Sequel: Drumsticks 2.0

Drumsticks, Starter Kits and Bass Guitars

Shower Shower Skywalker

"Oh gods was I hit by a train?" Tarra mumbled as she rubbed her head and slowly sat up
in her bunk.

"No, you got trashed and asked everyone to make out with you!" Bryan stated smiling at

"Oh gods, did anyone?"

"Sadly no, Bert tried to kiss you, then Brendon stopped him, and took you away and into
here. Heaven got trashed too."

"Really?" She asked eyes going wide.

"Really, really!"

"Where is she?"

"In bed sleeping it off, we shall be arriving at the next venue in ten minutes." The bus then
stopped. "Never mind we're here!" Tarra groaned again. she needed a hot shower,
excedrin migraine, and some a cup of pedilite.

"Um, Bryan?"

"Whaaaatttt?" He whined as he moved into the kitchenette to fix a bowl of Cinnamon Toast
Crunch, which happened to be her cereal.

"What venue are we at now?"

"Ummm I think we are in Salt Lake City. Oh Gods the crowd's gonna be crazy for The

"Uh-huh, and they'll be crazy right back. I need pain killers!" She whined while moving to
lounge on the couch.

"Well I say it's time to ask a fan to take you home. The first show is in thirty minutes, the
really close locals are usually already waiting. Go offer a free backstage pass, if they'll let
you go take a shower and feed you Pedilite!" Bryan shrugged.

"Hum, not too bad, will you carry me there?"

"Nope, go ask your lover boy Urie!"

"He's NOT my Lover, that's Heaven Duh!" She stated laughing.

"Uh-huh and me and Matt are way more than friends, go ask Brendon or Bert to take you.
Hell Frank ..."

"I don't wanna ask Frank, the wife is here. They could be nekked and cuddling!" Tarra
shivered at the thought. "Bert's more than likely in the same boat Heaven is, lala land,
dreaming away about top heavy and nekked women." She shook her head and left the bus
in search of Brendon, or hell anyone awake and wondering around. Gerard Smiled and
waved at her, smiling back she gave a half wave.

"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked smirking as she place her sunglasses on.

"I woke up to my head pounding, Gerard save me from my hangover!" He began to laugh
at her. "Stop laughing I was serious!"

"Well what do you want me to do?" He asked raising an eyebrow still smirking.

"Help me find a fan to take me home." At this his eyes went wide and shook his head.

"Me help you with that?"

"Uh-huh," he shook his head but agreed to help her in this problem. "We need to stop at
more hotels!" Tarra giggled.


"I took a shower on the bus and had an allergic reaction... I was uncomfortable for four
days. I apparently can't use the shower on the bus. I have to shower either at a fan's house
or at a hotel."

"Since we aren't stopping, it's a fan's house now huh?" He asked as she jumped onto his
back as they got closer to the gates. There was about seven or eight people standing near
them which made Tarra giggle and them all turn to stare at them.

"Hallo all you beautiful people!" She stated as she slowly got down from Gerard's back.
"Which one of you ........ eight people live really close to this venue?"

"Why?" Some red head asked looking from her to Gerard as if they had two heads.

"Well, isn't that a stupid question?" A black headed boy turned toward the girl. "That's
Tarra, the drummer for The Dominant E." Hs stated as if that should explain everything.
Everyone around him gave him the 'you're stupid stare.'

"I take it you're one of the .... hundred of thousands that voted for us to be on this tour?"
Tarra smirked at him.

"You got it babe!" He smiled at her and gave a half wave.

"Live close by?"

"About a mile and a half."

"Cool beans, want a backstage pass?"

"Hell yes!"

"Cool beans once again. Gerard?"


"I heart you!"

"What do you want?"

"For you to find Bert and steal a backstage pass from him!"

"He doesn't have them!" he stated in a sing song voice.

"Well who does?" She asked looking at him.

"Why it's me of course!"

"Well fork one over mister I got a band to wake up, and a home to invade for an

"Nope, you're too mean and cruel to take over this kid's house."

"I are not!"

"You are too!"

"I swear I'll toss all the chick flicks out the window ... and not cry and make anyone buy
me a new hair straighter, when Keri tosses mine out the window for getting rid of all the
movies her and Cristi watch ... PLEASE GERARD I'LL WRITE YOU A MORBID
POEM THAT OUT DOES HEAVEN'S" By this time, Tarra was whining and on her
knees with her arms wrap firmly around Gerard's legs.

"Okay, okay. Get off me, go let the kid in, and I'll run to the buss and grab a pass. Sheesh
You sure do know how to make a scene." He shook her off him as she squealed in delight,
soon regretting it, for it made her head pound worse. She turned back to the fence and
noticed that there was a bunch of people standing there, but the one that was laughing was
the lone boy for the moment.

"What's with all these girls?" Tarra mumble to her self. Then laughed at the fact that there
was in fact more of the male species standing there too. Damn long hair, not that she

"Um, How am I supposed to get back there?" Tarra cocked her head to the side and
stared at him like he was stupid.

