Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Drink Up Beautiful...

Cristi popped the tab on a Pepsi and sipped it. Frank was jumping up and down talking on his phone.

"And this new band is great. I made new friends...and one of them grabbed my ass," he stuttered on.

"And I wanna sign them!"
"Who is he talking to?" Cristi asked Mikey. Mikey shrugged.
"His wife," Gerard said laughing.

Cristi shook her head. Mikey went in back to play video games with Bob while Gerard drew.

"What are you drawing?"
"My comic; the first part is supposed to be out some time this year. I've already got tons of it done."

Cristi nodded, twiddling her thumbs before putting a movie in. She sat stretched out watching Ice Princess. When Gerard finally looked up he wrinkled his nose.

"What the hell is that?"
"Ice Princess."
"A chick flick."
"A kid flick. It's Disney."

"So is Pirates of the Caribbean, and we all know how dirty that movie is."
"Shut up Gerard."
" should sign with Skeleton Crew!"

Frank practically shrieked it in Cristi's ear. Cristi wrinkled her nose and laughed.

"Less yelling would be nice."
"Sign with my label?"
"Umm, that's kinda a group decision. And Heaven would kill me if I just said yes."

Heaven was awakened by the ringing of her phone.

I'm the new cancer, never looked better...
She answered it before it woke Bill up. His grip tightened.

"Hello?" she whispered into the phone, "Nell?"

Normally Nell sent text messages. She stared at the phone strangely while Nell yelled hysterically into it.

"Wait, what about Brendon Urie and Tarra and lips...Nell, darlin', I think I'm too tired to understand you. Start over."

Nell was telling her about how she'd been talking to Tarra but it wasn't really Tarra it was Brendon Urie.
Heaven couldn't wrap her brain around it. She sighed, shut her phone off and rolled over in William's arms. She buried her nose in his neck and fell back asleep.
Her last thought was 'why the fuck did Brendon have Tarra's phone?'

The next time Heaven woke up she was alone. She stretched and fell out of the bunk.

"Mutha Fuka!" she shouted.

Some one was laughing and she looked up from her position on the floor. There stood Bill and Sisky laughing at her.

"Oh, go fucking shower or something," she grumbled at them.

She pulled herself to her feet pouting. She checked her pocket for her phone but couldn't find it anywhere.

"Where the hell...?"

She climbed back into the bunk and dug through all the covers, tossing them aside and then out on the floor.

"Looking for something?" Bill asked with a smirk.

Heaven looked up at him.

"William Beckett! Did you steal my phone?"
"It wouldn't stop ringing," he whined, "Who's ring tone is Kiss This?"

Heaven scratched her head, "My brother. And it's mine on his phone."
"He called seven times," William complained, "And now the song is stuck in my fucking head."
"I need a shower," Heaven answered earning a smile from Bill.
"Me too, wanna conserve water?"

He wiggled his eye brows at her, following her to the bathroom.

"You can conserve water with Sisky," she said sweetly, closing the door in his face.

He stood there looking at it for a second. He started to turn away when it flew back open. She pressed a kiss to his lips, grinned and snapped the door in his face.

"She's trying to kill me," he muttered to himself.

When she was finished she skipped out in a clean pair of jeans and a new t-shirt. She stole her phone back from him and pressed two on speed dial.

Tarra's voice answered groggy and distant, "Hey ya, Heavvs. What do ya want?"
"Tell Urie he owes me more cookies."
Heaven laughed, "I'm all knowing. Never think otherwise."
"Oh, and tell Brandon he's ungrounded."

She heard her friend laughing as she hung up.


Tarra glared at the phone in her hand as it just turned off signaling that Heaven had hung up on her. She rolled over and snuggled back into the person she was lying with. Hair flew into her face.

"God damn it Bert I told you you weren't sleeping with me."

Then she felt it, another body. Brendon and Bert to be exact.
"What the hell!"

She called out to no one.

"Oh I just decided to snuggle now. I got lonely in the bunk you gave me three hours ago."

"Is that all it's been since we went to sleep?"

She asked looking at the two, she was cramped, and being in the small space with two others wasn't helping her claustrophobia.

"Bert out."

Tarra's breathing began to get quick and panicky. She was wide eyed and sweat was beginning to bead on her forehead. She began to shove Bert out of the bunk, pushing all her weight into him. When he began to fall out of the bunk he screamed. Keri and Brandon looked out of their bunks to stare. Bryon opened the door to the bunks and looked in.

"What the hell is going on?"

He asked over the thump Bert's body made as it made contact with the floor, Tarra landing on top of him.

"Tarra's claustrophobia at its best."

Brandon stated this before rolling back over to go back to sleep. Tarra glared down at Bert.

"Never again McCracken, next time, make sure I'm the only one in there!"

She got up from the floor and got back into the bunk with Brendon.
"Hallo again Urie, how did we end up in bed together?"
Brendon's face began to turn red as Tarra began to snuggle down under her big Mickey Mouse blanket and into his body.

"Snuggle with me?"

She asked batting her eye lashes at him. He let out a small laugh and complied, wrapping his arms around her body. Her head moved to the crook of his neck and she let out a sigh. She looked up at his face and smiled, he had fallen asleep already. She placed her lips on to his quickly.

"Goodnight sweet prince."

She laid her head back onto his shoulder and let sleep crawl into her exhausted body, three days without sleep from insomnia was finally catching up to her.

Tarra woke up to an empty bed and began to pout. She had Blue in her arms, and her bunk still smelled like Brendon. She smiled and swung her legs out of the bunk and made her way to the front.
There he was, sitting at the table and eating her Boca.

"What the hell, who said you could eat my food," she asked staring at him.

He pointed to Keri sitting with Bert and Quinn on the couch watching Tarra's first season of The Sopranos. She was staring at them all.

"What the hell Cur-I I thought you hated The Sopranos!"

She asked taking the seat next to Brendon at the table. He smiled at her and offered her a bite of the burger.
She sighed as it was going to be a long arse day of traveling. She wanted a shower, but can't use theirs. Being allergic to just about everything really doesn't have its good sides.



She asked looking again from Tony Soprano and glared at her.

"It's time!"

Keri smiled and reached for her phone to call Cristi.

"Time for what?"

Quinn asked as Keri just stated into the phone 'be ready'. Tarra began to laugh and went to inform Brandon it was time to get up. Bryon was laughing at all the questions that the three were throwing at Keri.

"What the hell are you guys going to do to us now?"

Brendon asked tossing the cap to a water bottle into the trash.

"Don't you think it's your turn to get a prank turned onto you?" Bert shouted out.

"Can I help?"

This was from Quinn. Tarra laughed as Brendon began to follow her to the front of the bus.

"Tim," she called in a sing song voice.


"We'll be collecting Cristi and Heaven soon, and possibly a few more. Oh and Bert, and Bert is getting off the bus!"


He shouted it from the back. Tarra giggled and her phone began to ring.

Drink up beautiful I spiked your cup with ex
♠ ♠ ♠
Something that I have to explain about Don't Call Me Peanut by Bayside is that when you look the lyrics up online they say that the line is "i spiked your cup with angst". The band themselves have said that this is not the correct lyric.
The correct lyric is indeed ex, as in ecstacy.

This is two chapters together.