything I'll be up for hours!"
Keri rolled her eyes at her cousin's remark and stood up.

"How about we watch Four Brothers?"
She asked looking back at them as she stood in front of the DVD collection.

The bus had begun to make its way to the next venue as the five had gotten to the end of Vampires.
"How about not, I don't want to have to listen to you quote the entire thing," Tarra mumbled rolling her eyes.

Right about know her and Heaven would have put in The Boondock Saints and talked about how much they missed the little crowds. Keri named off a few chick flicks that were shared between her and Cristi. Tarra rolled her eyes and lifted her head off of Jeph. She looked at where Bryon was sitting just a few minutes ago. He had decided to forgo watching another movie and went to bed. There was a loud thump from the back of the bus which caused her to jump.

"THEY'RE AFTER ME AGAIN," Keri screamed out as she jumped into Quinn's lap.
Everyone began to laugh when Brandon appeared in the door way.

"Where's Heaven?" He asked looking around the room.
"She left as did Cristi."
Keri stated shrugging her shoulders.
"Then why am I still in my bunk?"
"Because we never went to get you?"
I shrugged my shoulders and stood up to retrieve a new movie.
"You are all going to watch The Faculty and you're going to like it!"
She placed the movie in the player and glared at Brandon.
"You're still grounded, if Heaven finds out you were out of your bunk I'ma gonna smack ya!"
She sat down next to Bert this time and smiled up at him.
"I still have your clothes!" She said in a sing-song voice.
"I know, and I have your Breast shirt."
Tarra's eyes got wide and then she glared.
"How the fuck did you get that?"
"Heaven let me borrow it," he shrugged his shoulders and turned to the movie.

"GUARANTEED TO JACK YOU UP!" Tarra and Keri called out together as Zeke did in the movie and he passed his "magic dust" to the two buyers.
"How many times have you two seen this?" Jeph asked looking at them.
"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Tarra called out to Keri.
"He's tweakin asshole, just let him fucking tweak," Keri responded with a laugh in her voice.
"Tweak, tweak!"
They both began to laugh as the guys looked at them funny.
"I take it that's an answer to my question," Jeph stated rolling his eyes.
"Just hold back on quoting anymore!"

"Okay, okay."

Halfway through the movie Tarra crawled into Bert's lap and nuzzled down getting comfortable.
"Hey who said you get to crawl into MY lap?"
"Jeph did when I was about to do it to him."
Bert jumped up off the couch causing Tarra to fall with a loud thump onto the floor.
"What the Hell was that for?" Keri asked looking from Tarra to Bert.

Tarra was laughing which caused everyone to stare at her. She then pulled her Blackberry out of her back pocket and showed that she had a new text message. Bert shook his head and sat back on the couch, threatening to take the phone away next time.

"Who's the message from?" Keri asked looking over at her.
Tarra just smiled and opened the message.
"Someone," was all she said as she read the message.

Hey, what are you doing, it's boring over here!
She began to type back as fast as she could before Bert could figure out who she was talking to and take the phone away.
'Watching The Faculty, gotta go Elijah Wood is back on the screen.'
She sent the message and looked back at the screen. Just as scene that Elijah was getting done with his lunch on the football field was over she got another message.

Who all is there?
'Gods Brendon are you that bored that you'd rather come over here? Besides our bus has been taken over by Bert!'

She sent the message and didn't really care if anyone was reading over her shoulder anymore.

"What are you doing Talking to Urie?" Brandon asked snatching the phone from her hands as it began to vibrate once again. And he turned it off.
"What were you doing talking to Wentz?" She retorted. Brandon's eyes grew wide.
"How did you know?"
"Heaven and Brendon, besides, He gave her cookies."

With that said Tarra snatched her phone back from him and went to go to her bunk to have some privacy. She turned back on her phone and went to read the message.
Duh I'd rather come over there. Why did Bert take over your bus?
'Two words Super Glue '
Haha who got his bus?
'Who do you think?'
Calling you

Tarra began to laugh, she had to go get a drink, and she knew that Bert was going to get a kick out of her ringtone. Just as she opened the small fridge her phone went off.
"Small simple safe price, rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets."
Bert looked over at her and began to laugh.

