Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Where are the Cookies?

"Oh come on, this is ridiculous," Tarra whined, looking into the bowl.

"Rules of the game," Heaven sneered, "You either eat that or I go find Bert and you put his penis in your mouth."

"Give me that fucking bowl," Tarra snatched it from Cristi's hand, grabbed a handfull and stuffed it in her mouth.

"What the hell is in that?" Keri asked curiously as Tarra's face turned green.

"Doritos, brownie, mustard, horseradish, chopped up broccoli, marshmallow full, mayonnaise, jalepenos, sugar, and some cherry kool-aid?" Cristi said with a wrinkled noise.

Tarra was retching in the bathroom. The bus was filled with the sounds of heaving and Brandon shook his head.

"That was pretty mean," he pointed out to his sister.

"You guys where the ones who said that punishment for not doing your thingy was putting Bert's dick in your mouth. Not my fault she doesn't want Bert germs. AND little brother, you're the one who put all that stuff in the bowl.

Brandon just shrugged.

Tarra came out of the bathroom, wiping at her mouth, which she had compulsively washed with toothpaste and mouth rinse 12 times.

"Truth or dare," Tarra said looking at Brandon evilly.



"I dare you to go steal Ryan Ross's journal. The personal one, not the lyric one."

"What if he tries to beat my ass."

"Please, Little Brother, you could snap that twig in half."

Muttering Brandon ambled off the bus and toward Panic at the Disco's.

"Do we wait for him to get back?" Keri asked as silence fell through the bus.

They were saved from answering as Tarra's phone began ringing.

I'm the new cancer, never looked better

"Nell!" Heaven and Tarra squealed both jumping for it. They fought for a few seconds before settling on putting it on speaker.

"Hello!" they shouted together.

They could hear synchronized laughing and their grins widened.
It was Nell and Minnie.

"Oh the joys of conference calls!" Heaven said as Tarra, Nell and Minnie were talking about what they were doing.

"Ohh! Truth or dare, Deal me in!" Nell shouted. Heaven rolled her eyes.

"Okay," Tarra said thoughtfully, "Go on ahead. We were waiting for Brandon anyway."

"Yay! Truth or dare...Heaven!"


"Chicken," Tarra scoffed.

"Says the girl who threw her phone off a bridge once while we were playing phone tag with Nell!"

"So Heaven...have you touched little Beckett yet?"


"His penis," Minnie interjected, "Has there been any fondling between you two?"

Heaven gasped in mock horror.

"Absolutely not! But I did see it.

"Was it big?"

"Shut up Tarra."

"Truth or dare Heaven!" Minnie shouted into the phone.

"Dare," Heaven said confidently. Minnie laughed evilly.

"You made Tarra sick," she sang over the phone. Heaven felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise.

Heaven was pouting. She had curled into a plastic blue chair, her arms crossed, a frown on her face. Her jacket was pulled as close to her as she could get it.

Of course, the clothes Tarra had given to her to wear so Heaven was sporting a mini skirt, a sky blue halter top and knee high boots. She looked like a whore. The only thing that saved her modesty at all was the jacket Brandon has tossed over her while Tarra went to pay bail.

They were currently standing in a police station. It was actually pretty small for being in such a big city in California. Their last show in California was in exactly nine hours and Heaven was pissed.

"Minnie got me arrested," she growled at Cristi as her friends led her out of the police station.
Waiting in The Dominant E's van was Pete (who said it was too funny to pass up), William, Bryon and Brendon.

She climbed in next to Bill and crossed her arms.

"And I didn't even get to read that jerkface, Ross's journal!" she whined.

"I'd be more worried about that indecent exposure suit the city filed," Pete smirked.

"Shuddup Wentz," I growled, snuggling into William's side, "You would know all about indenct exposure, jerkface."

It was Pete's turn to pout, "I'm never gonna live those stupid pics down!"

"Yeah, well at least you did it of your own free will!"

"Why didn't you just take the punishment?" Bill asked, playing with Heaven's hair.

