Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Bagel to the Face

Heaven pulled herself out of bed and slumped to the bus door. She pushed on it hard but it wouldn't open.

"What the fuck?" she yawned, hand to her mouth.

She shook her head and tried again. The door didn't budge. Thinking it might be locked she checked the bolt, but it wasn't locked. She pressed against the door hard and still nothing. So she tried to kick the door down.
Ten minutes of swearing led to nowhere. She scratched her head. How the hell was she going to get out? Deciding to swan dive out of a window she made her way to the nearest one.

When the rest of the band woke up three hours later they found Heaven lying on the floor staring at the ceiling mumbling to herself.

"Huh?" Tarra asked leaning down to her friends level. She vaguely heard the words 'prison' and 'coffin'.

"What are you spewing hun?" Tarra asked, swinging her hand in her friends face.

Heaven blinked, "And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore!"

"Umm, why is she quoting The Raven?" Keri asked staring down at her immobile friend, "Oh god, she's quoting The Raven!"

Tarra shrugged, "Holy shit! Maybe she got in a fight with Bill."

"Her quoting The Raven is important?" Bryon asked. They ignored him.
Tarra tried to open the front door.

"Nevermore!" Heaven screamed, startling her band mates.

"That's kinda creepy," Cristi muttered, staring down at her friend. Heaven had started the poem over.

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary."

"The Raven?" Brandon asked stepping out of the bunks, "Some one should do something."

"This means something!? Why does everyone know but me?" Bryon shouted, once again he was ignored, "Fine, I'll fix it."

Bryon reassured them as he straddled Heaven and proceeded to bitch slap her.

"Bryon!" Tarra gasped while Heaven blinked up at them.

"What cha' guys doing?" she asked with a weird look.

"You were quoting The Raven," Tarra said with a meaningful look.

"What! Hmm, shit!" she muttered.

"Why is that important!"

Tarra smacked the door.

"Damnit! Why won't this thing open!?"

"Oh, right," Heaven muttered to herself, then, "So, the door is glued shut."

"Fucking Pete Wentz," Keri muttered.

This was matched by, "Ross is going down, skinny assed bitch. I told you they were the enemy."

The rest of the band shook their heads. Likely Heaven would chew their asses out once she got a hold on either one of them.
Tarra pouted.

"I really wanted a banana," she muttered.

"You just wanna practice deep throating for Brendon," Heaven said snidely.
"Says Miss HandJobsGalore," Tarra snapped back.

"Shuddup whore!"

"Fuck off bitch!"

"Lick a cock, cunt stick!"

"Lick an asshole--yeah, I got nothing."



"Stop stealing my words, yo."

"I--no, this is childish."

"Says the pedophile."

"That's Wentz. This conversation has been redundant for two minutes now."

"One minute, six point three seconds."

"That is the absolute last time you drink coffee with Matt."

"Oh go suck a--"

"Don't start that again!" Keri snapped. Both girls went silent and looked at her.

"Now, we'll just climb out a window."

"No dice. I tried already. They are all sealed shut."

"Well fuck."

"Dont I know it."

"Hey, what about that?" Cristi pointed to the emergency hatch at the top of the bus.

They all looked up.

"Dunno, couldn't reach it."

They pulled a chair underneath it, then Heaven climbed up. Brandon stood on her shoulders and jumped. He managed to knock it open and land on the breakfast table. He climbed up again, popped the hatch and climbed out.

Next they sent Cristi up, her standing on Heaven's hands, Brandon reaching down to pull her out. Then Keri and Bryon went. Lastly Heaven went, standing in Tarra's hands.
Brandon had to lean down extra far to reach her and the others had to hold his legs. Once they had Heaven pulled free they reached down to pull Tarra out.

Even jumping she was too short to reach any of the arms reaching for her.

"We kinda did that stupidly," Heaven said.

"Yep," Brandon nodded, "Well, who's going back in to get her?"

"Not it!" everyone shouted at once.

"Don't worry Tarra, well find help," Heaven called into the opening. Tarra started to cry.
"I don't wanna be stuck in here," she called up to her friend as the rest climbed down the ladder in the back of the bus.

"Don't worry hunny," Heaven said comfortingly, "It's gonna be okay. Try to grab me again."

She leaned down as far as she could and Tarra jumped. There was five feet of free space between their hands. Heaven nearly fell back in and hurriedly pulled herself out of the hatch.

"Heaven!" Tarra shouted, "Don't leave me!"

"I'm right here, hun."


It took an hour to find someone to help. The help happened to be Bert, who apologized for helping with the prank and jumped in the hole and lifted Tarra out.
Brandon helped him climb back out and Tarra clung to him for the rest of the day.