"Shuddup," Was the only remark she had for him as she hit the talk button.
"Told you I was going to call!"
Brendon's voice rang out of the receiver.
"Yeah, yeah; hang on a second."
Tarra faced the phone into her shirt and glared at a laughing Bert.
"You know what mister McCracken; I've been a fan since '02."
With that she stuck out her tongue and took her water and moved back into her bunk.

"I'M SLEEPING WITH YOU NOW!" Bert called after her, she laughed as she placed the phone back to her ear.
"Still there Bden?"
"Yep, now we have a rest stop coming up, have the driver pull over I want on."
Tarra began to laugh.
"Alright shall do, but on one condition!"
"Don't let Bert sleep with me when I do finally head toward my bunk!"

It was now Brendon's turn to laugh.
"Shall do, I'll sleep with you instead!"
With that said he hung up as Tarra began to blush. She made her way to the front of the bus to let Tim know what was going on.
"Hey Tim?"
"Yeah?" He asked turning to look at her.
"The next rest stop is on the next exit, will you please pull into it so that someone else can get on the bus."
"Can do," he said smiling at her.

Tarra took a moment to remember what all Heaven had to eat.
"You want a banana, a bag of cheeto's and a bottle of water?"
She asked smirking at him as he began to smile at her. She didn't even wait for a yay or nay, just moved back to the other room to grab the things to take to him.
"Where you going with all that?" Quinn asked looking at her confused.
"Taking it to Tim! Oh and Brendon's coming on, apparently, Ross, Smith, and Walker are boring the poor guy."
She shrugged and pulled out her phone yet again. Nell, oh the beautiful person that she is!
What are you up to?
'About to let Brendon onto the bus without Heaven knowing it he's bored and wants to come play!'

With that sent Tim pulled the bus into the rest stop. Tarra opened the door and climbed off. Brendon was climbing off of the bus and waved at her.
"Hallo stranger, heard you were bored and want to come play."
She smiled at him as he laughed.
"Bored out of my mind, did they pause the movie for you?"
"No need my dear Brendon, I have it memorized!"

They climbed back out to the bus. Tarra informed Tim that the new comer was on the bus and it was safe to leave. She made her way back into the "living area" and scrunched her nose; Bert and Quinn were talking to Keri about Unknown Records. Apparently this was Branden Steineckert's record label.

"Now you two need to shut up and watch the movie, I know we have it memorized, but I do like to hear it!" She said sitting down next to Brendon.
She still had her phone in her hand and placed it on her lap. Nell had yet to respond and it made her think that she was multitasking, or talking to Minnie.

Tarra was getting into the movie as her phone vibrated again. This time Brendon snatched it up and looked down at the screen.

Have you kissed those big lips yet?
He began to laugh and typed her back.
'Not yet, but they are tempting aren't they!'
Of course they are, I mean come on...I do write Fan Fiction!

Brendon looked surprised and taped Tarra on the shoulder she just shot him a death glare. Elijah Wood, was back on the screen.

'Oh you do huh?'

Tarra looked over at the quietly giggling Brendon and her eyes went wide. He had her phone in his hands and she knew it was Nell he was talking to.

"Brendon Boyd, you more than likely just gave her a heart attack!"
Tarra's phone began to ring, this time the ringtone was There's a Good Reason. She looked at Brendon and glared.
"That's Nell!" She snatched the phone out of his hand before he could answer it.

"Hallo Nellness."
"Tarra? Did--did...Brendon.."
"Damn it Brendon I told you that you probably gave her a heart attack!"
Tarra slapped Brendon upside his head and the laughed as he rubbed the spot.
"Nell, love, calm down. He had my phone, and now he's smiling like a fool. What oh God!"
Tarra's eyes got wide as Brendon began to smirk. She did...