She mumbled something into the side of his neck and he looked at her weird.


"I said 'I didn't want to put Bert's DICK in my mouth!'" she shouted.


"You guys play hardcore, huh?" that stupid fucking smirk was on Pete's face again.

Heaven sneered at him, "Well, we started with your penis, but we decided not to tramatize anyone."

"I'll have you know, I have a very nice penis!" Pete shouted back.

"Oh I know, darlin'" Heaven purred, "I saw the pictures."

Pete's mouth fell open.

"So that's how you get him to shut up," Heaven said happily.

"There are other ways," Cristi said, paused and then began blushing.

"What's wrong with you people," Heaven shouted, "Talking to the enemy!"

"Umm, this is Warped Tour, not World War II."

"Be grateful, I would have shot your asses for treason. Fucking mutinous crew..."

Heaven muttered the rest of the way to the venue. When they parked they climbed out of the van and Heaven climbed into her bunk and fell asleep.

When she woke up she was smashed into the wall of her bunk, Bert behind her.

"What the fuck!"

"Tarra said to keep you company," he said with a giggle, "The rest of the band is setting up for the show."

"You're an idiot. Get out."

She threw her arm out and Bert fell to the ground.

"Ouch!!! That's how I broke my arm," he whined.

"Liar," Heaven sneered, "You got hit by a car."

"Who told you that?"

"Jepha or was it Quinn. I'm not sure...but it doesn't matter."

Heaven headed toward the merch tent. This was the last show that the band was making her sit out because of the car accident. The injuries actually didn't really give her much of a problem unless she was stupid and managed to apply direct pressure to it.

She signed a few autographs and sold a few shirts.

As the band wrapped up the last of the songs she made a sign. Business was slow and she was bored.

Free Kisses with Purchase

Slowly the people at their table picked up. Heaven felt like she had kissed a billion cheeks and she had stopped paying attention.

"What cha doing?" Brandon asked as the band walked up to the tent.

"She's giving free kisses with a purchase of..something," Bryon said with a laugh.

"Eww," Brandon said, nose wrinkled, "What if you get mouth cooties?"

"I've been kissing people on the cheek," Heaven stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"Excpet that one guy who kissed the shit out of you," Bryon said with a laugh.

"Yeah, but people learned their lesson when I kicked him in the balls."

The group of girls laughed while the two boys cringed.

"Excuse me," some one said and they directed their gaze to a group of girls.

"Hi ya," Heaven said, still holding her sign, legs kicking as she sat on the table.

"This is my friend Melissa," the girl said, thrusting the girl to the front of the group.

"Hi Melissa," the group chorused.

"We were wondering if you were into girls. Or possibly bi," the girl continued, "And if that sign applied to girls."

Heaven's cheeks burned red as she looked at the group.

"See, I told you," Melissa said, trying to pull away.

"It's Melissa's birthday," the first girl offered, "And she's just now accepting her sexuality. SO, are you?"

Heaven's cheeks turned darker as the group looked at her. Finally she figured out what to say.

"I'm straight," she said with a laugh, and the girl looked down, "So tell me, how old are you?"

Melissa looked back up, blue eyes shining, cheeks red.

"Sixteen today," she said softly.

"That's a good age," Heaven said nodding before she pulled the girl closer to her. She kissed her lightly on the lips before laughing again.

"I'm straight, but I have a bad habit when it comes to kissing girls. Ask Tarra, she hates it, she never wants to make out properly."

Heaven stretched, "Its my break!"

She shot a wink to Melissa and skipped off toward the bus.

Tarra shrugged at the poor girl.

"Its true," Tarra said with a laugh, "Heaven doesn't really see girl and boy. She sees in shades of attraction."

She paused for a second before saying, "I just wish she would stop sucking on my chin. It's kinda weird."


Tarra sighed to herself as she took Heaven's post at the merch tent. She laughed at the
sign that she had left and smiled over at Bryon.

"Hallo beautiful, did you behave thy self?"

"As much as possible. How was the set?"