Heaven, however, had disappeared to find Pete. He was standing with Ross, Urie, Mikey and Patrick. She stalked up to them and stared from Ross to Wentz and back again.
She finally settled on Wentz pulled her fist back and gave him her best right hook.

"Holy--" he muttered, hand to his nose.

She pointed to Ross, "Don't worry, you'll get yours. Nell's gonna break you with one hand when we fly her into a venue."

"Was that retribution?" Patrick asked, scared to hear the answer.

"No, that was me telling you we call truce."

"I didn't think truces were supposed to be painful," Pete muttered.

"It's a truce. Both sides are getting fucked without lube," Heaven shot back, stalking off.

Later that night The Dominant E threw a party in honor of the truce. Everyone was drinking having fun. Heaven sat in a corner clacking away at her computer. Ryan was standing next to Pete and Brendon talking to Tarra.

"What are you doing?" he finally asked her curiously.

She looked up, eyebrow cocked.


"Writing what?"

"Ryan Ross fanfiction," she said with an evil glint in her eye.

"What kind?!"

"The kind that involves Brendon."

"Hey! Why am I a part of this. You like me now, remember? Why isnt Pete in it?"

"Oh he is, don't worry. See, Pete's an abusive ex-boyfriend and he likes sex without lube. Which tears Ross up, but he likes pain, and you refuse to hurt him so he cant get off with you. So he cheats with Pete, but--"

"No more!" Brendon whines, hands over ears.

"And I even have pictures to illustrate," Heaven continued.

She pulled up a photo gallery and presented Ryan pictures of him and Brendon cuddling.
Him and Pete in boxers hugging.

And surprisingly a picture from the night the boys played truth or dare and Ryan had to spend seven minutes in a closet with a drunk Pete, a feather boa, some sailor knots and a couple of silk scarves.

"How the hell did you get that picture?" he asked, face glowing.

She shrugged, "Pete's sidekick. The better question is, where are your clothes. And what exactly did Pete do to you that night. Maybe I'll write a one shot off of it."

His face went pale and he swallowed in apprehension.

"Oh my god, let me see that," he grabbed the computer and scanned the story. His eyes filled with disgust almost immediately.

"That looks like it hurts," he muttered, clutching at his bum.

"I'm sure it does," Heaven said none too soothingly.

"Some days I hate you," he muttered as she published the story to livejournal.

"I disavow any knowledge of this story," she said in response, shutting the lid to the computer, picking up her Smirinoff Twist and skipping off to find William.

In the morning she was excited as she geared up to play her first show in a while. Hyper she skipped to the breakfast tent and stole two bagels.
She knocked on The Academy is' bus door and thrust one at Mike as he once again answered the door.

"Morning darlin'," she said, "Bill?"

Silently he pointed toward the back. This time she purposely stood in front of the bathroom as Sisky stumbled out naked.

"You know," she said with a grin, "If I didn't know any better I'd say you want me to see you naked."

"I forgot my towel!" he huffed, trying to cover up himself and walk away with dignity.
As soon as he cleared the door out stumbled William, dressed in boxers leaking water every where.

"Conserving water again?" she cooed, "You know, if you have something to tell me--"
She tore a chunk out of her bagel and grinned at him. He just leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Okay then," she muttered, "I was just playing, but if you're gonna be freakishly angry--"
"I have to tell you some thing," he started.

"Uh oh, that never starts a good conversation," she said with an air of knowing in her voice.

"I--well, I'm back with my ex," William blurted. Heaven stared at him.

Looked away.

Stared again.

She smacked him dead center in the face with her bagel before marching off his bus and back to hers.

She spent the afternoon bent over her computer writing sordid stories in which Marilyn Manson fucked, killed and then played in William's blood. Her livejournal went from housing updates to housing a total of six slash fanfictions.

Tarra shook her head in amusement, though she refused to read any of them.

On stage Heaven pounded on her bass so hard that she chipped a pick and then wound up splitting her fingers open on the strings. She bled all over her guitar and then stormed off once the set was done.

Later (after she had ducked William for the third time) she sat at the merch tent staring at the stained instrument.

"You should clean it off before it really stains," someone said quietly from her left.

She looked into the pretty eyes of Bert and sighed. She took the sleeve of her very white, very new shirt and wiped off the blood with some spit.

"Don't be sad," Bert said, "I'll give you cookies."

"Will you just snuggle me?" Heaven asked instead, "And not tell Tarra I'm sad."

"I think everyone knows somethings up with you," Bert said as he led her back to her bus.

She crawled into her bunk and let him slide in behind her, pulling the covers over both of their heads.
His arm was solid around her waist as he snuggled into her back and for a little while her heart didn't hurt so much because there was only her, him and the dark that swallowed them whole.