"First we do an introduction." She nodded and smiled at him.


"Tarra, now I have to hide you from the dark side young Luke... for once Wentz,
JoeTroth, and Heaven find that out you're sure to join .... Wait ... What? Hum I'll meet
you at the gate ... right over there." She pointed to the gate since it was only a few feet
away, but he had to struggle his way toward it.

"Umhumm." she mumbled to her self. She stared at the crowed gates and laughed as she
seen Luke fighting his way forward. Maybe she should save him. Then again if anyone out
there really knew her behind the sunglasses, she was bound to loose her shirt ... wait her
shirt. She looked down and noticed, yep, Bert's tee-shirt and his shorts from last night ...
how the hell? She'll ask questions later, for now she had a Luke to save.

Opening the gates she smiled at the faces around her. Smirking she walked right up to
Luke and grabbed the collar of his black shirt and proceeded to take him back to the gates
with her. As soon as she got to them she turned and smiled at the shocked faces.

"He owes me money," She shrugged her shoulders and took him behind the gates that
were to open in a few short minutes. Gerard was standing there laughing at her.

"Well, that's one way to do it. Here you go kid." he handed luke the pass and then turned
to leave.

"I don't think so Mister Way." Tarra glared at his retreating back. She turned to smile at
Luke. "Welcome to the back. Just beware of the other Jedi young Luke. With that she ran
and jumped on Gerard's back again. "Come on Luke, you get to help me awake sleeping

Forty Minutes Later

"Come on Heaven, I know it hurts," Tarra mumbled rubbing her head with one hand and
her friend's back with the other. "This is what happens when you out drink me, and try to
out drink Bert!"

"Who tried to out drink me?" Bert asked walking onto the bus. "And Who the fuck is
this?" He said pointing to Luke sitting on the couch.

"That my dear man, is Luke ... not to be confused with Skywalker! For he is new to the
force. Oh and Heaven did."

"I take it she found your name amusing and stated talking Star Wars to you!" Keri stated
walking in the room an ice pack on the back of her neck.

"Yeah, but I don't mind. it's actually quite amusing." Tarra smiled at her new found

"You know what ... Bert, go awake Cristi, I'll give you a brownie, and you can come with
us to Lukes House."

"Why are you going to Luke's house, and how did you get my clothes?"

"One, because we all have hangovers; and need to take a hot shower, down some
Excerdrin Margarine, and drink one cup of Pedilite. Two ... I have no idea how I got your
clothes ... I should wake Bryan back up ... or find Matt. Call Brendon ... yeah ... BDEN ..
he should know ... he was sober right?"

"I don't know!" Bert shrugged and plopped down on the couch. Smiling at Luke the
entire time. "So, how old are you?"


"Here with anyone?"

"Sadly no, they bailed out on me." Bert made a mock gasp.

"Those bastards!" Luke raised an eyebrow but smiled anyway. It's not everyday that one
get dragged back stage by a band member, and interrogated by a frontman of another. Hell
Gerard just waved and said very little to him before leaving them to wake up the other
three girls.

"Yeah well, you win some, you lose some. Now Bert, leave Luke alone, go awake Cristi,
and I'll give you that kiss that Bryan said Brendon wouldn't let me give you!" With a
devilish smirk set on his face, he shot up from his spot and ran to the back.
"You're mean, Tarra Lyn!"

"But, I was serious!" Tarra stated. She then heard Bert screaming into the back, followed
but a screech. Bert came running back into the room. Hands over his eyes.

"I'm BLIND!"

"What the Hell happened, keep your voice down!" Heaven groaned grabbing a hold of her head.

"Cristi .... Naked ...... Pete ..." Was all that he said eyes wide and his face white. Then he
began to laugh, running back into the bunks, more than likely to taunt the two. Heaven
shook her head, as did the rest of them.

"Well, I guess that means I don't need to kiss him ..." Just as the words left her mouth
Bert ran back into the room big smile on his face. He grabbed Tarra around the waist
tilted her backwards and planted a very firm kiss to her lips. Her eyes went wide, before
she just went with it and kissed him back. The door to the bus flung open and there in it
stood a very confused looking Patrick Stump and Brendon Urie.

"What the Hell?" Brendon shouted out causing Bert to let Tarra go, and her falling to the
floor. She howled in pain.

"Ouch, Bert, you hurt my bum. Now ... Brendon .. I owed him a kiss. Hell after he
rescued me I told him I owed him a shag?" She shrugged her shoulders and moved to get
up off the floor, All the While Brendon's face went from Fury, to fear, to sadness in less that a minute. Just as she did. Pete and Cristi burst into the room. Fully clothed

"It wasn't what it looked like!" Pete shouted out to no one.

"Yeah it was, Bert Kissed me, and you slept with Cristi apparently. Moving on. Cristi's
awake ... I want a shower .. TO THE VAN!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I love the Luke. Oh my, Hannah Montanna is on my tv.
Her dress is totally messed up Alice in Wonderland. It looks like a rainbow threw up.
WIth rhinestones.

I want it.