Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars


Tarra smiled to herself. She was sitting at the merch tent exchanging vows with Bryan,
while Matt declared them "married".

"I Tarra vow to protect Bryan from anything that shall come flying at his head!" With this said, Brandon threw a brownie at them. Tarra glared at him and then glared at Bryan.

"Never mind lover, you arent worth it. To many things come flying on that stage and
you'll be gone by the time we get to Kansas City!"

"Damn, and here I thought that you loved me enough!" Bryan pouted while standing up
and sitting on Matt's lap.

"You can marry Matt, Bryan, you two shall be like Heaven and I ... hell don't let her know
that I was taking marriage vows with you. She'd kick your arse!"

Tarra smiled at the pair and then began to sign a tee-shirt for a fan that just approached her.
She'd been sitting at the merch tent for three hours now. Not willing to go back to the bus nor find any of her
new found friends. She wanted to catch Beckett and his girlfriend walking around the
venue together. If she thought that something had gone on between Her and Bill, Tarra
was going to make it even worse. So far she'd only seen Mike and Sisky.

"TARRA!" Her eyes went wide as she began to look for exactly who and called her name.

It was familiar so it wasnt a crazed fan. Did they have crazed fans? Well there was that
time that Heaven and Tarra had their shirts ripped off them and most of their jeans ...

"WHAT!?!" She screamed out giving up on looking for the voice. Bert's face popped into
her vision causing her to jump and hit her head on his. Rubbing her forehead she glared at
him. "You scared the hell out of me Robert Edward McCracken!"

"No, not cool." He said glaring at her shaking his finger. He then noticed Matt and Bryan
sitting with her. "You two arent going to lock me in or out of anything are you?"

"No," they coursed together.


"Wait what happened?" Tarra asked looking from one to the other.

"When you fell asleep at the airport, I had to search for them myself. Well they stole you
out of my arms and ran off to the van with you, locking me out of it."

"Didn't you have the keys?"

"No, you did." He stated sitting down on the table in front of her.

"You didn't break the van getting in did you?"

"No, I'm not stupid enough to have Heaven kill me over breaking the special van."

"Too true. Bryon, Matt ... apologize for hurting my friend's feelings."

She glared at the two then smiled when they softly stated a sorry. "There all better. Now,
what can I do for you Mister McCracken?"

"Love me?" He asked batting his eyelashes at her.

"Already do."

"Kiss me?"
"Already have done that."

"Throw a party tonight?"

"How did I know that, that was going to be next?"

"I'm predictable?" He shrugged his shoulders and hopped off the table and began to run

"WAIT, COME BACK TO ME. I LOVE YOU!" She screamed after him.

Just then
William and company were walking a bit away. They all turned to look at her. One glaring
and three laughing. Tarra began to pout and pointed at William. "I LOVE YOU!" She
screamed out again. Bert was about twenty feet away. He turned around and waved.

"TO THE STAGE I MUST GO!" He called. By this time William had all ready dragged
everyone into the safely of their bus. Tarra laughed and nodded her head.

"One of you wish to join me in the crowd to watch?" She asked looking from Brandon to
Matt to Bryon.

"ME!" Bryan said jumping up from Matt's lap and running after Bert. "WAIT FOR ME!"
He screamed after him. Tarra shook her head and turned to Matt.

"Man crush?"

"Man crush." She nodded her head at him the made her way towards the stage.


"GAH! I can't believe your doing this!" Tarra screamed at Bert as her drug her onto the

"Do what?" Quinn asked smiling over at the two.

Jeph launched himself on top of her as the rest of the band followed suit. Tarra was screaming for them to get off of her. When they finally did the entire crowd was laughing at the five.

"Well lovelies, The next song is dedicated to Miss Bratton, drummer of The Dominate E
... mind you it took us three hours to get this down. Ready?" He asked.

The crowd screamed a yes, and Quinn and Jeph began to play the first few cords of A Decade
in Hell. The first song Tarra ever wrote. She began to blush as Bert began to
sing. She then began to laugh and stole the Microphone from him.

"Bert, you have nothing on Cristi with this song, You scream, I'll sing." Tarra smiled at
the crowd then waved as she spotted the rest of her band at the side of the stage.

"Someone get me a guitar!" She called out. Cristi came forward with the said instrument.
Who it belonged to was a mystery to them, it just so happened to be there.

"Now we can get this going." She started playing Cristi's part, Quinn and Jeph joining in.

Dan soon followed in with the drums. Mind you Tarra was wish that was her behind those
things, and not singing. Soon the rest of the band joined the stage and were jumping
around having fun. Tarra smiled at Bert as he finished off the song, screaming longer, and
a tad bit better than her and Heaven combined.

She smirked out to the crowd then nodded to everyone on stage. Giving Bert a quick kiss
on the cheek she ran off the stage.

"Well that was amusing!" Heaven stated skipping up to her friend.

"Apparently Keri gave Quinn the music for that one." Cristi added in.

"I did Not!" She protested and then blushed.

"Uh-huh," The three friends said looking at her.

"Oh, Party tonight. Heaven you ready?"

"Heck Yes!" With that said she went to spread the news to everyone she seen.

~Two hours and four tequilla shots later~

"Heaven," Tarra said stumbling over to her friend.

"Hum?" She asked looking at her drunk friend.

"I though we agreeeeeedddd t-t-t-t-ooo ne-ne-ne-never let me d-d-dr-ink this shit again!"

She said trying and missing to point to the bottle of Jose.

"We didn't, you just stated you wasn't going to. Remember you got really sick. Now how
many have you had?"

"I don't know, ask Bert!" With that she started to laugh and fell on her ass.



"Tarra you're fine, no more tequilla for you though, drink some water."

"No!" Tarra stood up and went to go pout in a corner.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm trying to really hard to get these chapters caught up, because the sequel is so much better, and we can't start posting it until this one is up.