Bert managed to get her out side for dinner. While they sat around a table at the back of the food tent they saw William with a girl hanging off him.
Tarra made sure she tripped and sent a glass of cran-raspberry juice all over the both of them. When they looked at her in horror she just shrugged and pointed at Ross who was sitting at the nearest table.

She quipped, "Watch those feet of yours Ross" before she climbed to her feet and stumbled off to find more juice.

The shrieks of the blonde girl could be heard from miles around.

Tarra Glared at Ryan as he stumble over his words while "apologizing" for his "mistake".
William may have disappointed Heaven, but she knew one sure way to make her best friend
smile again. It was time to Call Matt and Bryan in! Tarra went and sat next to Frank and
smiled at him.

"Hallo beautiful, heard about what happened to you. And that you all made a truce." He
said rubbing her back. Tarra smiled at him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Yep, and Bert saved me. Now I owe him a shag." She began to laugh as did Frank.

"Though he's never going to get it. I still love him though."

"Wait a minute here. I thought you had a thing for Brendon?"

"I do, doesn't mean that Bert doesn't strike my fancy, Frankie."

"Too True," He stated smiling. "Oh the love of my life is coming, she'll be here in about
an hour. Want to go and pick her up with me?"

"I might. I have a plan to make Heaven Happy. Want to help me?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Send our friends Matt Smith and Bryan Robertson plane tickets to get here by tomorrow

"Have you called them yet?"

"Nope, I was planing on doing that."

"Well Get to it!" He said reaching into her back pocket and pulling out her phone.

"Fine, mom!" She said while searching in her contacts for the said two.

"Hallo?" A groggy voice answered the other line as they had picked up.


"Yeah?" He asked yawning.

"Did I awake you from beauty sleep?"

"Yes, wait. Who is this?" He asked confused.

"Oh, sorry. Its Tarra .... "

"Oh! Shit, sorry."

"Its okay. I have a question for you."


"What are you doing for the next few weeks?"


"Can you get it off?"


"Heaven kind of needs cheering up, and you're the only one that can do it ... well Bryan too
... what's he doing by the way?"

"Probably sleeping I'll run it by him. And have him call you back. When do you want us
there?" There was the Matt she new and loved.

"Tonight? I don't know hold on." Tarra looked at frank and smiled. "Frankie when do we
hit the next venue?"

"Tomorrow afternoon." He stated smiling at her glowing face.

"Matt?" She asked placing the phone back to her ear.


"Okay. I'm going to go to the airport with a friend and buy the tickets, shut it. I'm buying
them. I'll have them ready for you to get. As soon as I find the best time for you to get
here I'll call you back. Sound good?" He sighed, but knew better than to complain about
her paying for anything.

"I guess!"

"Great!" She stated smiling. "I'll call you as soon as I know, Kiss Bryan for me .... never
mind ... don't! Find Kyle Healy for me and then kiss him." With that said Tarra hung up
and began to laugh.

"Smooth one Bratton, real smooth!" Frank said standing up and walking off.




"Well, go find someone else to entertain you."

"Fine I will, and I'm stealing your shirt!" She said while grabbing his 'I'm A Monster'
shirt from the back of the couch. He rolled his eyes and turned back to talking with his
wife Jamia. Tarra began to make her way to the merch tent when she spotted him. Dan
Whitesides, the new drummer and Jeph Howard where walking a few feet ahead of her.
She squealed to herself.

"Oh DANNYBOY!" She called out which made Dan turn to her with a frightened face.

"TAR-RAH!" Jeph screamed out at her as she ran and jumped into his arms.

"You pronounced it right. Yay I'm proud of you, you remembered!"

"How could I forget. First you were correcting me, then Heaven did it!"

"Want a brownie?" She asked smiling at him.

"Nah, not right now; me and Dan were on our way to go get some food."

"Ah, Danny boy. Tis the first time I've seen-eth you! Tarra's the name, Drumming's the
game!" She said letting go of Jeph as he put her down. She held out her hand for him to
shake, which he took.

"Dan, which you know."


"What band you in?" He asked looking at her quizzically.

"The Dominate E. Wanna entertain me you two?" She asked looking from one to the
other. Jeph just shook his head.

"Nope, we got to go stock up. Bert's on your bus though." He said winking at her as they
began to walk away. Tarra smiled to herself as she then made her way to the bus.

"BERT!" Tarra called as she opened the door. Jepha did say this is where he was. Tarra
searched the bus, and there was no sign of the blue eyed bugger. "Why didn't I stick with
Frank. Oh Yeah, Jamia is with him!" She mumbled to herself. She began to pout to her
self. Then mumbled something about shagging Bert.