"Great as per usual. Miss Heaven out there though. Little Brother does a great job, but
isn't as nuts as heaven. Besides, I haven't been able to stage dive. And I want to!"

"Oh wah baby!" Keri said sitting next to her. The sold a total of seven tee-shirts, nine
hoodies, twelve CD's. and forty odd posters. Which they both had to sign all of.

"I need a nap!" Tarra claimed as she stood up and waved at the passing Beckett.

"BILL I LOVE YOU!" She shouted out to him which caused him to run into Sisky. Tarra
laughed and waved at them both. She yawned and started to make her way back to the bus
when she remembered that it was Bert's last day on there, and she wouldn't be able to
sleep on it at all. She pulled out her trusty Blackberry and dialed Brendon.

"Hello?" He asked quietly.

"Hiya Bren, where are you, and why are you whispering?"

"Hiding from Pete!"

"Why hide from him?"

"He wants me to help him with something."

"What? I want to help!" She said completely forgetting about being tired.

"I don't know go find him."

"Fine I will, see if I take a nap with you!" With that said she ended the call and began to
search for Pete. When she couldn't find him, she just decided to go see if any of her band
mates wanted to do trash Fall Out Boy's bus, when their set began in ten minutes. Walking up to the bus she seen Heaven yelling at Bert.




"Sorry to interrupted you two, but what the hell is going on."

"Someone ate Heaven's cookies and shes blaming it on me."

"Heaven, it was Quinn, go kill him, he's more than likely with Keri!" Heaven just glared at
her friend and then pouted.

"Oh cheer up love, I want to go trash Fall Out Boy's bus, and I'll need your help!" Bert's
eyes got big as Heaven began to go grab the emergency prank bag. There was bound to be
some silly string and tensile in there.

"Well, we got away with that!" Tarra snickered as she watched Pete enter the bus, and
then walk right back out. They were hiding several feet away and waiting for the first
reaction. Pete shook his head then reopened the door. Cursing several choice words, he
slammed the door and walked away.

"He's going to go directly for us you know that right?" Tarra asked looking from Bert to

"Oh well, he deserved it! I got his bed with whipped cream and honey. Take that Beeshe!"
She said as she turned to go find William, he owed her a back massage and chocolate for a
lost game of Dirty Minds. Tarra faced Bert and smiled.

"Well, now that you have your bus back, mister McCracken. I suggest you go grab Quinn
and get your shit off my bus!" Tarra stated walking away from a now pouting Bert.

"BUT I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" He shouted after her.

"I told you, only between the hours of nine and ten in the morning!" With that said She
went to go find something to occupy her for the rest of the night. Bugging Shaant just so
happened to be on that list of things to do. That or finding Shannon Leto and begging him
to play with her ....

Rest In The Results
~two hours later~
"I'm tired!" Keri complained as Tarra once again set the game board back up. She couldn't finds anyone that wasn't busy to entertain her, except for her own band mates

"No way, you are going to play Harry Potter Scene It until you get it right everytime. I'm
not going to have Wentz as my partner!" She snarled out at her cousin. Cristi and Heaven
laughed from their place on the couch.

"Youd be better off with Pete then Keri!" Cristi stated as she rolled the dice to see if she
was first this round.

"I bet!" Tarra mumbled while glaring at Heaven! "Why couldn't I be partnered with you
or Cristi?"
"Because, Cristi claimed me this round." With that said she pulled a card from the box and
read off Tarra's first question. Keri shrugged her shoulders and Tarra glared as she

"Oh go to bed you bum!" Tarra shoved Keri in the direction of the bunks and
then smiled as everyone else too got up. Tarra just gave Heaven a confused look.

"Ambein," Heaven said shrugging and moving to her bunk. It was the first night without
Bert on the bus and they were about to head out on the road toward the next venue. Tarra
mumbled to herself as she went to get her trusty book: Interview With The Vampire.
Though it is a good book, she always tended to fall asleep twenty pages in.
"Are you sure that they are all asleep?"
"Positive, I checked! Now get to work!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I cannot even begin to explain this.