Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

The Minute Man

Heaven was laughing, stomping around the venue telling their new found friends that they were throwing a party. Well, that there would be a party. Bert, since it was his idea, was supplying the alcohol.

"Siska!" Heaven yelled, seeing Adam, The Butch, Bill and his whore and a few other people talking outside The Academy is' bus.

"Heaven!" Sisky shot back.

"Bert wanted a party so we're giving him a party and you should come and make fun of the drunk kids with me."

She was purposely ignoring him as Sisky laughed, "Darling, I am the drunk kid."

"Come on Sisky Business, you know you wanna. And so does MIKE!"

"Nuh-uh, that last party you guys had I wound up with permanent marker all over my face."

"That was all Beckett darlin'" Heaven purred, "Besides, we told you the first person to pass out was gonna wake up with a penis on their face."

"You're mean."

"Coulda meant it in a literal sense. You could have woke up with Bert's dick in your face."

"Point taken...count me in."


She skipped off to find more people, effectively alerting My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Gym Class Heroes and Cute that there would be alcohol and loud booty music for their enjoyment.


There are certain times in Heaven's life when she can look back and say, 'yep, shouldn't have done that'. Drinking herself into a mind numbing stupor is one of them. See, Heaven is usually the sober person at parties. Okay, well, not so much sober as the soberest. She knows where her limit is and always stops right when that tingle begins to settle in her stomach and she feels nice.

She then usually spends the rest of the night alternating between taking care of Tarra and making fun of her. She is in charge of keeping watch over her drunk friends and making sure that no one takes advantage of them while they aren't quite there.
Of course, considering Heaven hasn't been herself lately, and just a shadow of the girl that use to smile freely and laugh openly, it is of course no surprise to anyone that the party that night didn't turn out quite that way.

After taking the tequila away from Tarra and insisting that she stick to the pussy shit like Smirinoff Ice and Bacardi Silver Heaven decided that she was a kid and she would have fun, damn it!

This is all good in theory. But after four shots of tequila, two of straight vodka and her third smirinoff Heaven was feeling a little too good. She was currently slouching against a picnic table, Matt planted firmly between her legs while she sipped Rum and cherry coke.

She kept licking her lips, making these happy little noises in the back of her throat each time she downed a little bit more of the drink. Spotting her best friend of ten point 2 years she became quite vocal.

"Tarra!" Heaven giggled loudly, drawing the attention of half of the people in their general area.

Tarra turned and squinted at her friend. Heaven's cheeks were flushed and she was staring deeply into her cup, before making a disappointed sound.

"MMMatt-mmme, willll you find me more rummmm, mmmm, rummm."

Matt took her cup and walked off to find the alcohol while Heaven leaned heavily against her friend.

"I have rummmm, mmmm, rummm," she was drawing out the m sounds, laughing at the tickle and rumble it caused in the back of her throat.

She licked at her lips again, finding the sticky sweet taste of the raspberry rum that had been mixed with her coke.

When Matt returned to hand her a glass Heaven had already drug Tarra near the speakers blasting Smack That. She was giggling and grinding against her friend, who was slightly less drunk than Heaven for the first time in their friendship.

"Not keeping up, Tar-Tar," she laughed, yanking Tarra's hips into her own as she plucked her drink from Matt.

She took a big gulp, moaned like a cheap whore before licking her lips. She pushed Tarra away and pulled Matt to her, her lips on his in a second. Matt ground into her, making her giggle as the song changed to some Sean Paul single from his first album.

"Mmmm, rummm," she breathed against his mouth. He just laughed.

"I wanna sit," she muttered against his collar bone, all hot breath and little gasps from the dancing.

He pulled her to a picnic table and she took the chance to sprawl across the top happily, glass of rum resting on her stomach. She tried to search the crowd from her back but it wasn't working. So she rolled to her side, her glance falling on Adam and Mike.

She gave a huge grin, "Sisky Business!" she shouted kicking her feet happily.

She took another long gulp, her words slurring, her eyes squinting at the two.

"Sisky!" she giggled as he walked over, leaning down to eye level with her, "I have rum and cock!"

"What!" he was laughing. She repeated herself.

"Rum and cock!"

She leaned over the edge of the table as Matt took her glass for another refill wordlessly and pulled her friend into a chaste kiss. Surprised he pressed a kiss back to her mouth before patting her on her head.

"You're pretty when you naked," she whispered against his lips with a grin.

"I'm sure you are too, love," he whispered back, pulling away.

Heaven chuckled, "Who needs love!?" She shouted happily, "When you have alcohol!"

Matt handed her another glass and she took it happily, kneeling on the table and gulping as fast as she could.

"Matt! Why is the rum gone!"

"You drank it all silly."


"Not tonight."

"We can fuck?"


Matt pressed a kiss to her lips, picking her up off the table. Heaven and Matt had their own way of talking to each other. Asking for a fuck was her way of asking him to put her to bed.

"Be back in ten," Matt said loudly, trying to catch Tarra's attention.

William, who had been looking on the whole scene from her declaration about love to the offer for a fuck with a pissed of look on his face, shot angry, slightly slurred words at Matt.

"That all it takes, then?" Loathing and contempt in his voice.

Matt shifted Heaven in his arms, who giggled.

"Beckett looks pissed," she laughed.

"Better than being a one minute man," Matt shot back.

"Sick burn," a trashed Bert squealed in a high pitched voice.

Heaven began singing as Matt turned toward The Dominant E's bus.

Ohhhh I don't want, I don't need, I can't stand no Minute Man
I don't want no Minute Man
Ooooo here's your chance be a man, take my hand, understand
I don't want no Minute Man


When Matt came back from the bus after Heaven had successfully curled up on her side and fell asleep with her bear tucked beneath her chin it was to Tarra whimpering loudly that no one wanted to kiss her.
Bert leaned in quickly, trying to plant on of her lips, but Brendon pulled her away, leaving Bert floating alone in the air.

"Aww," he sighed unhappily, "I never get no love."

Bryan took that opportunity to pop out of no where and plant a huge, wet kiss to Bert's mouth. Bert giggled his high pitched laugh. Tarra sighed, she was still lonely.

That was when Brendon decided to put her to sleep. As he tucked her into her bunk alone (she was trying to grope him) he pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Go to sleep now," he demanded and she smiled up at him cheekily.

"Kiss me again and I might."

Sighing he leaned over and kissed her again, and he felt the air rush out of her lungs in one gust. When he pulled away her eyes had already slipped closed and she was sleeping quietly. He made sure to pick Blue up off the floor and tuck him in her arms before he left, laughing to himself.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the THIRD update of the night. Please be sure to read all of the chapters.

The "who needs love when you have alcohol" quote is from This is Bullshit. So is my drunken love for screaming rum and cock.

Although that is my favorite drink.