"WHAT? are you serious?" Bert screamed running out from the back of the bus. Heaven
began to laugh as Bert jumped on top of Tarra's laying figure on the couch.

"Nope, not yet, sorry love. I told you. We'd have to get Married first. And you're not
ready to commit to me yet. Remember?" She asked trying to shove him off of her.

"Oh, your just a big tease."

"Only to you my love only to you!" She smiled then gave him a quick kiss. Heaven's smile
then turned into a smirk. She defiantly needed to talk to Tarra about this mess she was
getting into. First Brendon, now Bert.

Keri sat alone in the merch tent, slowly selling things. 30 Seconds To Mars was currently
on the stage, so it was a slow crowd. They didn't have to perform until about five, so they
had a day to burn away. And right now. Thats exactly what Keri was doing. She was
sitting behind a table, strumming her Guitar, and singing softly.

"Hey sexy, what you doing?" Quinn asked as he climbed over the table to sit next to her.

"Burning daylight, and waiting for Bryon to get back to take over." She said putting her
guitar down. Quinn smiled at her and the moved behind her.

"What are you doing?" She asked as he began to reach his arms around her.

"Giving you a hug?"

"You could have done that sitting beside me you know.

"Yup but then I couldn't do this," He reached downward and began to try and undo her
belt. Keri screamed and jumped out of her seat.

"What the hell do you think you are doing Allman?"

"Stealing your belt? It's pink, sparkling, and I want it!" He stated smiling at her.

"Why, it's holding up my jeans quite nicely."

"I could do that for you!" He stated wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Not until we date for at least six months." She stated sitting back down.

"Party pooper," He said pouting.

"Awe Quinn," Keri leaned over to him and gave him a quick kiss. He smiled at her and
then grabbed a hold of her hand. Bryon came back t the tent and smiled at the.

"Dating yet?" He asked looking at the two.

"No," Keri called out at the same time that Quinn began to nodd his head.

"Yes!" Quinn smiled looking at her.

"Since when?" She asked looking at him.

"Since you kissed me!" He stated smiling at her She began to laugh as he threw he over
his shoulder and proceeded to run with her.

"Take me to the bus!"

"Fine!" He opened the door to the 'sober' bus.

"This isn't the bus I ment!" She said as Quinn threw her down on the couch.

"Oh well!" He said as he proceeded to sit next to her. His hands once again moved to her

"No!" She said swatting his hands away from her favorite belt. She laid her head down
and fell into the abyss that is sleep. Quinn smiled to himself. This was the perfect time to
once again try to get that belt.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Jeph screeched as he seen a sleeping Keri
with Quinn pulling her belt half way out of it's loops. Keri bolted up and stared at Jeph.
She began to laugh while fixing her belt. Walking off the buss she gave Jeph a kiss on the
cheek and whispered.

"He wants my belt!"

"Tarra, Your phone is ringing!" Cristi called out from the front of the bus. Tarra smiled at
Bert as she pushed him out of her bunk.

"Hey, we were talking first!" He complained.

"Yeah but the talk of Gambit and Wolverine can wait until after this phone call." She said
going to get her phone. She looked at who was calling and smiled.

"Hey, wait a minute; okay?"

"Okay?" Came Bryan's confused voice. Tarra smiled at Heaven, who was currently
cuddling with a tub of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food, and watching Weird Science. She
made her way back to her bunk, and sit next to Bert.

"All right, now that I'm away from Heaven."

"Why get away from Heaven?" Bryan asked confused.

"She dont know you and Matt are coming yet."

"Oh, cool, well what's going on?"

"I tried to call Matt back while I bought the tickets!"

"Yeah, he said he could barely hear you."

"Yeah bad reception at the time. Are you two packed and ready to go?" She asked
crossing her eyes at the fish face Bert was making at her.

"No," He stated laughing.

"Well, get to it, your plane leaves at ten tonight, you'll be landing here at about midnight.
Me and hell ...Bert?" She asked looking at him.


"Will you go with me to the airport to pick these two up?"

"Who are these two?"

"Heaven and my friends Bryan and Matt."

"Sure." He said smiling at her.

"Okay back to you, Me and Bert will be there to get you."

"Bert who?"

"You'll see Bryan, you'll see!" She said smiling to her self as she hung up the phone and
laid back down in the bunk with Bert.

"Love-eth" she said as she began to slowly drift off to sleep before they had to go play.
Bert smiled over at her and shook his head. She was one confusing person to figure out
sometimes. He kissed her forehead then began to cuddle into her to fall asleep himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully these chapters aren't too hard to follow. Usually they admit to time change.